One Flesh - Cover

One Flesh

Copyright© 2012 by Robert McKay

Chapter 24


The next day Toni went around the house humming after 'Berto had left for work, for he'd promised to talk to Doug that very day about the church. I'm getting married! was the thought that persistently came into her mind. She remembered another time when she'd been happy about an impending marriage, but the memory of Garry's death just two days after she'd accepted his proposal didn't sadden her. It was sad, yes, that he was dead – that she had never been married to him, that she'd never had years of love with him, that she hadn't been able to raise their son with him. That last was the true sadness – that Bill was growing up with someone else, and all she had of him was photos and updates. At that I've got more than most birth mothers have of their children after an adoption.

But the fact that Garry had died almost as soon as they'd decided to get married couldn't upset her, because it couldn't possibly happen twice. She might believe that God was strict and harsh, a God who had banished her when she'd sinned against Him, but she never thought that He was cruel. She had read only one book by Stephen King, Desperation, and found that she wasn't a fan. And in that book there was a line that the only God-fearing character used, the statement that God is cruel. Even if she hadn't disliked King's style, she would have disliked him for that one claim. God hates sin, but He is not cruel. If He was, He would have killed me by slow torture as soon as I laid down with Garry.

So whatever might happen, 'Berto wasn't going to die anytime soon. And so her happiness was as complete as it could be. All that remained was to line up the church, and of course the preacher who would perform the ceremony, but those two went together. She'd want to choose a dress for the ceremony ... and that reminded her of the surprise she was planning for 'Berto on Sunday. I may not have many dresses, but I'm going to knock his eyes out! She knew how she looked in a dress, at least in a dress that flattered her slim figure, and she knew that 'Berto was going to love her even more, if that were possible. Of course I'm not going to wear a dress to make him love me. He already does, and just putting on a dress couldn't make him love me if it hadn't happened that way. But still...

She had already washed the breakfast dishes, and she was just getting done wiping down the counters and the stove. She looked at the clock that hung on the wall, and saw that she still had some time before she went to work. She went into the living room and picked the phone off its charger, dialing a number she knew well.

"Hello?" It was a male voice.

"Hi, Dad."

"Hey, 'Tonia, ¿cómo estás, mija?" How are you doing, my daughter?

"Estoy bien, papá. Tengo que decirse una noticia muy buena. Me casaré." I'm fine, Papa. I need to tell you some very good news. I'm going to be married.

"¡Muy bien, mija! ¿Cuando?" Very good, my daughter! When?

Toni now switched to English – Spanish was her first language, but she spoke it like a Chicano, with a lot of English interpolations, and she actually was more comfortable in English these days, for she mostly knew Anglos. "I don't know when yet, Papá. I just accepted 'Berto's proposal a couple of days ago, and just yesterday we started planning things. He's going to start looking into the church today." She had told her parents about 'Berto the first week. They might be on opposite sides of the moral fence, but they loved each other, and though they'd had a few years of estrangement over her immorality with Garry, they'd eventually realized that they couldn't continue that way.

Her father's accent was much more definite than hers when he spoke English. "So you truly love this boy, then?"

"I truly love him, and he truly loves me. It's like Garry, Papá – except this time it won't be a tragedy."

"I will pray not." He took a breath, and she realized that the news had reached his emotions. "Que estarán juntos muy feliz." May you be very happy together.

"We will, Papá. I know it's very sudden, but my heart is certain. It's just like with Garry, only a lot quicker."

"I am very happy for you, mija." There was a voice in the background. "Would you like to speak with your mother?"

"Please, yes, Papá."

"Hola, Toni, ¿cómo estás?" Hello, Toni, how are you?

"Estoy muy bien, mamá. Me casaré con 'Berto." I'm very good, Mama. I'm going to marry 'Berto.

Her mother's response was a scream. It was a few seconds before there were any words, and then they were a spate of excited Spanish that was so fast that Toni couldn't follow it, not even with her upbringing in Spanish. Her mother had always spoken rapid fire, and when she got excited she sometimes was impossible for anyone to understand.

"Slow down, Mamá. Maybe you better speak English."

"Okay, Toni, I speak English for you." Her mother's English wasn't quite fluent, which was why Toni had suggested it – the effort of getting it right would slow her mother down to a comprehensible pace. "I am so happy for you, chiquita. You know when the wedding?"

"Not yet, Mamá. 'Berto's starting to check on the church today."

"You getting married in a church, then, Toni?"

"Yes, Mamá."

"¡Que bueno! I pray many years you come back to church. Maybe God answer me, no?"

Toni wanted to tell her mother this was just a wedding, not a return to church, but she knew what it would do, and she wasn't about to upset her mother today. "Maybe so, Mamá. Anyway, we're going to have a church wedding, and when we know when and where you're invited."

"Of course we invite, Toni Leti! You my daughter, no? You don' get married without us, I know that!" And her mother laughed.

Toni laughed with her, and checked the time. "You know right, Mamá. But I need to finish getting ready for work. I just wanted to tell you and Papá first. Tell Papá I love him, okay? And I love you, Mamá."

"Okay, Toni, I tell him. Bye-bye!"


It was lunch, and Roberto and Doug were at the McDonald's at Academy and San Mateo. Roberto was buying, that being one way to make sure that Doug decided to accept the invitation to eat. And that was important.

They dug into their food for a bit, and when they had killed the first edge of hunger Doug looked up from his sandwich. "I know, Roberto, that you didn't ask me here just because. What is it?"

Roberto felt his face getting warm. "I'm going to be getting married—"

"Hey, man, congratulations!" Doug stuck out his hand for a shake. "I knew you were pretty wrapped up in this girl, but I hadn't realized it had gone that far."

"Well, I guess I haven't said a whole lot..."

"Not details, no, Roberto. But you've been talking about nothing but her for a while, though – I should have guessed."

"Well, that's not a big deal. The thing is," and Roberto's voice dropped, "she wants a church wedding, and I don't know anything about churches. I figured that since you're religious, you might be able to help."

"Sure thing, Roberto, I'd love to. I imagine that what you want is how to contact my church, am I right?"

"Exactly right."

"Sure, no problem." Doug took a drink of his milk shake. "It's MJT Christian Fellowship, at Menaul and Juan Tabo. I've got a card somewhere here..." He pulled out his wallet and fished through it, finally coming out with a business card. "Here you go – it's got the address and the church phone number, and Tyrone's e-mail address. We've got several elders, but he's what they call the 'leading elder, ' so his address goes on the card."

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