An Empire's War - Cover

An Empire's War

Copyright© 2012 by James Douglas

Chapter 17

Ninian stepped off the transport helicopter in his field uniform and gear. The helo held only cargo and Ninian in its bay. The rest of the people on board were the crew. Standing outside the wash from the rotors stood a Decanus. Ninian's orders said that someone would be there to meet him.

"Nav. Julius?" asked the Decanus.

"Yes, Decanus," replied Ninian.

"I'm C. Odilia Iuliana, your Cohor Clerk. I'm here to escort you to your quarters, then to the mission briefing."

"Lead the way, Dec."

They walked to a group of a dozen medium size tents all in a line. These tents would be the Centuria that Ninian would personally command. Ten of the tents housed a Cont. each while the remaining two housed un-issued supplies. The first tent came with an addition that would be Ninian's office and bed. On either side of the row of tents were others, housing the other Centuria of the Cohor.

Ninian deposited his unneeded gear, his Sarcina Tellus and Sarcina Magna, and grabbed his Sarcina Morbi.

"Decanus, after the briefing, I want to meet with my command staff."

"Yes, sir. If you'll follow me to the Phalanx HQ," said Odilia motioning in a direction.

In any Roman Field Camp, the layout is the same. In the center of the camp stands the HQ. Around the HQ are the units connected to it. The HQ here was for the I Phalanx. E Ct., VII Legio. It was housed in a larger tent, with a communications array behind it.

"Do you know your way back, Sir?" asked Dec. Odilia.

"Yes Dec., thank you."

"In that case sir, I will leave you now and get your command staff together," saluted Odilia.

Ninian returned the salute and walked into the tent. The portioned off room housed a number of stations. Four of them were used to communicate with the Co. of the Phalanx. The rest were used to liaison with other branches should they need it. There were also rooms for logistics and operations. Operations took the biggest room, used as a planning and briefing room. It was here that Ninian walked to.

In the room already were four other people, two men and two women, the other Nav. in the Phalanx. They all stood around a table with a model of the town of Ha'il, Arabia, complete with roads, buildings and enemy positions.

Back in the old days, the model would have been a real model on what was called a sand table. Now a computer made the model from all of the Recon assets that Military employed. However, the table was still called a sand table, which Ninian didn't know why.

The others at the table introduced themselves, giving what unit they commanded. They all greeted him warmly, except one. He was the second youngest in the room, but still senior to Ninian by ten years. He introduced himself as Nav. Virginius, XXXIX E. Co.

"Listen kid, we all know who you are and how you got here. We don't need a snot nosed brat who thinks he is better than everyone, so ask for a transfer to a nice desk job and let the grown-ups fight," said Nav. Virginius.

"First and foremost, when you address me my title should be used. If you refuse, I am more than willing to call the MTs, but would much rather take care of you on my own. Second, yes, I am a kid, but a kid who is more mature then you are showing yourself to be. Last, I didn't ask to be promoted, it came as a surprise to me. I don't think I'm better than everyone else is. If you have a problem with my appointment, talk to the Imperator, he is the one who elevated me."

Virginius looked like he wanted take Ninian up on his offer but a man came through the flap announcing, "Ten-hut!"

An older man came through the door, his insignia showed him as a Legatus Centurion, and Ninian's Commanding Officer.

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