Opening Guns - Cover

Opening Guns

Copyright© 2011 by apa maximtrz

Chapter 2

Alpha Vance Maxi Jr, Alpha Maximtrz looked at the report that had arrived from Base 45. "Ulses send copy of this letter to High Admiral Boulden." he tells one of his Valets. "At once my alpha." he tells the Alpha as he bows. Vance heads to is room and looks up at the line of pictures of the past Alpha Maximtrz's going back 6 Generations. "Well fathers I have a war coming and we will need all the help and guidance you can give Me." he tells the pictures. Vance than lays down in his bed while the letter arrives in Duke Boulden's room. Draconis Prime

"Master, the navy is ready to attack the wolfs, they stand at the ready." The underling tells Admiral Lowie Dragon IV. "Excellent you are relived." He says with a wave of his hand. The underling leaves and Admiral Dragon looks at the orders he has received. "Commander Send word to the task group commander to be ready at 1800 hours for a full briefing." he tells the commander standing in his office.

Red Den

General 2nd class Sir Cameron Gentas Earl White Grove looked out at his assembled Division. Troops 5 days ago the Draconis Navy attacked and destroyed a Wolf Light Cruiser with all hands we are setting up to have our division and the rest in our Corps form up and get ready to attack and garrison the Draconis Planets. You troops are the vanguard of the Force so look alive and watch you back as well as your comrades. For the Alpha and may his family Reign Forever!" He speaks to the assembled troops. The Marines go wild at the last and take up the chant for the Alpha and his family. A shady person looks out through a telephoto screen and counts the troops assembled. He leaves and makes a report to his higher ups. -xxx-xxx-x-x The following has been observed at the wolf's Red Den, 3rd Corps of the BWRM is assembling and will be in a position to attack the border planets in 3 weeks recommend that the frontier fleets go on maximum alert. Agent 546D -xxx-xxx-x-x The message gets sent up to a fast Courier boat in orbit the Draconis boat leaves Red Den at a fast speed and heads to the prime planet before the Wolf Navy found out that they used a bogus clearance.

Orbit around Wolf's Den Alpha's Revenge SD-547

Captain 1st class Candice Micheals looks out at the assembled fleet "XO have all the Commanders met here for a briefing at 0600 and set the 3rd watch I am heading to my cabin alert me if anything comes in." She tells a tall bulky officer. "Aye My Lady as you order." He replies. Candice rolls her eyes at the my lady part. (Man you would have thought I would be used to the title by now. But since I got promoted to captain 1st class and received the Countess of Thors's Place.) She thinks to herself. As she walks to the fast lift car. "Deck 3." She tells the operator. The car runs down the length of the ship and down 2 decks before arriving at the Midship Row and looking out at the 12 Midshipmen and woman of the current academy class. "Ladies, Gentlemen I am Captain 1st class Candice Micheals and I am Commander of this ship. Some of the history of this ship is that it is the 2nd Fleet Flagship with Prince Vance Maxi II as it's commander. You will be shown around by the XO or Second officer. We have 2 Battalions of marines onboard and they also have their own 3rd LTs. Please no relationships on your middie cruise as we are in a defacto state of war we will more than likely issue you your rank a few weeks into the cruise. Obey the Bosun and the Gunny as they have more authority than anyone beside the Xo or higher. They have the wisdom and knowledge use it and you will one day achieve Flag rank. The Prince will arrive at 0400 present yourselves in the boat bay at 0330 and watch the ceremony." She tells the assembled officers to be.

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