Opening Guns - Cover

Opening Guns

Copyright© 2011 by apa maximtrz

Chapter 1

James Boulden High admiral of the Blue Wolf Kingdom was looking at the screen going over the latest intel that Mid Admiral Burfoot had given him. "Leutenant send a communication to Fleet Admiral Maxi and have him stop by before he departs the system." "Yes sir!" the young officer tells him. Jessie Turns and leaves the office and heads down to the comm. center where he puts in the request.

Alpha's Revenge Fleet Admiral Vance Maxi II was talking to his father the Alpha. "Father what news do you have pertaining to the incident of the 34th of Green moon?" he asks. "son the ship in question was the Gladius your 3rd cousins ship. He was killed by the Draconis military so I am sending you to the parlay with the dracons your fleet will have 4 SD battle Squadrons, 3 DN Battle Squadrons, 1 Squadron of DF ships, with 20 Cruiser Squadrons for escort and screens, the cruisers are a mix of 5 Battle, 5 heavy, and 10 light cruiser squadrons. All the ships will be Mk. II ships. Also we have a Carrier Squadron on manuvers 2 days from the boarder so they will have orders to join with you. Have a safe trip also I think your uncle will talk with you. Alpha out!" Maxi looks up at the front of his office "Mike get my Dress uniform ready I go to the High Admirals office." "Yes sir." the aid says and goes to do the bidding of his Admiral. The comm message for maxi to meet with Admiral Boulden get to him 30 mins later.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx934674nvbfgdxxxxxxx To: Prince Vance Maxi II Fleet Admiral BWRN CO 2nd fleet From: High Admirals office. The high admiral request you presence at your convenience to go over info in relation to your up coming mission. Regards High Admiral James Boulden Head of Military Consul Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx93746brtfrefdxxxxxxxxxxx

Maxi changes into his Dress uniform and heads down to his shuttle for the trip to the surface.

Draconis Prime

"The wolfies will respond with a heavy force in regqrds to the blunder that you have caused us admiral." Taltus Dracon leers at the sniveling Admiral in front of him. "I should eat you right now for your incompatance but you have another chance, bring me the head of the enemy commander and you will be forgivin, fail and I will have you for dinner." He snarls out "Yesss my leader." The admiral says as he leaves the office. "Get me all the info you can on the commander that the wolves will send." "at once my admiral." The underling replies.

Wolf's Lair

Fleet Admiral Vance Maxi II Crown Prince of the Blue Wolf Kingdom walks to the aircar for his ride to the admiraldy "James on the way back we will goto OMI and see my dear friend ted before we depart." "yes my prince." The bully wolf like Marine tell's his prince. They enter the aircar and take off. Maxi looking out the window at the assembled cadets (over 2 billion people here and most are cadets. Not on my watch will a ton of parents die needlessly) he tells himself. The aircar turns and arrives at a huge building. Maxi walks in and has his meeting with the Admiral.

"Your Highness welcome." Duke Boulden tells his finest line officer. "Thank you Admiral what can I do for you?" "well Maxi we have a report that the Draconis strike fleet is heading to the border and I want 2nd fleet there to stop them." Boulden tells him. "Well Sir I see that I will recive a huge Fleet replenishment so I will do it." Maxi tells the Admiral. "OK you leve in 4 days and expect to be gone for 6 months, Dismissed." Boulden says Saluting Maxi with the Royal Salute. Maxi leaves the office and heads back to his ship.

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