The Hapians - Cover

The Hapians

Copyright© 2011 by Damien Drake


"This is Steve Walkastonove making vocal records for later study. This is the 3rd month by my calculations I have been separated from my group, I am unsure if I will make it out alive this terrain is much more difficult then we were lead to believe. According to my GPS locator I am at LAT 34.624168 and LON 89.099121. My team started at the base of Mount Everest and moved out in grids to look for rare and endangered species of flora and fauna when we were hit by a avalanche and I was separated from them, currently I have no idea if any survived or not I try not to think too hard on that. End Recording."

"I think the cold has finally started to effect my mind, I keep seeing things but upon further investigation there is nothing. One of the worst is I keep seeing a city in the distance but it disappears when I look for it, but I keep a hold on hope maybe it is a small settlement that I can get aid from.

End Recording."

"I have been seeing more and more hallucinations. I have begun to fear for my life, I think about Tammy the sweet little girl at the Rucker blvd Elementary School who is waiting for me to return with a gift for her and her classmates. I hope she does not get too disappointed with me if I am late. End Recording."

"This is going to be my last report I was wrong about it being hallucinations it all was real now I realize what it was all about they are timeless I am going to try to make contact with them we shall see how it goes. End Recording."

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