Per Ardua Ad Astra - Cover

Per Ardua Ad Astra

Copyright© 2013 by normist

Chapter 40: HD 129357

I was shocked to see Niels Gentry sitting in my friend's chair.

"Where's Bob?" I asked.

"He's on leave, a fishing trip, I believe. In the meantime, I'm filling in for him. Where's your report?"

"I haven't got one. I only got back late last night."

"Tut, tut," observed Doctor Gentry.

"Look here, Doctor, I came in to ask Bob to see if he could find an administrator to organize the staff to start the first University on Osmum. That's the inhabited planet around Alpha Centaurus, you know."

"I know, Admiral. I do read your reports. And now, the President asked to see you when you arrived."

He got up from behind the desk and grabbing my elbow escorted me to the Oval Office. It felt as if I was being frog-marched.

"He's expecting us," growled the Doctor at the secretary sitting outside. The Secret Service Agent outside the door opened it for us and we entered the Oval Office.

"Good morning, Admiral," said the President, smiling, "please sit down. Tell me, what brings you to see me this morning?"

"Apart from Doctor Gentry, you mean?"

"Ah, yes," he smiled.

"We need help in starting a University on another planet called Osmum. I told them that I would ask you for help in their project. I think that we should send them an administrator first. Perhaps a team. I should think that they would provide the teaching staff to start with, but they want to learn from us as well. It gives us an opportunity to send a representative to their planet."

"Good work, Admiral. I'll see that someone suitable is selected."

I didn't ask what 'suitable' meant.

"Another thing, Mister President, is that they have pointed us in the direction of another, more advanced, race, about a month's travel distant."

"You wish to go and investigate?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Very well. We'll try and sort out your other problem from here. We should have some answers for you when you return."

"Thank you, Sir." The Doctor and I left the Oval office. We walked back to Bob Mather's office before I left.

"I'll look into finding teaching and administrative staff for you, Admiral. What cultural stage are they at? I need to know that in order to judge what your teaching requirements will be."

"Thank you, Doctor, they are just preindustrial I should guess."

When I got back to the Holloman Base, I noticed that two more containers had been added to the Endeavour. One of them was a cold storage container. My arrival had been noticed and one of the Ensigns Crisp hurried towards me. After a narrow escape from tripping himself up, he saluted.

The Ensign said, "The Endeavour is ready to depart, Sir. Will you board now, Admiral?"

"Give me a few minutes to check my office. I'll be along shortly."

"Aye, aye, Sir." He departed at a brisk trot.

I crossed the road to the Control Tower block, where my office is located.

"Good morning, Sir" said Sergeant Murchison as I entered.

"Morning, Kate. Are there any chores that need looking at."

"There's nothing that urgent that we can't deal with. I've sent a load of material to Endeavour to keep you occupied on your trip into the wild blue yonder."

"Thank you. I'll see you in two or three months then."

I turned and left to make my way to the runway where the Endeavour was waiting for me. I climbed the steps and greeted the Marine stationed there to close the door behind me, and passed out of the airlock. I was greeted by the shrill cry of Bosuns' pipes. I wonder where they got those from.

I walked forward to the bridge to be greeted with:

"Admiral on the bridge!"

"As you were," I said. A most useful phrase!

We reached Osmum by what would have been evening back at Holloman Base, but was three megs past eight hue, (getting on for lunchtime), on Osmum. I got Ensign James Crisp to fly me from Krust to the capital. We landed beside Kah's 'hen' run, and I led Brian in through the back door.

"Hullo, Mel. Is Kah at home?"

"No, Bil, but I expect him home soon for the midday meal. Who are you, young man?"

"Ensign Brian Crisp, Ma'am."

"That's Brian to the people of Osmum, Mel," I added.

She chuckled, "You'll stay for the midday meal, Brian?"

"I'd be delighted, Ma'am."

"Bil, take him through to the eating room. He can help Weem."

After I had introduced the two youngsters, I could see that they were interested in each other. I decided to retire to the kitchen. Mel smiled at me.

"He is rather handsome, isn't he?"

"I wouldn't know."

I was saved from following up this conversation by the return of Kah. I was able to tell him that I had initiated the process of finding an administrator for his university. He was delighted and thank me profusely. The midday meal was excellent and I used the opportunity to ask Kah for more details about the visitors. One surprise was that Weem volunteered to join our expedition to HD 129357. Kah and I exchanged glances before he suggested that she might prove useful. In the interest of interstellar relations, I agreed, and told Weem that she had fifteen megs in which to pack.

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