Winds of Change - Cover

Winds of Change

Copyright© 2011 by R. Michael Lowe aka The Scot

Chapter 26

“Santee Base and all Blades, please acknowledge with location!”

“Santee Base” answered John, “and I’m studying the composite display.”

“Stiletto and I’m near Hilton Head, headed back toward Charleston.”

“Rapier here. I’m just north of Ocracoke Island.”

“Saber here, and I’m approaching Cutlass just northeast of Nantucket.”

“Cutlass is on station, waiting for Saber.”

“We just wanted to give everyone an update on the approaching ships. We suspect that they’re French or possibly Spanish warships. It could even be a combination of the two. If we’re right, when you approach they’ll make a sharp turn to the right or left and bring the broadsides of numerous ships in play within a couple of minutes.”

“What is their maximum range?”

“Effective range is less than a mile, but that can be extended if they can elevate the mouths of their cannon sufficiently.”

“But why the French?” asked Tony Bacon, Captain of the Saber.

Grant replied, “Distance from England, vast network of spies, generations of hatred and resentment, vast scores to settle and a vacuum created by all the ships King George has sent to the Colonies. Our hypothesis is France has taken England and is now planning to lay claim to all her Colonies.”

“That sucks,” responded Josh.

“I’m afraid that our sentiments ran much deeper than that.”

“We can stop these ships,” stated Ben McGraw, “but what about afterward.”

“Tina made a very accurate observation. We’ve got to unite into one nation, or France and the other European Nations will pick us apart like crows over a small dead animal.”

“But how can we form a working government quickly enough?” asked Al.

“The Bostonians on board say they’d follow a government formed by Grant. The details can be worked out later, but we have to face the French, or whoever that is, as a united nation, not even a confederation of colonies will be strong enough.”

Grant heard a voice that could only be Francis Marion, say, “I, Francis Marion pledge my true faith and allegiance to King Grant the First of the Kingdom of America and to any constitution, government or alliance which he may form. So help me God.”

Grant was shedding tears as he heard person after person repeat that same oath. It wasn’t what he wanted, nor was what he had envisioned, but it was thrust upon him by people who he loved and respected. Well, he had been given a mandate by General Washington. Maybe this was the only way he ‘could do it right this time.’

Ben asked, “And your orders my King.”

“Ben, get your guests home at top speed. At their current speed these new ships will probably lay up for the night in Massachusetts Bay. If you can get some help, try to learn what you can by listening at the Captains’ cabin windows. Someone dependable who speaks French would be a great help. Also rig as many charges as you can and if we find they’re here to attack or conquer us, then you can even up the odds somewhat. After you retrieve your people move up and hide just inside Nahant Bay.

“In the early morning have several men approach the ship closest to Boston. Use the Zodiac but rig it to look like they’ve rowed out. Ask the questions someone would normally ask and find out what you can about these people and their intentions. If they aren’t friendly get the Zodiac out of danger and roar out of hiding and hit them hard. If you set off your planted charges just as you round the point they should be in disarray when you arrive. You can accept surrender, but don’t request it. Remember, this is not a British Colony, as we won our independence by beating the Redcoats. This is the Kingdom of America.”

“What about Saber? Should we do something similar?”

“No, because what we learn from Boston should be true for all these ships, and though it’s not a standard format, I’d consider this one huge fleet. Hide in the Hudson River with your Radar and TV masts raised to maximum. As soon as we’ve confirmation of their intentions hit your section as fast as possible and move down the coast to protect Philadelphia. If you can locate Ben Franklin in either Philadelphia or Salem, New Jersey, make him aware of what has happened. If he wants to come south with you for meetings with me, he’s to be your welcome guest.”

“Will do, Skipper.”

Looking over his charts, Grant said, “Cutlass, here’s an added thought. After you clear the enemy from Boston Harbor, move to a point twenty miles east of Nantucket Island and hold station. From that point, your radar will cover from the eastern tip of Maine to Atlantic City.

“Aye aye, Skipper.”

“Rapier, I haven’t forgotten you. What is your situation Al?”

“The only change I see is that they’re reconfiguring their line to the angle of the land. They’re also ignoring the Outer Banks, so they seem to be spread from Beaufort Inlet to Cape Fear. I suspect they’ll anchor twenty or thirty miles off shore and hope the British ships would come out and play. If they’re what we think, then they’re too big to be very maneuverable in either place. Once we know their intentions I’ll decide how best to hit them. Unless they try to land soldiers, they’re not a problem here because the British didn’t leave much to be destroyed.”

“Good analysis and approach. Shout if you need help. Also, how are our twenty ships doing?”

“They’re moving along. I ran up the coast a few minutes ago and let them see me. I think that helped because they lined the rail and waved.”

“That’s a good sign.”

“Yes, it is,” replied Al.

Grant had a sudden thought, and asked, “Al, do those twenty ships have sufficient time to get past the incoming fleet?”

The radio was silent for a few minutes before Al answered. “It’ll be cutting it close. Of course, the nearer to the shore they can travel the better chance they have, but that also puts them in a greater danger from sandbars, shoals and other underwater obstacles.”

“Santee base, what is the status there?”

“Things are well at the moment and the radar is clear, except for the ships sent by Rapier. They’re currently south of Myrtle Beach, so they should reach here by tonight. I was planning on bringing them into Georgetown harbor and leave them on-board overnight.”

“I have no problem with that. Someone can use the Viking to lead them in, as I need to send Stiletto north to help Rapier herd those captured ships past Cape Fear.”

“Grant, this is Josh, I can leave in ten minutes.”

“Good. Rapier, did you copy?”

“Yes, I can get to the ships in less than fifteen minutes.”

“That’ll work,” responded Grant. “Also, since they know about our radar, tell them you can see the bottom, so if they follow you, they should be safe. When Stiletto arrives place him in the middle but on the inshore side. Hopefully that’ll give them additional assurance. The biggest thing is to let them know what’s going on, and we’re doing it for their protection.”

“That will be a great way to start their new adventure,” observed Al.

Once everything was stowed away Broadsword returned to the mouth of Chesapeake Bay and was positioned behind Cape Charles. After setting the anchors fore and aft the three masts were extended, and except those on watch, everyone was urged to relax.

About 22:00 Grant got a status update from everyone. The incoming ships at Boston had anchored east of Outer Breakwater Island. The Zodiac that was to approach the ships for intelligence and to plant explosive charges wouldn’t even leave Cutlass until after midnight. The group headed to New York were anchored about twenty miles southeast of the mouth of the Hudson River, but had moved into something similar to a square formation, with one ship in the center of the square. The southbound ships made it past Cape Fear just prior to the arrival of the incoming fleet, which were grouped around Beaufort Inlet. Things remained quiet off the shore of South Carolina, which disturbed Grant.

“Broadsword to Stiletto. Broadsword to Santee Base.”

“Stiletto here.”

“Santee Base here.”

“There’s something that’s bothering me. Why would these ships blanket the coast from Boston to Cape Fear and yet send nothing into South Carolina or Georgia?”

“That is puzzling,” replied Josh. “I know the French Navy is smaller than the British, could they have run out of ships?”

“It’s possible, but if they were that thin, why nine ships to Boston and eleven to New York. I could see nine to here because of all the rivers and the Chesapeake Bay, but not another nine to North Carolina. I’ve never been impressed with the French, but I don’t feel that they’re that stupid, or foolish.”

Sioux offered, “What if they split things with the Spanish. Then they could come up the coast or overland, or both.”

“That sounds logical to me,” Commented Josh.

“I’m afraid it does to me, also. Josh, head to Savannah first thing in the morning and warn them, as well as having them spread the warning southward. From the mouth of the Savannah River your radar should reach all the way to St. Augustine, and we should get an idea of any ship buildup.”

“I’m on it, Skipper.”

“Good analysis, Sioux.”

“Thanks, your ... ah, Grant.”

“Sioux, I may have been declared King, but I don’t accept the Divine Right of Kings, so I’m not Your Majesty, Your Highness, or Your Grace. I’m still Grant. I don’t even like the idea of Lord Maxwell, as I don’t intend to lord over anyone. I don’t want a grand palace or a court of fancy worthless ne’er-do-wells and women who have nothing better to do than gossip. And one last thing, my home will never be called Maxwell House. Now, give my family my love, I’m headed to bed. Oh, one last thing, make sure Daisy has her dogs under control.” Sioux would have been rolling in laughter at Grant’s rant, but that last comment made her pause. It meant something, but she had no idea of what. Finally, she put the question aside and personally did as Grant asked, both with his family and with the young midshipman named Daisy O’Conner.

In his dreams in the night a shadowy image spoke to him.

‘Grant, you have far exceeded our goals, and there have been some unforeseen events, such as the French and Spanish attacking England and taking control. I’m afraid the blood bath among British nobility and upper class rivals that of the French during their revolution, or the revolution that would have occurred. Your analysis is correct, these new ships are French Ships of the line led by Admiral François Joseph Paul, comte de Grasse, who ironically led the French in the Battle of the Chesapeake that forced Cornwallis to surrender to Washington. Defeating them will leave France as vulnerable as England was.’

‘How can we reward you for all your valiant efforts?’

Grant’s mind replied, to succeed and not repeat the same environmental errors, could you remove from the Internet we have all information regarding atomic bombs and reactors? Instead, we need information on clean sources of power and heat sufficient to melt our metals and manufacture items that need intense heat in the process ... sources like fusion and anti-matter. Working sources would help also, as we’ll have to build things to make things and I want to avoid as much as possible the use of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. From the action of the French, it appears that though we want to live in peace, we’re going to need to defend ourselves for a long time. Therefore, we need ammunition, fuel and the ability to make more without having to destroy the environment to do so. We want to build a great university to educate the people, but we need books, printing presses and computers, and the ability to produce more, as well as to improve the ones we have. We’re also going to need seeds for planting, as much of what we had was destroyed by the British.