To Prove a Legend - Cover

To Prove a Legend

Copyright© 2012 by LovelyWritings

Where's Daisy?

Lily and I were walking to the Theatre. The Theatre was where the Choosing would be held. I had only ever been to the Theatre once in my life, when the last choosing was held. At the previous Choosing I was too young to participate, I was still a child. All I could remember from that day was that it was very boring and that the Theatre was absolutely huge! Maybe it only seemed huge because I was so small.

I looked down at a bush that was in need of trimming and sighed. How I wished I was a bush, how simple my life woud be. I was so tired! Normally Lily and I would be fighting about something or at least trying to make conversation, but not today. We had too much on our minds and we were too tired. We had our dresses carefully folded in decorated carrying bags. I knew my dress didn't weigh much but it seemed to weigh a ton.

Another thing I disliked about the choosing was that we had to wake up extremely early and walk a mile to the Theatre. After that a few of the King's servants would give us instructions. My mother said that when she was a child and attended a Choosing she was treated like a princess! They cleaned her up, helped her into her dress, helped her with her hair, and helped her practice her speech.

"It appears we're nearing the Theatre," Lily mumbled, yawning from exhaustion.

I looked up to see a palace like building in the distance. When we passed through town we had asked people where the Theatre was. Every person we asked said that we couldn't miss it. Only one person gave us any real description of the place. The man who described it to us said it like a castle, then after saying that he proceeded to flirt with Lily. It took us a few minutes to get away from him but when we did we ran as fast as we could, which just added to our exhaustion.

The Theatre was magnificent, and that was only the outside! I could see many stunning stained glass windows. The blues and the greens of one window blended to make a picture of Quadros before it shook, before the separation. As we got closer to the lovely building I could see that one window portrayed a person playing with a beast! Never has anyone dared touch a beast except of course with a weapon. Another window had vibrant yellows and oranges! It showed the sun on a hot summer day, under the sun there were beasts and people playing happily together. I squinted my eyes so I could see another, smaller window. This window was dark. It had purples, whites, and dark greens and there was a large gray ball, which I assumed was the moon. I think it showed people sitting in a circle under the moon and stars.

I looked over at Lily to see if she was looking at those strange windows but I noticed she was looking at the entrance of the Theatre. We approached the doors of the building slowly. I could see every color on the door, green, blue, red, pink, purple, brown. Soon I realized that the colors appeared to make the shapes of plants. I could see morning glories, roses, dandelions, and ... daisies.

How could I forget about Daisy? I made her up! I watched Lily slowly reach out and knock on the lovely door. She knocked softly, as if afraid to hurt the lovely painting. Maybe she forgot about Daisy. She hadn't mentioned her all day, but the day still wasn't over yet. Lily's eyes were wide as she scanned the door, looking at all the flowers. I prayed that her eyes wouldn't wander to the far left where the daisies where.

Suddenly the doors swung open making us jump back. A man stood on the other side. I could see he was a servant. He looked to be in his late forties, I could tell because he was balding.

"You must be here for the Choosing," The servant said slowly.

"Why else would we be here?" Lily asked in a rude tone. Lily hated servants. The other day when she was at our house she yelled at Branch for staring at her. Branch had apologized and left the room awkwardly.

The man hadn't flinched at her words, he simply nodded and said, "I'm sorry for my ignorance. Please come in."

He moved out of our way. Lily pushed past me and walked into the Theatre.

"Wow," Lily mumbled in awe.

"Let me see!" I said, sounding quite childish.

I shoved Lily out of the way in order to get into the Theatre. I gaped at what I saw. The Theatre was perfect. I used to think my mansion was like a palace, well not anymore! The Theatre had four floors, I knew this from just looking at the outside of the building. The first floor was like a museum. There were gorgeous paintings and statues. The walls were all painted similarly to the door. Covered in flowers. I looked closer at a large painting that was on a close by wall. It was of a young chubby boy, he looked a little older than Lily and I. The boy was the definition of unattractive.

"What are on the other floors?" I asked still looking at the portrait.

"The first floor is a museum, as you might have already guessed. The second floor is where the Choosing will take place, the third is where you and the other girls will get ready, and the fourth floor is where the winner will meet Prince Willow so they can have tea and be properly acquainted," The servant answered bowing at me slightly, much like Branch did.

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