The Adventures of the Cruiser Rachel - Cover

The Adventures of the Cruiser Rachel

Copyright© 2011 by apa maximtrz

Chapter 2

BWNS Rachel CA-878 08300hrs in transit to Base 45 1 day later

Captain 3rd class Brenda Mallow leaves her cabin and walks down to marine county. the crew salute her as she passes by. She returns their salutes and walks up to the gunny. Command Master Gunnery Sergent James Compton was practicing Mixed marshel arts with his Battalion. Brenda walks up behind him "Defend yourself gunny." she says as she takes up the stance. Gunny Compton twists around and goes into a stance. "Well played my Captain.' he says grinning. "Care for a spar bout?" he ask her. "By all means gunny let's do it." Brenda says as she launches into a fury of punches and kicks. Gunny Compton dodges and replies with his own punches and kicks. the match goes on for 20 mins before it is considered a draw. "Nice match gunny again in a week?" Brenda Asks the Marine. "Aye Ma'am" he says.

Pirate Cruiser system 42D 0914hrs

The Heavy Cruiser Rachel approaches the end of her first H-Space Leg and the Crew Configures her for N-space tranisition into System 42D. "Captain we have a ship dropping out of H-space she looks like a Small Ship about 140k tons wolf make." the first mate tells the pirate captain. "Very well lay in a intercept coarse and prepare to fire a shot across the bow. are you sure that this is a merchant and not a warship?" the Captain tells and asks his mate. "No captain scaners show a probability of 20% that this is a warship." he tells the captain. he turns and relays the orders to the crew and the Cruiser turns and heads towords the Rachel.

BWNS Rachel CA-878 0915hrs System 42D

"Sir SHip incomming computer makes her a Cruiser class ship configs to being a pirate." the Tac officer tells the XO. he turns to his Console "Captain to the Bridge." he says over the intercom. Captain Mallow heres this and takes off running to the bridge. "Sit rep XO." she says as she enters the bridge. "Captain we have a pirate cruiser inbound she shows to be between 120k-180k tons ETA to interception 30 mins." he tells Brenda. "OK goto general quarters." she says and the Tac officer hits a button and a loud gong rings all over the ship with the crew rushing to general quarters. "Guns bring online the weapons but do not unmask yet, Chief prep a message to the cruiser and when they send their comm message than we will unmask and pire all weapons at them." Brenda tells her crew.

Pirate Cruiser system 42D 0930hrs

"Captain ready to fire the weapon." the mate tells his captain. "Ok send them the message and fire one missle across their bow. the cruiser fires one missle at the Rachel. and the message follows at the same time. "Attention Wolf ship heave to and prepare to be boarded, resistance will be punnished harshly."

BWRN Rachel CA-878 0930hrs System 42D

"Captain messgae from the cruiser and they ask that we surrender to them." the Communications officer tells Brenda. "Missle inbound looks to pass our bow." the Tactical officer yells. "turn and FIRE all Batteries at that cruiser." Brenda yells. THe Rachel turns to port and unmasks her weapons. she fires and over 60 missles head towords the cruiser. The Rachel also Starts her Juking, and rushes to bring her energy weapons ioto play.

Pirate Cruiser System 42D 0940hrs.

Captain Missles inbound est. 60 warheads. time to impact 3 mins."the Pirate XO tells his captain. "return fire and no quarter." he replies. "Aye Captain." the mate replies back. the pirate cruiser turns to fire her broadsides her missle defence fires and they manage to knock down 10missles while 15 missles detonate as one Destroying the Pirate Cruise. the Pirate Cruiser had gotten off 4 missles and all 4 missles where destroyed.

BWNS Rachel 0950hrs system 42D

"Ma'am ship is destroyed." the tactical officer exclaimes. " ok bring us to the H-space mark and lets continue this mission." Brenda says the Cruiser Rachel hits the mark and the ship goes into H-space and they head to base 45 which is now 3 days away.

this is from my mind if you want to write stories in the Blue Wolf Universe than contact me.

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