One Flesh
Copyright© 2012 by Robert McKay
Chapter 45
The alarm went off right on time, and startled her out of sleep – and when she realized she'd been asleep, and soundly, that startled her even more. I'd expected to have a lot more trouble sleeping, she thought. But she had, in fact, slept better than she'd expected, and what had given her trouble wasn't, as she'd worried it might be, the loneliness of not having 'Berto beside her. Her time with God had solved that problem, and though the bed had felt empty when she lay down alone, it was excitement that had troubled her, waking her a time or two during the night.
And certainly now that she was up, she was excited. She saw that her hands trembled slightly as she spooned coffee into a cup, and filled the kettle and set it on the stove. She'd set the clock for a later time than she might have, in order to try to get as much sleep as she could, and she was glad of it now for a different reason. If I had too much time before I left, I think I'd go insane. As it was, she had time to get ready without rushing, but no more; there'd be no time to go to pieces.
While the water was heating she went back into the bedroom and got dressed. She'd been thinking of what she wanted to wear since she'd accepted 'Berto's proposal, and by now it was clear in her mind. The only problem had been keeping it from him, and since he rarely looked into her side of the closet, particularly toward the back, it hadn't been a big problem. She'd just hung a jacket over the dress she'd chosen, and then stuck it between her winter parka and her good overcoat, and as far as she could tell he'd never even known it was there.
She got the dress out now. It was daring, at least for her. She knew she couldn't wear white, for even if she didn't intend it to represent virginity others might take it that way, and she didn't want to give a false impression. Instead it was a dull red that enhanced her brown skin, emphasizing her Indian ancestry. Her features weren't Indian, but her skin's coloring showed the native genes, and she liked the effect the dress gave in that direction.
It was backless, the front looping around her neck and giving her a neckline that was below the knobs of her collarbone, but perfectly modest nevertheless. The dress alone wasn't appropriate for church, showing her back as it did, so she put on a jacket over it, in a brighter red which kept the effect from being too dreary. She examined herself in the mirror, once again satisfying herself that with the jacket on she wasn't immodest.
She went back out into the kitchen just in time to turn the kettle off. She poured hot water into her cup and stirred, then put the spoon into the sink. She carried the hot coffee out to the coffee table, and returned to the bedroom. She opened her underwear drawer, and dug underneath a stack. There, in a small parcel with her parents' return address, was what she sought. She pulled off the paper, which was already torn from its initial opening, and pulled the top off the box. Carrying it into the bathroom, she looked into the mirror as she hung the clip-on garnet earrings on her earlobes; slipped the gold bracelet onto her right wrist; and fastened the thin silver necklace, with its small fish emblem, around her neck. She looked at herself, thinking that for the first time since he'd known her 'Berto might be correct in complimenting her appearance. I look like a woman today. I know why he says I look like a young girl – but today, I am a woman.
She picked up her brush and began drawing it over her hair, till it was soft and shiny and hung over her shoulders in gentle brown waves. She thought for a moment, mentally trying different ways of fixing her hair, and then smiled. I'll leave it as is. This is the best I can do today; anything else would be gilding the lily.
She went back to the closet, finding her black pumps. They had a thin film of dust on them, so she took a wad of toilet paper and gently wiped them off, until they shone like glass. She slipped them onto her feet, noting how the medium heels gave her a little more height, enhancing her more mature appearance. And suddenly, for just a second, she thought she knew what 'Berto saw when he looked at her. If that's what 'Berto sees, I could fall in love with me very easily. She grinned at the thought, and walked back into the living room. She took a drink of her coffee, which had cooled enough now, and looked at the room. Today, my love, this becomes yours in truth.
She drank her coffee standing up, and when she was done it was time to go. She took a deep breath, and walked out the door. When I come back, I will be a wife.
Roberto was almost dancing with impatience. "Settle down, tiger," Doug told him with a grin. "It's still ten minutes before we start. She'll be here."
"I know, I know. I don't have any fear she'll back out. But I am nervous!"
"I imagine you are. When it was my turn I nearly wet myself, I was so scared."
Roberto laughed. "You? You're as unflappable as Spock."
"Even Spock got upset at his wedding."
"That's right, you're not a Trekker. It's the 'Amok Time' episode, where Spock goes into pon far. He goes temporarily insane, thinks he's killed Kirk."
"And with this you try to comfort me?"
"It's the least I can do, my friend – and I always try to do the least I can do."
"Oh, hush!"
Just then the door opened at the rear of the auditorium, and they turned to look. Roberto heard himself gasp. "My God, she's beautiful!"
Tyrone must have come up behind them, for Roberto heard his voice there. "Normally I might caution against using the Lord's name in vain, but I know just how nervous you are – I was useless on my wedding day. And I think I could myself call God to witness that Antonia is a beautiful woman."
"She is that. I didn't have any doubts, but if I did, this would end them."
Toni smiled at him and settled into her seat on the left side of the center section, in the front pew. They'd rehearsed things several times, to be sure they could go through the steps without too serious a stumble when the day came, and she appeared to be following the plan perfectly. I wonder if she's as nervous as I am. Naw, nobody could be as nervous as I am. He looked at his watch, and turned to Tyrone. "Is it time?"
"It is, Roberto. If you'll take your place, I'll call us to order."
She felt the very slight give in the pew as 'Berto sat down on the other end. She wouldn't have noticed it ordinarily, but right now she was keyed up to a high pitch, all her senses operating at peak capacity. The colors seemed brighter, the edges of everything sharper, than normal. She thought she could almost hear the bending of the fibers of the carpet on the platform steps as Tyrone went up them and took his place behind the pulpit. She thought she could feel the faint susurration of the air as 'Berto breathed, 10 feet away from her. She thought she could easily float, weightless, off the pew and waft about the room.
Tyrone rapped on the pulpit with a fingertip, close enough to the microphone that the sound amplified. When the buzz of conversation stilled, he spoke.
"Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, we're here today for one of the most joyous occasions any preacher can ever have a part in. I've been preaching for just over 40 years, and of all the things I've done, performing weddings has been one of the most pleasant.
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