Lost Empire - Cover

Lost Empire

Copyright© 2015 - 2019 by Pars001. All rights reserved.

Chapter 89

0001 - Tempro
0003 - Conner- Thomas
0097 - Ace - Zimmel
0098 - Lucy
0101 - Shelby (mother ship)
0125 - Lars
0130 - Gillese
0200 - Ellen
0201 - Jake
0250 - Tendra
0301 - Rodrick
0403 - Johnathon
0505 - Craig
0660 - Realla
0778 - Jan
0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human)
0805 - Toran
0808 - Radella
0881 - Handrax
0882 - Teal
0908 - Tara - Mara
1000 - Sherry

Ungrown - unnumbered

0102 - Derry (father ship)

Rescued from Tendraxians
so far

2 on Shelby both in re-gen
8 on Lucy

Known and OR numbered

0501 - Thaddeus
???? - Lena

0667 - Marco
0999 - Zan - still lost

Two calls came in from two of the rebel leaders which Risen traced, then blew the hell out a block area around where they were.

“Well, Queen, that’s two of the leaders, now I just need the others,” Risen said, waiting. Shaking his head, he ordered the complete destruction of the next two cities. “Hmmmm,” Risen said, “only another three billion to go. I mean what’s just a million nothing really, and look at all the empty land there is now.”

A few moments later, the Queen called, “we have all twelve left, see they are being executed now. Now do we have a deal? We need the materials.”

Risen smiled as he said, “no, there’s still one left. You have an hour before I destroy everything around him,
for hundreds of miles,” Risen said as he finally relaxed, maybe the sheep would listen to him.

Risen watched as a huge contingent of troops converged upon one building. A wicked evil smile lit up his face as a lone figure was dragged from the building.

The radio activated at that moment. It is hoped that the death of this one helps to appease you,” came the Queen’s voice.

“It will, though any more treachery, will be an unending wave of death,” Risen said.

Risen’s smile grew larger as the lone figure was executed, then the troops continued to empty their weapons more.

“I will be landing in a few of your time units. I will be ready, much more than before. If there are any more attempts on me, then I will make sure that nothing remains. I will indeed destroy more than mates,” Risen said.

“We will make sure our partner. We are more than eager to ascend back to where we belong,” Said the Queen.

Another evil smile crossed Risen’s features, yeah he thought. you and the others are just fodder for me taking over the Empire.

Admiral Hartwell looked over to Bee again for the thousandth time. The feeling he had for her was growing stronger. He wasn’t sure if it was because the bond was new or what. He just knew that he had to touch her soon or go crazy.

Not ten feet away Bee was feeling almost the same, though she was somehow handling it better than Hartwell. Well, she was barely handling it better.

Things seemed to be going well, ‘til once again both of their lifesigns started to plunge again. “What the hell is going on!” Lucie shouted, seeing both Bee and Hartwell starting to convulse again.

“Unsure Prime Lucie,” Johnathon said. “None of these readings are making any sense.”

Mary appeared scanning them both, herself confused.

Something was nagging at the back of Lucie’s mind, though she couldn’t quite capture it. What in the hell was it her brother had mentioned? Closeness, bodies closely synced, chemicals alike. It was starting to frustrate her to no end.

“MARY!” Lucie yelled,”They need to physically touch to complete the bond! Quick moved them closer,” Lucie said as she tried to shift the bio-beds. She’d actually moved one of them a foot closer when their lifesigns stabilized.

Mary’s eyes went wide as she and Johnathon rapidly moved the bio-beds together. Less than a moment later, both of their eyes flickered open.

Hartwell grabbed Bee’s hand, clutching it as if his life depended on it. He then looked at Lucie, “glad you remembered and listen as well as you do. Not that I’m complaining,” Hartwell said, a large smile on his face. “I wonder how long it will be before we won’t have to touch to be alright.”

“From all the readings we are getting, it shouldn’t be more than a few hours. Might I suggest that you just lay there and hold each other ‘til the beds release you,” Mary said.

“OK,” Hartwell said with a somewhat silly grin. “For once, I can comply with that.”

Lucie’s jaw almost hit the floor at this confession from her brother. Maybe Bee would make him more human after all. Let’s hope she thought this new brother she’d had was too machine for her taste.

Now she thought they just needed to get the rest of the A.I.’s. She could still hear them though they were more background noise than anything else.

It was the next day on the Delcron planet, Greeson, Mara, his fiancé, the Captain of EIG 0908, Tara. Followed by Greeson’s master, Kimon and Kimon’s fiancé, Onai, were preparing to leave.

They had all made their way to the room that Jimison and Difina had shared the night before. A knock on the door produced several growls before Jimison answered the door.

It was apparent that there had been some type of fight as he had more than a few scratchs and bites all over him. Difina was barely conscious on a large bed also with scratches and bites.

Kimon nodded “so I see that your wedding night was successful. I wish you long health. We are here to inform you we are departing. The Commander has need of us as soon as possible.”

Jimison bowed, then shook hands with all four of them. A very quick movement behind him had him grabbing Difina as she tried to attack through the door. Difina’s eyes cleared, then she smiled, “Joining, mating night fever,” Difina said. “Though, I am afraid that it might go on for another day, as we had to wait to join.”

Kimon nodded, “understood, you have the com. if you have need of us. We will advise you every week to continue your training. Always practice, stay sharp and alert there still may be more out there trying to end the both of you.”

“Be well all of you, especially you,” Difina said to Mara. “You have captured the heart of a warrior, treasure it.”

Mara nodded a little confused, then smiled, “I will Princess Difina.”

With that, they all left, boarding Tara and the Jitaku envoy ship. “Now entering trans-warp conduit,” Tara advised, then they were gone.

Jimison had monitored their progress ‘til they were gone. He then turned back toward a grinning Difina. “I think it’s time for more bindings, you shredded the last.”

“I believe you are correct, my husband,” they said that the room was completely destroyed when they left it.

On the edge of the galaxy, both ships appeared, waiting a few minutes. “Chamber purged, particle generator now spinning up, prepared to enter trans-warp, Prime,” Mara said to Tara.

“Engage,” Tara said. “Long range com.” Tara requested.

“Open,” Mara replied.

“We are returning, sire,” Tara said as soon as Derrick’s Holo-gram appeared.

“Very good, though I am afraid that we will be leaving not long after you return,” Derrick said.

“Yes sire, there is still much that we need to do for the Empire,” Mara said.

“More than that, we still have two very important marriage ceremonies to get through,” Derrick said.

“Yes sire, though one isn’t that important, not when compared to duty,” Mara answered.

“Captain, do not argue with me on this, your ceremony is as important as Colonel Dempsy’s is. It will also go greatly toward raising the moral of the troops and the fleet,” Derrick said.

“Yes sire! No argument from me nor Captain Greeson,” Tara said.

“That will be all, Captain Norman,” Derrick said, then ended communication.

A mere ten minutes later, space not far from the Imperial Planet rolled and seemed to boil. A round portal opened as two ships emerged.

A few minutes later, a fleet wide message went out from Derrick, “all ships, prepare for a special commendation ceremony.” Everyone was surprised, wondering what was going on.

Derrick had called Kimon, Greeson, Onai and Mara to the throne room. All of them were more than curious, though the closer they got, the more upset Kimon seemed to get.

When they entered the room, Daniel Norman, Mara’s father, was there before the throne. “You know what this is about?” Norman asked Kimon.

“Yes, I’ve got a good idea. I can’t believe he’s going to do this to me,” Kimon grumbled.

“Attention,” Mary said as soon as they were all there.

Derrick nodded then started, “Captain Greeson, Colonel Dempsy, Onai Sakuta,” Derrick started, then the image of Isamu Sakuta appeared next to Derrick. “For the service that the three of you did for both two empires,” here the image of Emperor Kandra appeared. “You are awarded the highest award the empire has to give, the Imperial cross.”

Both Kimon and Greeson were shocked. Onai and her father were beaming with pride. “The three of you have saved the empire. Plus, you have purged a blight on our world, we convey upon you three the bloody claw. The greatest honor on our planet,” Kandra said as Derrick put the medals around all three of their necks.

Derrick motioned Onai back and Norman forward. “Now, for the rest of the ceremony. Brigader General Norman, it is my intent to promote you to Major general,” Derrick then pinned a second star to his shirt. “Congratulations.”

Norman stepped back, with Kimon stepping forward with a slight growl on his lips. “Colonel Dempsy, for meritorious service aiding our ally, you are promoted to Brigader general.” Derrick removed the silver oak leaves, pinning a star to his shirt.

Derrick glared at Dempsy as Kimon backed up. Derrick then motioned Greeson forward. “Captain Greeson, for meritorious service you are hereby promoted to Major. I commend the three of you with this honor and pray for your future service to the empire.”

“Dismissed!” Mary said as all left the throne room.

“You know I could always put you in charge of almost all the ground troops,” Derrick said into Kimon’s ear a moment later.

“No sir, I think I have enough to do now,” Kimon said, keeping his voice even.

“Good, cause I need you as high as I can get you. Your strategy was highly coveted in the war. Please don’t make me regret not promoting you higher. Now we need to talk about you and Onai’s joining, it is next on my agenda,” Derrick said.

This, of course, had Kimon speechless, he hadn’t even considered this to be that important to the Emperor. “I agree that it is important, plus I am afraid that I have made Onai wait far too long. Is it really a priority to you?” Kimon asked.

Derrick’s face contorted to anger a moment, then softened as quickly. “Yes, it is very important, I made you and her a promise not long ago. You, yourself, know that I ALWAYS honor my promises. I don’t make them often nor do I make them lightly. Now then, as soon as all is ready, we are all going to Jitaku.”

OK, Kimon thought, not only was the commander serious, he seemed to be in a hurry. A slight smile came to Kimon’s lips, knowing his recent luck? The joining would be delayed because of something stupid.

The simple fact that Onai was who she was, plus his new elevated status, this was going to be very big. So big, in fact, this was going to be on a global scale.

On Jitaku, two ships managed to slip through all the defences to land in a very remote region. Both craft had unknown markings, both filled with well over thirty people each.

Upon exiting the ships, they all set up camp, then immediately, started to train. Their style was one that hadn’t been seen on Jitaku for a very long time.

The leader of the groups smiled evilly. Now was their time. Yes, the leader thought they would take revenge on the Dempsy clan, then the council and the council leader.

The source of this story is Finestories

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