Robert Macleod - the Early Years - Cover

Robert Macleod - the Early Years

Copyright© 2012 by normist

Chapter 12: The Blackmail victims

The next morning, at ten o'clock, I entered the Bravo Nuevo and asked for Goodman Roche. I was taken to his office where he welcomed me. I noticed that after the door closed he looked somewhat apprehensive.

I said, "Let me start by saying that I'm here investigating a case of blackmail and nothing else."

He looked a little more cheerful when he heard that.

I continued, "If during the of my investigation, someone tells me about a minor infringement of the legal system, I'm empowered to warn the informant to cease such behavior and that's an end to it. Now please tell me about the blackmail to which Goodman McCarthy is subjecting you to."

"When I was starting out with the Bravo Nuevo, I took over premises which had once been a flourishing restaurant, but had gone seriously downhill. They were eventually forced to close when they faced an infestation of cockroaches. We cleaned out the premises and refitted the kitchens. I thought that we had gotten rid of all the cockroaches, but when the inspector came to give us the all-clear, he found one dead cockroach. He suggested that he would give us our clearance if I greased his palm. To my everlasting regret, I paid him what he asked for. Somehow, McCarthy got hold of the story some six months ago, and I have been paying him ever since."

"Perhaps you would be good enough to give me the name of the Health Official. It might have been a trick which he may have used elsewhere."

"It was a Goodman Stark, I think."

"Thank you for your patience with me. I think that you can forget about Goodman McCarthy, as from next week. I'll let you know how things turn out."

With that I made my farewells and set off to interview the next victim. Goodman Eric Lipton had his head office only three blocks away from the Bravo Nuevo. Fortunately when I asked to see him, he was in. I was escorted to his office.

After he asked what he could do for me, I said, "My name is Robert MacLeod and I am the Personal Investigator of the Governor General. I'm in Little Rock to look into a case of Blackmail."

"And how does that affect me?"

"I was at Goodman McCarthy's election meeting two nights ago and my Talent identified you as one of his victims. I have to tell you, that unless your transgression is very serious, I can overlook it in order to convict Goodman McCarthy."

"It was many years ago. When I was setting out, one of my suppliers of building materials had gone broke and could no longer supply me. I managed to find a replacement supplier, and to save time I had him deliver the goods direct to the builder. I didn't know at the time that he had delivered sub-standard goods. The builder was in a hurry and didn't notice either."

"Was there any physical danger in these sub-standard goods?"

"No. They were perfectly adequate, but they were not what the customer had paid for. Or what any one of us had paid for. The supplier was the one to benefit. Somehow Goodman McCarthy heard of the incident and has been blackmailing me ever since."

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