Winds of Change - Cover

Winds of Change

Copyright© 2011 by R. Michael Lowe aka The Scot

Chapter 27

Within fifteen minutes, Cutlass and Rapier reported in with similar results. Of course, Cutlass had it easier, as they were able to start the French devastation by destroying five ships with the C4 charges set the night before. By the time the enemy ships were even aware of their presence, they was already in a panic and seeing something move through the water at that speed was, in their view, demonic.

Grant was waiting to hear from Tony Bacon when he heard Tony’s Texas drawl, say, “Saber to Broadsword. Grant, I’ve got a problem.”

“Grant here, what’s the problem.”

“The ship that was in the center of their formation moved forward at first light flying several white flags. When they reached the narrows a long boat was launched, again displaying a white flag. They rowed toward land until they spotted us and then rowed toward us. On board was their Admiral and an English interpreter.”

“And what did they say?”

“The Admiral feels this entire operation was wrong and had decided to seek sanctuary within the Colonies. The officers and crew that chose to follow him have placed the others, including the priests, under guard. He also says the ships following his group contain the wives and children of his men who wanted to leave France and the attitude of the King and the Catholic Church.”

“Interesting,” responded Grant. “What does he propose?”

“He wants to put those who are not with him on three of the ships, spike their cannon and send them back to France. He also had some very specific ideas of what to do with the Emissary of the Pope who was on this ship. It seems that during the trip the man had too much wine one evening and told the Admiral and several of his officers details of how the man loved to rape young boys. I’m not sure the translator got it correct, but I got the feeling the Admiral was suggesting the man be castrated.”

“Tell him that I’ll accept his surrender, but any ships that try to return to France will not likely make it. You don’t have to tell him this, but I want to keep the King in the dark for as long as possible.”

“Can we give him an alternative to outright killing these people?”

“Let me look at my charts a moment,” answered Grant.

A few minutes later, Grant answered, “Tony, take the Admiral to the Red Bank area of Brooklyn. He can anchor his ships on the south end and they’ll be well protected. The military prisoners can be placed on Governor’s island with food, five muskets, tools and seed. They’re to settle there, or they’ll die. You can also hint the waters around it contain sharks. Land the Priests on the southern tip of Manhattan and tell them they have my permission to build a monastery there. Their boundary is the water and one mile from the southern tip of the island. They must have our permission to be outside that area.”

“That’s some awfully expensive real estate,” remarked Tony.

“It was in our time, but I don’t intend for it to get that developed in our new future. I want every town to be no larger than it can be while it handles all its own needs concerning food, sanitation, and transportation. I also hope to keep the population growth lower, because it will be offset by longer, healthier lives.”

“That’s a noble goal and in the long run will make a significant difference. Do you think it’s possible?”

“I can only set goals at this time. But without some clear goals for a general plan we would end up like we did.”

“Is that like ‘he who fails to have a target hits it every time?’

“Precisely,” answered Grant. “Tony, when you go to check out the incoming ships, take your Admiral with you. You should also find out what you can about all the other French ships. I’d hate to learn that, in ignorance, we had killed the family of one of our first immigrants. Ben and Al, did you copy that?”

“Loud and clear,” answered Ben. “Do you want us to start a similar group up here?”

“No, I want all the French kept together until they can speak English and know how to fit into our society, and our people have been taught how to deal with them.”

“That’s called keeping all your Frogs in the same pond,” laughed Tony.

Grant laughed with the rest of them, but cautioned about causing jokes to create bigotry and resentment.

“Gentlemen, I don’t want to see the return of political correctness, but common sense says there are boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed, and it’s not in just the words, it’s the tones and attitudes that go with them.”

“How can we tell our people how this is to be handled?”

Grant answered, “To quote my grandfather, ‘your freedom ends where my nose begins.’

“Or, where my fist and your nose meet,” added Al.

“Exactly,” Grant agreed before adding, “Now, before I go on to other things, I just wanted to reinforce that none of these ships will be returning to France, so they can go with the program, or they can die.”

“What about any treasure they’re carrying?”

“If it’s personal wealth, it stays that way and punish any man who tries to steal from these families. On the other hand, if it’s a part of their government’s treasury, it becomes part of our treasury. Finally, wait until these new ships are well inside the two hundred mile limit. I don’t want to be accused of piracy on the high seas.”

“Grant, some are going to want to know the long term status of these people,” observed Ben.

“Good point. Once there is a treaty between us and France those soldiers and sailors who want to return to France can do so. The rest can remain here and move in with the rest of the immigrants. The priests, on the other hand, can choose to remain in their monastery or return to Europe. These priests are free to hold services within the confines of their walls, and that can include any immigrants or citizens who want to attend. They’re just not to go outside their walls without permission, nor are they allowed to physically or verbally coerce people into turning to Catholicism.”

“Since you worded it that way, I’m assuming that we provide the gate keeper and enforce the rules.”

“Yes, but we need to advise the gate keeper that the ability to leave their walls, or to even exist, is a privilege, not a right and it should not be abused. Valid reasons would be for commerce, as well as visiting and ministering to any sick or injured in their flock. You might advise them that I’m much more lenient and respectful with shepherds than I’m with priests.”

“I understand, you want to change their focus to servants of the people rather than a privileged class who expect the people to serve them.”

“Exactly. Jesus told his disciples that the greatest among them would be the servant of many. I’m hoping to teach them and their people what real Christianity is all about.”

“I didn’t know you were religious,” commented Al.

“I’m not particularly, but I have learned some truths through the years. One of those truths was it was the religious people like these that Jesus condemned, not the prostitute, the whore or the thief. I’ll be just as hard on ministers of other sects and faiths who see themselves better than those around them. Too much bigotry and hatred has started in this country from the pulpit, while there has been too little ranting over the evils of the lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. It’s the Church’s responsibility to teach right from wrong and to encourage their definition of morality among their people, not edicts and laws governing the entire country.”

Tony responded by saying, “Grant, I hear your words, but break it down for this simple person from Texas.”

“A pastor or a group in one church decides dancing is evil, then encourages their flock not to dance or to go elsewhere. At the same time, they should not condemn their neighbor who dances, nor should they try to get the government to pass laws that forbid dancing.”

“Now you’re making sense and that does happen. I’ve seen it.”

“As a Texan, I’m sure you have. That’s why I picked that as an example. My grandmother called that idea of outward rules to prove how religiously faithful you were piety. And she made a big deal about how it was these people whom Jesus condemned. Then she would quote Jesus saying ‘and they’ll know you are Christians by your love.’ I bet you haven’t heard a lot of preaching about that.”

“No, I haven’t,” answered a thoughtful Tony.

“Stiletto calling Broadsword. I hate to interrupt, Grant, but I need to let you know I’ve been checking out some of the rivers in southern Georgia, I estimate several thousand Spaniards reinforced by a large number of Indians are moving north as you suggested. Their main force is currently using makeshift ferries to cross the Altamaha River about fifteen miles inland. Should I reveal myself and take out as many as I can?”

“Josh, they’re an invasion force inside the Kingdom. If you can warn them without putting yourself in danger, then give them the option to return home or die. If they ignore your commands, then cut them to ribbons. If you can stop them there, then we won’t have protracted battles further up the coast.”

“Aye aye, Skipper.”

Ensign Young announced “Captain, we’re ten miles from the second group of ships.”

“Good. At five miles, slow us to twenty knots and when the difference is a mile stop and hold station. I want battle stations with all guns raised and ready. Zeke, arm the conning tower with twin fifties and I want two squads up there fully armed. Also, see if you can find someone who speaks French.”

Both men responded and then proceeded to carry out Grant’s order. Zeke could not locate anyone that spoke French. When Grant was so informed he closed his eyes and made a silent appeal that things would not get out of hand. When the lead ship saw this unusual thing in the water ahead he signaled for everyone to reduce speed. As the French ship and the ‘thing’ moved even closer the Captain realized that whatever it was it wasn’t moving and that there were people at the top.

Using a cone shaped megaphone the Captain shouted, in French, for the people to surrender. He didn’t really feel threatened because whatever that thing was it didn’t seem to have any cannon. Grant used the amplified hailer, and replied, “No parlez-vous Francais.”

The Captain spoke to several men and one of them stepped to the rail, and shouted, “British?”

Grant answered, “American, and you are inside American territorial waters.”

The man replied in English, “The King of France has defeated the British and has claimed control of the British Colonies in the new world.”

“They weren’t the British colonies to claim. We fought and won our independence and are now our own Nation.”

“When our warships arrive ...”

Grant stopped him, by shouting, “They arrived last night. Most of them have been sunk and the others have surrendered.”

“But how?”

The man was clearly stunned. The man quickly translated this to the Captain, who issued orders and a small cannon on a pivot fired a shot across the Broadsword’s bow. Zeke countered this by using the twin fifties he controlled to blow the cannon off the rail.

“Captain,” Grant spoke over the loud speaker, “I have the power to destroy all of your ships in minutes, just as I did the nine ships of the line this morning. There were nine in Boston, eleven in New York, nine here and nine in North Carolina. The only ones that are still afloat are those that surrendered before we began our attack. Once we begin firing you won’t have time to surrender.”

A shot rang out from the crow’s nest and the round hit Grant in the chest. It knocked him backwards, but the Kevlar tunic kept the bullet from penetrating. It still hurt, but nothing like a modern round would. Zeke retaliated, and chopped off the main mast below the crow’s nest. The shooter fell to the deck and was likely dead.

“Captain,” shouted Grant. You have a lot of innocent families on these ships. Surrender or die.”

A priest moved to the bow of the boat holding a cross at his front and performing the rite of exorcism. Other soldiers moved to the rails armed with flintlock muskets. Grant ordered the helm to move the boat out at top speed. The boat surged forward and made a hard turn to the right. The men on the ship shouted in victory, proud they had vanquished this English foe. The celebration was still going on when the rocket hit and blew the French ship out of the water.

The Captains of the remaining ships immediately raised sail and turned away from land. Grant was sad they didn’t or couldn’t listen to reason, but within a couple of minutes the sea was littered with pieces of wood, bodies and a few survivors. He ordered the boat to offer assistance to any civilians, but none spoke English and all were more afraid of this monster than they were of drowning. Ultimately, a depressed Grant had Broadsword check for any more ships on radar, and when it was reported to be clear he ordered the boat back to the coast. Once they were underway he retreated to his quarters and cried.

Twenty hours later Grant was awakened by two naked women cuddling close and whispering words of encouragement and love. It took a few moments for him to become rational enough to realize that the two women were Beth and Sabrina.

About two hours after the destruction of the French ships Sophie peeked in on him and heard the sobs. When he was still in his cabin three hours later she checked again. He was asleep, but was moaning and crying out things in his dreams. At that moment she honestly feared for her friend’s sanity. Sophie reported back to Victor and his two wives and expressed her concerns. Barbara wanted to take him back to South Carolina, but Victor reminded her having Broadsword in place allowed the network to remain intact. For them to leave it would isolate the two northern ships. They called Santee Base and it was decided John would take one of the new boats to Virginia to get Grant and bring him home. He would also bring Grant’s family, so they could begin to minister healing to his mind and soul before he even reached home.

Grant would learn later similar events occurred near Boston and North Carolina, but only one of those off the coast of New York had refused to surrender. The rest were being moved into their assigned areas, and the entire operation had gone reasonably smooth.

A few days after Grant returned home a simple ceremony occurred at the tip of the Charleston Peninsula known as the battery. And though the ceremony was simple, several thousand people gathered to watch their new King marry the two women who had already become loved and respected by the people. The party afterwards seemed to go on for days.

Grant had opened the warehouses and was astonished what Oscar had provided. Ultimately, it was everything he had asked for, plus a lot more. He believed that, in fifty years, America would generally be at a level equal in many ways to that of the late Twentieth Century. One of the first projects was to develop railroads that would connect the ends of the country, both in the carrying of passengers and freight. Plants were being established to turn the cannon from the forts and the ships, especially those that had been sunk, into tractors and farm equipment. Other plants were being built that would turn cotton into thread and then into fabric.

Because of the destruction of so many of the coastal cities the new ones were to be rebuilt with proper sewage, water and provisions for natural gas and electricity that were to come. Wider streets were laid out, as well as parks and community garden areas. In many places Savannah was used as a model. The same technology that had been provided to melt metals was applied to sewage and garbage, and, as a result, these were never buried or dumped into the streams. Industries and small communities were told the dumping of wastes could cost them their charter, and if anyone died as a result of the waste those responsible would be charged with murder.