Robert Macleod - the Early Years - Cover

Robert Macleod - the Early Years

Copyright© 2012 by normist

Chapter 2: MIT Settling in

Ashland is only twenty three miles from the MIT campus in Cambridge, but that distance makes it too far to travel daily. The trip could be made by train, but that would have been too expensive. Moreover, it would have meant missing out on the extracurricular and social activities on campus. So it was decided that I would board in Cambridge and come home on occasional weekends.

The first day at college was really a chance to explore the geography of the campus and to explore the opportunities in activities outside the classroom. Arriving on Campus, I reported to the administrative office. I was given a dorm room assignment and a bunch of papers which included a map. Fortunately, I did not have to walk, as a number of horse-drawn omnibuses were circulating the students around the Campus.

Having found the right building, I then looked for my room. Three flights of stairs took me and my heavy suitcase to the top floor. There I found my room. My room-mate was already there and was unpacking his case. Cecil Henry and I introduced ourselves and decided to get some lunch, Afterwards, we would explore the social possibilities.

Over lunch, Cecil told me something of himself. He was from New York, where his father owned a small chain of hardware stores. He had discovered his Talent when he found himself picking up some screws that had scattered from a box he had dropped. They jumped back in the box when he allowed his annoyance get the better of himself. He was hoping to become a healer. That is a seven year course as opposed to my three years, but we would be spending the first five trimesters together.

One of the halls near the dormitory house was set up to recruit the freshmen to the different clubs and groups within the student body. To start with, I thought to give all these a miss. I didn't want to distract myself from my studies with sports. As for the Glee Club and the Choir, I couldn't carry a tune even if it was wrapped up in a neat parcel, and equipped with a carrying handle.

Then I saw where they were recruiting for the Pistol and Rifle Club. Now there I could acquire skills that would serve me well in my future career. I also wondered about the Martial Arts Club, but decided to leave it, for the time being. Cecil, I saw, was inquiring at the Drama Club desk.

Having put my name down for the Pistol and Rifle Club, I joined up with Cecil. We spent the remainder of he afternoon exploring the Campus. It would save us a lot of time on Monday, if we knew where we were going.

Now I know that this tale is going to appear to be describing the whole of a college course in sorcery, but, seriously, it is only the highlights. It's just that the first few days were all highlights!

The differences between high school and college are as stunning as being hit in the face with a wet fish.

Monday morning proved to be cloudy, but dry. We arrived early at our classroom and discovered that we were in a class of about twenty students. On the stroke of nine, the classroom door opened and a young man entered.

"Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Alex Redding and I will be your class tutor for the next five trimesters. This will be your classroom for that period. Now all but two of you have been shown to have the Talent. Those two, of course, will be excused the practical course work that the rest of you have to do. They will be given their own projects of a commensurate standard."

"In this part of your course, you will be required to pass examinations in the following eight subjects: The History of Magic, Sorcery 101, Mathematics and Logic, Parapsychology 101, Alchemy 101, Theoretical Thaumaturgy, Ethics and last, but not least Healing 101. Are there any questions?"

Someone asked, "Are we to use this classroom all the time?"

"Yes, or, at least, most of the time. We work on the principle that moving your lecturers is more efficient than moving you. Besides which, some of us need the exercise more than you do! Is there anyone else with a question?"

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