Hexploreit: Valley of the Dead King - Cover

Hexploreit: Valley of the Dead King

Copyright© 2020 by Board Game Stories


I called my first solo game of this too soon because I missed an ability that would have let a character escape death in the final battle. So I set up a new game with a different striker and a more traditional healer. Even though this game got off to a slower start than the first one, I eventually bought an item that “broke” the timer allowing me to achieve an arbitrary power level before deciding when the battle with the titular Dead King occurred.

Keeping a log of the game helped me learn it by slowing me down and not getting steps out of order. If reading this fictional travel log amuses anyone in this time of social distancing, that’s a plus. I apologize in advance if I make any mistakes spelling names from the game. This is a travel log from the point of the view of the characters picked for the game, Sabrina and demonborn priestess and Thomas an elven Brute.

Chapter 1 »
