Opening Guns - Cover

Opening Guns

Copyright© 2011 by apa maximtrz

Chapter 3

Orbit Wolf's Den

The Shuttle launches from the pad and heads towrds the orbiting Ship. The Boat bay officer sees the shuttle and it is covered by marine Attack Craft "Bridge this is the Boat bay, the Prince is enroute ETA 40 mins." the SR.LT.tells Captain Micheals. The captian presses a button summoning the Side Party to the bay and She gets up out of her seat and heads to the lift and takes it to the bay.

"OK what happened there people?" a slightly shaken Prince asks his elite unit. the Major in command looks at him "My prince we have failed you that blast was intended for you and we have failed to intercept the threat." Vance looks at the Major, "It wasn't your fault and now we are at war the Fleet is mobilizing and weneed everyone in top form." he tells the Marine who Brightens up after his pep talk.

The Shuttle settles into the boat bay 40 mins later and Vance Maxi leaves and walks down the ramp to the Wolf National Anthem playing over the loud speakers. "CROWN PRINCE VANCE MAXI II ARRIVING!" the bouson bellows into the speaker system. and the Side party Salutes as does Michaels "Welcome Home Sir." She says as Vance returns the Salute and walks towrds her. "A pleasure to be back Captian, also we may be sailing with Mid Admiral Burfoot, and Low Admiral Evans." he tells a suprised Michaels "Sir where will we house them as the flag quarters are in use by yourself?" Michaels asks. "Well I happen to have 2 Rooms avaible next to mine my marine escorts have agreed to sleep in marine county for the duration of the cruise if needed. he replies as theyenter the lift for the 5 min ride to the flag Bridge.

Duke Bouldens office

"But Sir we are needed here not with the fleet." Mid Admiral Burfoot tells his superior. Duke Boulden looks at his 2 Flag Officers "We need experianced officers at this front and this comes down as Alpha's orders and you know what the penalty for disobaying that kind of order right." he asks the officers. "Yes sir we do know." Low Admiral Evans tells Duke Boulden, (Yeah just what we don't need a Alpha's mast.) Mid Admiral Burfoot thinks with a shudder. Mid Admiral Burfoot and Low Admiral Evans Salute and head out of Duke Bouldens office and head to the Cantean for a bite to eat.

Draconis Prime Orbit.

Admiral Dragon IV looks at his tac plot on his flag bridge "Captain have all ships assume transit formation and prepare us to move out to system 647 for the Meeting with the rest of our Strike Fleet." Dragon tells his Flag Captain. "Aye Sir." the Captain replies and turns to her crew and repeats the order. the 1st Division of the Strike Fleet moves out at 3 gravities and hits H-space 90 mins later.

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