Third World's Manifesto - Cover

Third World's Manifesto

by Katherine Knezevic

Copyright© 2012 by Katherine Knezevic

Poem Story: The idea, the wish to write a poem, or anything about this was in my head for a long time. Then everything clicked and I wrote it. I did a theses on college about war crimes in Africa, and from that moment on I swear, something changed and made me realize that the world needs to make even bigger efforts to help those people. No one deserves that kind of life. I just hope that this poem will make you think about this problem, about all the lives that we can help.

Tags: Drama   Politics   True   War  

There is so much we share: same planet, same earth, same air.
The creator wanted us connected, but we decided to change.

We made barricades, world of borders
They were supposed to make us safer, but all they do is hold us.

They hold our emotions, our ability to feel.
'If it's out of my borders, it isn't a big deal.'

Pain has no borders, she travels easily.
Those who are in pain know how frightening she can be.

Our world is divided; the levels are one, two and three.
The last level is closed, but I want you to see!

People who live on the last level, humans who suffer on the last level;
Those who die on the last level, they too want you to see...

They need to tell their story; they hope that you will feel.
They hope that you will hear, just how hard can life be.

How can you close your eyes; they beg you to see.
How can you shut your mouth; they need you to speak.

They cannot speak for themselves, their voice should be we.
They cannot save their selves, it's our help they need.

You call them the third world, but that's something we all have been.
You don't think about them, but it's you who they put their hopes in.

You will hear for hunger, for deaths made by poverty.
Just don't switch the news: Look! Hear! Feel!

Give your best to help those who are in need.
Give your best to save a life, a world, a dream.

Help that man who needs help, if it was you in his place...
Think just for a second: how would you feel?

The feeling is the same on levels one, two and three.
Switch your heart on, let it make you feel.

There is more of this story...

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