An Empire's War - Cover

An Empire's War

Copyright© 2012 by James Douglas

Chapter 34

"How you holding up?"

"Would you believe me if I said I am as cool as a cucumber?" replied Ninian.

"No. You forget, I have seen you before taking a city. You look right now just as you did before we took Ha'il," said Knut.

"Ha. I'll remember that when it's your turn buddy. By the way, when are you going to marry my sister? Do you even want to marry her?"

"By the Gods, YES. As for asking her, I asked her last night. She said, yes."

Ninian smiled and hugged his soon to be brother in law, "Congratulations."

"Thank you."

Ninian sat back and closed his eyes, thinking back to last night. Instead of a bachelors party Cornelius knighted him again, twice. His official rank in the Order of Flamma was now Knight Grand Cross, only one-step down from Cornelius. He also became a Knight Grand Cross in the Order of Romulus, the oldest order in the Empire.

Six months-ago he almost got married, he was ready. However, trouble reared its ugly head. G. Erastos Pontius, the second son of the Proconsul of Asia, attacked Ninian. His reasoning, that Aemila didn't really love Ninian and loved him. Aemila was just marrying Ninian because he had something on her.

Ninian ended up wounded and had to spend some time in the hospital, enough so that the dignitaries that came for the wedding had to leave. Because of the dignitaries and their busy schedules, the next time they could come was this week.

The knock at the door reveled Ninian's Nav. of his Praetorian Guard.

"It is time Ser Julius."

"Thank-you Nav.," turning to Knut he asked, "You have the ring, right?"

Knut had a passing moment where he was going to play with Ninian, but he thought better and just nodded.

The two men walked out of the little room they were given to use and walked to the alter in the Pantheon. When the old ways came back to Rome, the first building taken back was the Pantheon. It was cleaned out of Christian items and filled once again with the Gods. Each High Priest came and re-consecrated the building.

At the altar stood Cornelius dressed as the Pontifex Maximus, white skull cap and robes. Music began to play and Ninian turned to see Aemila walking down the aisle with a candle in her hands. She looked beautiful in her white robes with her flame colored veil and a crown of violets on her head. The robe clinched to her waist from the rope belt, tied with the Knot of Hercules. When she got to the altar, she and Ninian turned towards each other staring onto each other's eyes. Cornelius then started the ceremony. Ninian didn't listen until he heard he name.

Ninian remembered his queue and held out his hand to Knut for the ring. Taking the ring he placed it on Aemila's left ring finger.

"I, Ninian Julius Brian, take, Aemila Domitilla Paulus, as my wife. Ubi tu Gaia, ego Gaius."

Aemila responded, "I, Aemila Domitilla Paulus, take, Ninian Julius Brian, as my husband. Ubi tu Gaius, ego Gaia."

The two then turn to the assembled crowd and walk to the entrance. Music played and applause rang throughout the temple. The reception at the palace was nothing but dancing and getting congratulations. Near the end Ninian and Aemila cut the cake and served the most important people and guests. Then right before the reception ended, Aemila blew out the candle she turned her back to the crowd and tossed the candle behind her.

After she tossed it she said, "Quando tu Gaius, ego Gaia."

Now they had the rest of their lives.

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