To Prove a Legend - Cover

To Prove a Legend

Copyright© 2012 by LovelyWritings

Choosing So Soon?

"Oh, dear," Mother mumbled reading a letter that had arrived early that morning.

"What is it?" My father asked, looking up from his breakfast.

"As you know the Choosing was supposed to be held in two months. It appears that Prince Willow wants the choosing to be held at an earlier date," Mother said slowly, as if carefully picking her words.

"Earlier? When?" I asked immediately.

"In two days," Mother's voice was a whisper.

Everyone at the table looked at me, except Barley who was busy reading his journal. I just stared at my mother. I blinked a few times hoping this was a dream. I was almost tempted to pinch myself but seeing as it was early morning and that my eyes were still stinging from tiredness I decided against it.

"Two days," I said.

"Two days," My mother repeated while nodding.

"Two days?" I questioned.

"D-A-Y-S. Days," My mother said slowly, her eyes glued to the letter.

I sat and stared. I tried to keep calm but I felt as if I was about to explode, not explode with nervousness but explode with rage. Selfish Prince Willow wants his bride now? He can't just wait? I barely know the legend and I am expected to recite it in front of hundreds, in front of thousands of people.

"Sweety, we are more prepared than most. I hear that your former playmate Lily hasn't even begun to practice. I also hear that her mother hasn't even started on her dress," Mother informed me as if reading my thoughts.

"I couldn't care less about Lily and her troubles. What about me?" I asked, sounding quite selfish myself, but not nearly as selfish as Prince Willow.

"You used to be best friends with Lily. What happened?" Mother asked, obviously trying to change the subject.

"I haven't even seen my dress yet!" I exclaimed in anger.

"I must be going. Lots of work to do." My father said quickly, getting up and heading toward the door, "Barley, I will be needing your help in my office." Father said, trying to save his son. Sensing danger, just as my father had, Barley leaped from his seat and practically ran to the door. They were gone within seconds and I was left alone with my mother.

"Sweety, I will be arranging a play date with Lily," Mother said after a long moment.

"But mother! Lily is rude, snobby, she's arrogant. I hate her!" I yelled.

"I need to speak with her mother and besides you two used to be best friends!" Mother said, picking up the napkin from her lap and throwing it on the table.

I stood up, my own napkin falling to the floor, and stalked from the room. Why? Why? First the Choosing is in only two days and now I am going to be forced to spend time with my archenemy! How can things get any worse? Honestly?

I first went to my room to get out of my night gown. I changed into my favorite dress. The dress was a beautiful pale brown and it was easy to run in, which I was going to need. I then slowly, without a sound, crept down the hall and into Barley's room.

Barley, to my joy, wasn't in his room. I took a quick look around. His room was a mess! Books and clothes everywhere, his bed wasn't made. Mother would have a fit if she ever saw my room like this! I ignored my urge to commence cleaning his room and quickly tip-toed to his closet and got what was needed. A pair of his shoes. I slipped them on and tied the laces tightly. They fit almost perfectly, they were a little loose but that wouldn't make a difference.

I bolted from Barley's room and started down the stairs. I walked slowly, trying not to draw attention to myself. I was heading toward the garden. I would hide in the garden and if anyone came looking for me I would run and hide somewhere else. I could definitely run faster in Barley's shoes than in my own. Also I wouldn't get lost because I know our five acres of forest/garden, I had been playing there since I was a toddler. My plan was fool proof.

I ran and ran until I found a large sturdy tree. I climbed the tree and sat on one of the larger, more trustworthy branches. I sat there and waited, looked at the sky, counted the leaves on the branch I had made my seat, and waited.

I expected Barley or Branch to come looking for me but neither of them came. Mother said she was inviting the evil one over. Did she mean today or tomorrow? I knew I wasn't a very patient person, I felt like I had been in that tree for hours though it was probably only a few minutes. I climbed down and decided to walk to our mansion. If I walked into anyone threatening then I would run and hide.

Slowly I made my way down the narrow brick path. I walked and not seeing anything too threatening I let my guard down. I estimated that I was almost at the mansion when something jumped out of a patch of bushes. I, on instinct, ran but wasn't fast enough.

"Where you going Pansy?" a cold, familiar voice asked.

"As far away from you as possible," I replied turning around and glaring at the devil.

Lily. There she stood, a smug look on her face. I could feel myself fill with hatred for the person standing in front of me. Another thing I hated about her was that everyone loved her because she was pretty. There was no other reason people liked her. She had blond hair, not as blond as Barley's or Mother's, and she had the biggest, brownest eyes.

"We used to be best friends! Come on let's be best friends again!" Lily said with fake kindness thick in her voice.

"The only reason you wanted to be friends with me was because I made you look good by comparison," I stated, which was very true.

"Well, now I don't need you to look good," Lily said spreading her arms, as if expecting me to hug her and forgive her of all the horrible things she had done to me.

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