Poems (The Sad Ones) - Cover

Poems (The Sad Ones)

Copyright© 2012 by Katherine Knezevic

That's Not Me

A look in the mirror, but I'm not there,
A deeper look into my eyes,
And I still can't find myself in there.

I smile to my reflection,
And it smiles back at me,
But that's not the smile I once had.

That's not the girl I used to be.
So I keep looking, I keep hoping,
I keep thinking- She'll return to me.

Days went by ... she didn't come.
I still kept looking and waiting for her time,
I didn't want to see what have I done.

The sorrow I felt made her go away,
But I'll make her come back someday.
The day I chase my sadness away,
That happy old me will come to stay.

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