An Empire's War - Cover

An Empire's War

Copyright© 2012 by James Douglas

Chapter 5

Valensus knew he was in trouble. Somehow, the new Intelligence agents, whom he called Hunters, of the Caliphate had found out about him. He did not think that he caused this, but he could not be sure. In any event, he knew his communications with the IIA were still secure and he used them to send information to Rome while hiding and waiting for a way out. He had gotten a message from his superiors to leave as soon as possible; the two countries had been at war for the last two weeks.

Now one of his informants wants to meet with him. Valensus has only meet with him once before to meet him, taking over for Valensus's predecessor. All other communication has been through drops. Now he gave the signal that he wanted to meet. With Hunters on the prowl looking for him, the first thought that came to his mind is that his informant had been compromised and that the meet was a trap. Valensus agreed to the meet, but at a public area, with many ways to run if needed, in one hour. As a precaution, he sent a report to Rome saying he was meeting with Aninaces, his informant.

Valensus took a few more precautions. He went into a building near the Manakh Garden, where the meet was to take place. The building was able to overlook the garden and give his some idea if it was a trap or not.

He waited thirty minutes past the meet time, longer then he would normally wait. During that time, he did not see anything out of place and was able to spot his informant. Aninaces did not have anyone tailing him, or any undercover Hunters. Valensus decided to risk making the meet, picking up his music radio, tuned to a station known to play loud music.

He walked up to his sitting informant with his radio blaring loud enough to mask their conversation to any bugs or wires.

"As-Salāmu 'alayka," came the voice of Aninaces, looking ahead as if not acknowledging Valensus.

"Wa 'alayka s-salām," replied Valensus doing the same sitting down.

"You're late."

"Sorry, I have to more precautions during these perilous times. I almost didn't come, but I knew that you would not ask for a face to face if it was not vital."

"I have new, important information. But I want something in return."

"And that would be?"

"Asylum. I want to defect. In return, I will tell your government all that I know. Military positions, numbers, who really is in charge, everything."

Valensus looked at him now, face expressionless. His mind swirled with thoughts, both good and bad.

"I would need something to bring to my superiors, so that they know this is real. Something they can verify that they might not already know," said Valensus after a time.

"Tell them that the commander of the army on the southern border of Mesopotamia, Bassem al-Khaliq, is being replaced tomorrow. The new commander, Salah al-Basir, is meeting him. What al-Khaliq does not know is al-Basir has secret orders to take over the army. The Sultan believes that al-Khaliq is a sympathizer and will be executed for treason. Four days from now they will attack heading towards Babylon."

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