A Prince Too Many - Cover

A Prince Too Many

Copyright© 2011 by Celtic Bard


Auley, Kaykyssa (äw-lē, kā-kī-sä)- Corporal-Command Sergeant Major of the Tran Kor Cavalry Corps, member of Clan Auley, second cousin to Lilith Auley

Auley, Lilith (äw-lē, lĭl-ĭth)- master in the Guild of Healers, matriarch of Clan Auley, second cousin of Kaykyssa

Dialayla, Giappo (dē-ä-lā-lä)- pianist, eldest son of the Matriarch of House Dialayla, second husband to Lady Shiena of Jenni, father of Shayla

Ellagaunt, Ellajyn (ĕl-ä-gäwnt, ĕl-ä-jĭn)- Matriarch of the Council of the Goddess, Matriarch of House Ellagaunt, mother of Colonel Paraezal Ellagaunt

Ellagaunt, Paraezal (ĕl-ä-gäwnt, par-ā-zôl)- Colonel-General in the Tran Kor Army, son of Lady Ellajyn of House Ellagaunt, later Vice-Chairman of the General Staff of the Tran Kor Army

Hellvalla, Aecham (hĕl-vôl-ä, ā-chăm)- Private in the Tran Kor Cavalry Corps, member of Clan Hellvalla

Ialae'Lo, Zerel (ē-ă-lā-lō, zer-ĕl)- General of the March Defense, nephew of the Matriarch of House Ialae'Lo

Jenni, Ceilia (jĕn-ē, sēl-ē-ä)- eldest daughter and heir of Lady Shiena Jenni, half-sister of Sharn

Jenni, Lyla (jĕn-ē, lī-lä)- daughter of Jessilia Jenni, niece of Lady Shiena Jenni, cousin of Sharn

Jenni, Samantia (jĕn-ē, sä-măn-tē-ä)- youngest daughter of Lady Shiena Jenni, half-sister of Sharn, later married to Jeanoolo (zhŏn-ōō-lō) of House Jeandahl (zhŏn-dôl)) and annulled, priestess of Cealie

Jenni, Sharn (jĕn-ē, sharn)- youngest son of Lady Shiena Jenni, later Lieutenant in the Tran Kor Cavalry Corps and ranger

Jenni, Shayla (jĕn-ē, shā-lä)- second eldest daughter of Lady Shiena Jenni, half-sister of Sharn, later heir of Lady Shiena

Jenni, Shiena (jĕn-ē, shēn-ä) – High Matriarch of the Council of the Goddess, Matriarch of House Jenni, mother to Sharn

Ko'Kaso, Kola (kō-kä-sō, kōl-ä)- Command Sergeant Major of the Tran Kor Cavalry Corps, member of Clan Ko'Kaso

Lielaan, Lialor (lē-lŏn, lē-ä-lor)- Sergeant Major in the Tran Kor Cavalry Corps, stablemaster, member of Clan Lielann

Ra'eva, Escheveri (rā-vä, ĕsh-ĕ-ver-ē)- Lieutenant in the Tran Kor Army, aid to Colonel Paraezal, cousin of the Matriarch of House Ra'eva

Ra'eva, Zallar (rā-vä, zä-lar)- ex-husband (annulled) of Lady Shiena Jenni, father of Ceilia Jenni, second cousin of the Matriarch of Ra'eva

Va'el, Vaelossa (vā-ĕl, vā-ĕl-ō-sä)- Captain-Colonel in the Tran Kor Cavalry Corps, son of the Matriarch of House Va'el, nephew-in-law of Colonel-General Paraezal of House Ellagaunt

Zyllar, Mellari (zī-lar, mĕl-ar-ē)- Private-Corporal in the Tran Kor Cavalry Corps, member of Clan Zyllar

NOTE- All characters in this story are of the Ce'al race. For further details on their specifics and some of the political/cultural details, see the Glossary page of Justice Resurrected, also by the Celtic Bard.

The source of this story is Finestories

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