An Empire's War - Cover

An Empire's War

Copyright© 2012 by James Douglas

Chapter 30

Ninian walked into Domitus's office promptly at 11 the next day wondering what the Imperator wanted to talk to him about.

"Ah, Ser Julius. As I said, there is nothing wrong; I just want to talk to you. I would like you to be temporarily assigned to me while your Legionem is here in Rome. I think it would help you later when you take the throne.

"Old Vespasian did the same to me, but by that time, he could not devote as much time as he would have liked. I just don't want you making the same mistakes I did."

"Of course, Sire. But could we start tomorrow? I need to get my Class A for the party and I would like to spend some time with Ameilia before she has to go back to school."

"I see nothing wrong with that. And Julius, when we are alone, you may call me Cornelius."

"I am honored Cornelius, you may call me Ninian."

"Good afternoon Elder Berko," said Subira.

"Subira, when you see the Romans tell them if we can get three more shipments we can start our coup. We just need for the armies to leave the city."

"Yes Elder."

Subira meet with the Romans bringing in the weapons shipments. She relayed the message. As the weapons were coming in once a month, in three months the Resistance would be ready to free her people from that monster that calls himself King.

Once the Romans got into International water, they sent the message to the IIA where it found its way to the Imperator. Attack plans were started to tie up troops.

Ninian stood at the table, listening and watching the meeting about the war. They had gotten information a few weeks ago that the Resistance would be ready to go in three months with the final shipment. This meeting the Parat Agrums presented the plan for getting the Caliphate soldiers away from New Aksum.

The plan called for the most desert experienced Legionems to be in the drive. This meant Imperial Army Legionems III-V and Auxilias from the entire desert Provinces. This meant Ninian and his Legionem. They would make an attack drive towards New Aksum while other Auxilia Legionems fortified the other line.

A message was sent to the Resistance to wait a month after the final shipment, to ensure the armies are gone, and so Rome can get ready.

As the meeting broke up Ninian thought back to the engagement party two nights ago. His family left yesterday, while Knut went back to the Cohor.

Ninian and Aemilia walked into the Aula Regia last. Normally the Imperator would be announced last, but in special occasions, like his children announcing their engagement, the special couple is announced last.

Ninian as he was told wore his Class A uniform with sash, star and sword. He only had one medal on his chest, the Armilla Medal. Given to those who have been wounded or killed in action. The Class A uniform is formal uniform of the Roman military. It features a midnight blue evening coat with a dark red waistcoat and midnight blue trousers with a large gold stripe and smaller red stripe within the gold.

Aemilia wore a green evening gown, held up by her neck. Her normal straight hair, hung loose down her back in curls. Upon her head sat the smaller silver Laurel Crown, signifying her as the Principis Iuventutis. Two pieces of jewelry completed her look. The first being a pair of simple gold earrings. The second being a simple gold necklace.

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