My Angel of Dark - Cover

My Angel of Dark

by Katherine Knezevic

Copyright© 2012 by Katherine Knezevic

Poem Story: A poem about our darkness, our bad habits, all that we don't like about us finally leaving us. And about the feeling that's left behind. IS it the way we thought it will be? Have a read.

Tags: Angels   Demons  

It's ripped apart, and now cut open,
With sole intention to stay that way.

The bridge is ruined, the doors have fallen,
There is no place to run away.

Where shell it go, that cold, dark creature,
In its moment of need and despair?

Can it survive so far astray,
Now when it isn't a part of me?

Without the beat of my battered heart,
What shall become from the angel of dark?

Now when the hope is again at my start,
What will be brought with the final card?

My dark creature cracked my soul open,
And flew away with big a piece of mine.

And I feel sorry for its leaving,
I'm used living with it, side by side...

There is more of this story...

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