One New Horizon - Cover

One New Horizon

Copyright© 2011 by Sagacious

Chapter 6

I found out the next day what was going on. I was being accused of trying to destroy the country's energy companies and ruin the economy.

I had our law and ad agencies put together a presentation debunking the whole concept, and emphasizing the green part of our design as well as the plan to franchise the production. The fact that almost all of the production was to be in North America while the sales would be worldwide showed that the economy could be expected to bloom, not stagnate. After that I got in touch with CNN to have them try to make the hearings public. Congress was going to try their best to cover up the whole thing, and that I would not allow. I would give them an AV show that would do my high school science teacher proud.

Two days after the subpoena was served the peace and tranquility of my household was shattered. Leaving Diane and Julie in charge in Vegas, Brenda, Sophia, and Janice arrived. In the helicopter with them was Crom's Cousin Muriel. Sophia and Muriel looked enough alike to be sisters, but there was obviously already some tension between them as they stepped off of the aircraft.

Inez ran forward, and soon she was hugging and kissing and gabbing away with her three friends. Crom and I went forward to greet his cousin.

The helicopter had landed in the yard near the front entrance I had taken Inez and her mother into on their arrival. I was looking forward to surprising the girls from Vegas the same way I had Inez and Norma. The only change from that occasion was that we now had wind turbines on all four corners of the building. These took care of almost all power needs for the house and surroundings; any other needs were taken care of by a small propane powered unit in the garage. All telephone and internet connections were wireless so that there were no wires going to the house from any direction. The helicopter could have landed in any clearing on the compound with no trouble, but I wanted them here.

"Ingmar, how nice to see you again. Uncle didn't tell me that you would be here. And you must be Mr. Andrews, I am happy to meet you sir." Muriel gave Crom a hug and looked around her at the building and surroundings. "Is this your factory Crom? From what Uncle said I expected something bigger."

I laughed, "No Miss Horne, they manufactured furniture here fifty years ago, but now it is my residence. It looks like my wife is ready to go in with her friends. Shall we join them?"

The oohs and aahs when we entered met my expectations. Brenda ran over and gave me a big hug. "This is fantastic Alex. When Inez described it to us I put it down to newlywed exaggeration, but she underplayed it if anything. I was jealous of Inez before, but now I'm positively green with envy."

I hugged Brenda back, "No need for envy dear girl, continue working like you have been and you and Diane can build a place like this in Vegas. It won't take many years before you can do it."

Brenda stepped back and got a musing expression on her face, "Yeah, you're right. It shouldn't take too long at that." She gave me a quick peck on the cheek, "Thanks for the idea Alex, and for the means to fulfill it." Brenda bounced back over to the other girls.

All this time Muriel had been looking around in wonder, and then staring at Brenda in consternation. "Ingmar, what the hell is going on here and who are these women? Uncle said that you and I would be working for Mr. Andrews and I could get out of that mess in New York. Now I find that he has a mansion and hot and cold running women. Where is the factory and what am I expected to do? I'm not going to be a part of some playboy's harem."

Crom looked amused. "Alex is hardly a playboy Muriel, these women run a club in Las Vegas for him. They are just here to visit with their friend Inez, Alex's wife. The factory is that very large building complex just outside of town you had to have seen as you flew in. As far as work goes," he paused and looked over at me, "I am Alex's partner, not his employee. You are going to help us expand our business to meet demands. Have you heard anything about the new wind turbines for houses?"

"Do you mean those big ugly propellers people put up to save power costs?"

By this time we had gotten across to the main floor family room area. Crom looked up and pointed through the skylights to one of the turbines on the corner of the building. I admit that they didn't look the way people expected them to. The light gray units were of a different design. They consisted of two 48" discs placed horizontally with five triangles standing 36" vertically around the edges. Sort of like a fat barrel. The trailing side of each triangle was open to catch the air and there was a dome on the top of the unit. Crom had tried the traditional propeller and tail, but found this method much less complex and more efficient because no matter which way the wind came from the unit would spin without adjustments. The generator itself was connected by a shaft in the support post and located near the ground for ease of maintenance, also making the system much easier to erect. "No, Dear Cousin, I mean those turbines up there. I designed those and we can't make enough to sell to everyone who wants one. Our initial stock of 500,000 is already gone at over $3,000 each and we have orders for millions more. We haven't even broached the world market yet and all the sales so far are domestic. The potential is almost limitless and you are getting in on the ground floor. Alex is not going to ask for more than you can do, so pay attention to what he wants. Uncle and I both recommended you for this, please don't let us down."

Muriel grew quiet as we entered the family room and everyone took a seat. I found myself sandwiched between Inez and Brenda on a love seat. I had prepared a video presentation of the house and grounds and played that on the flatscreen TV covering one wall of the room. The presentation included the people working and living here as well as the apartment complex, clinic, and school. The advertising agency had put together a similar presentation about the company, factory, and products.

At the end of the presentation I looked around at the expressions of astonishment on each face except for Crom and Inez. "Any questions Ladies?"

Sophia looked at the screen with the logo of A&C Genitech on it, a spider gear with the name around the center hole, and then over at me. "Was all this going on while you were in Vegas with us?"

"Well, yes. I got everything underway, and took off when there was a slack period. I had it all planned out ahead of time and I was in touch with Crom and the shop manager all the time."

"How much did buying Jewels set the plan back? I know that and the condo weren't in your plans."

"Actually, it didn't delay anything. I had to do some work on the nights we weren't dating, but I earned enough doing that pay for everything. I got the condo's for unpaid taxes and the redecorating wasn't very much."

"Alex, that club cost a lot of money for the controlling partnership and it must have been almost a million for the new look. That is not something you can drum up on 2 or three nights a week. Why did you do that Alex?"

"It was the only way to get rid of the asshole who was bothering Inez. I don't know what else I could have done. Don't you like your new job Sophia?"

"Oh, I like it just fine. I'm just finding it hard to adjust to the nice guy I met in Vegas running such a large corporation. You were trying to impress us with how rich you were, but you didn't even give out the full nature or your wealth. Why not?"

"I was keeping all of this undercover at the time. If it came out too soon I would become a target and none of us would be safe. I thought that when I went to Vegas I was going to hire a mother for my children. I expected a lot more difficulties than I encountered and I never hoped for what I got. Buying "Jewels" was a side affair to gain an advantage I thought I needed. Part of the reason for it was to keep you girls quiet about my business till I went public. I figured that you would be too busy to cause Inez or me any trouble. Another factor was that when I researched the women selected for me by the employment agency, I was appalled at the way life for all of you was in sin city. All or your employers and managers were taking horrendous advantage of you. I hoped that I could at least help some of you out of that situation."

Muriel had to be the most confused woman in the world at that point. I saw the expression on her face and continued to speak. "Two questions for you Sophia. How soon do you think that Brenda and Diane can do without you, and would you be willing to explain to Muriel there what we have been talking about? I think her curiosity bump is about to explode."

"I think you are right Alex, she is about to blow. Take it easy Red, I'll be glad to fill you in on our boss's scandalous past in a strip joint. And as for your first question, I have been getting the books ready for an independent accountant for the past month or so. At first I thought that I would be that accountant with my own company, but now I'm not so sure. Why do you ask, Alex?"

"I may have something else for you to do Sophia, but before we talk about it, I have seen Camille standing at the door trying to let us know that Marcela has dinner ready for us. Let's go to see what she has prepared for us, shall we?"

Camille led the way, and as the women all followed her I noticed that someone was missing. I turned back and saw Crom and Janice sitting on a couch looking into each other's eyes. I clapped my hands loudly and yelled, "Hey you two, dinner is served!"

They both gasped and jumped up, without letting go of each other's hands. Crom was the first to speak, "Shall we go in Janice? Marcella is a great cook, I've gained 10 pounds since I moved in here."

When we got to the dining room, Muriel tried to interpose herself between Crom and Janice. Inez saw what she was doing and spoke up.

"Muriel, what are you doing girl? If you can't control yourself better than that, you won't be welcome here."

"I'm trying to protect Ingmar from this little Chippy here, that's what I'm doing. He doesn't need girls like this bothering him."

"Why not Dear? Crom doesn't look as if he objects to Janice sitting beside him, why should you?"

"Yeah, Muriel. Why do you keep taking all the girls away from me? Aren't I allowed to have any fun? I always liked you and I thought that you liked me too."

Muriel got a confused look on her face. " ... but, but, I thought you were gay!"

Inez looked shocked at that, "What made you think he was gay, Muriel?"

Muriel was looking around at the lot of us now, "But, but, he was always so helpful to me when I came out and the family got mean with me. I figured that he was the same way or he wouldn't have been so kind."

"Aw hell. I just didn't think you deserved such a raft of shit for being yourself, Muriel. All you had to do was ask. I am not gay, I like girls."

"All right," came from Janice as she snuggled up to Crom.

Muriel sat down abruptly with a red face and we all dug in to the feast laid before us. The conversation at the table was boisterous and energetic. I found myself between Inez and Brenda again and wondered what that was about. Norma and Jessica were there so the bawdiness was under control as much as it could be. Everyone stuck in comments to Muriel about the events in Vegas and by the end of the meal she seemed to be up to speed.

"Inez Dear, would you take Brenda and Janice and show them around a bit, please? I need to talk to Muriel and Sophia in the den."

"Sure Alex, but I think Crom may have some things he wants to show Janice. Hey Crom, take her swimming, she loves the water."

Crom looked up from studying Janice's face, "Okay, thanks."

Inez looked to her side, "Want to show Aunt Brenda your room and play area Sweetie?"

"Yeah!" Jessica jumped down and ran around me to get to Brenda, "C'mon Aunt Brenda, wait till you see all the neat stuff Daddy got me." She grabbed Brenda's hand and led her off toward the stairs followed a little more slowly by Inez and Norma. I got a little shiver down my spine when she called me "Daddy".

I stood up, "Muriel, Sophia, would you two join me in the den please? I think I have something you would like to hear."

When we got to the den I sat them down on opposite ends of a couch and pulled a chair up before them. "Okay girls, here it is. My plant here is at full capacity and falling rapidly behind orders. Hell, we ran out of stock within the first couple of days. I need more places making generators and components of generators. What I need you two to do is to find me those plants. I want to give you each half of the country and set you loose. You can choose where to base yourselves and of course you will have to hire a staff to support you. I have files of all the people I have been in contact with over the last couple of years and which ones are worth working with. There are also some places that will get work from us only with a complete change of management. I don't deal well with assholes. What do you think?"

Sophia asked, "Just what kind of things are you looking for? Do you need only small plants, or assembly shops as well?"

"We need it all. I was always going to farm a lot of work out and had some feelers to possible companies, but the deluge of orders was a lot more than I expected. I couldn't get too specific before we went public. Right now it is all I can do on my own to keep supplies coming in for the increased production in this plant. Crom has designs for larger and smaller units too and we need to lease the rights to them as well."

"How about this then," Muriel spoke up, "instead of cutting up the country into halves, let me work on getting plants for the larger and smaller units. That way Sophia can concentrate on getting your wind units built."

"That sounds good to me. What do you think Sophia?"

"I like it, we can both base out of someplace like Shreveport or Texarkana then and be close by if we need you or Crom."

"Does this mean that you will do it?"

Both girls looked at each other for a moment, then at me, "I'm in," from Muriel. "Me too." Said Sophia.

"Welcome to A&C Genitech, girls. I hope you can help us, 'cause we sure need it. Let me see where your rooms are and I'll show you around the place a bit."

I ended up turning them over to Camille and went to find Inez to give her the good news.

I finally found her upstairs in the hot tub with Brenda.

"Alex, how did it go, Dear? Get undressed and join us in here, it feels so good."

"The girls are willing to join up, Dear. It may take them a week or so to get going good, but they'll take a lot off of my shoulders. That looks good, Honey. I'll just go in and change."

"Don't bother with a suit, Alex. We didn't."

"What!? Both of you?"

"Yes, Dear. I'm sure you saw Brenda when she was dancing, and I sure don't have any secrets from you, except maybe for one."

"No, I never saw any of you dance, or pictures of you doing so. The agency said that you were all beautiful and I agreed with them. I didn't want to be distracted from my mission. I'm not really comfortable with nudity yet, Inez. I'll wait awhile if you don't mind."

"Hurry up then, or I'll fall asleep and you'll miss my secret."

Brenda remained quiet during our discussion, but she giggled as I retreated to my bedroom to change.

Wearing a pair of trunks I usually used in the pool, I sat down beside Inez a few minutes later. I tried hard not to stare at Brenda's breasts just peeking at me above the water line.

"So what is this secret you have kept from me, Dear?"

"I saw Phyllis at the clinic this morning, and she confirmed that I am pregnant. You are going to be a father Alex."

I was so stunned that I didn't even see Brenda when she got up and came over to hug Inez, at least not until she came to me for a hug.

"Congratulations, Alex. Now you can do the same thing for me. Diane and I discussed this a lot and decided that we want you to be the father of our children. I know you said that you didn't want to father children that you wouldn't be responsible for, but you will be. We work for you, or at least for Inez. We hope that you will visit often and we will be sure the kids know who daddy is. We've talked it over with Inez, and the plan is for you to get me pregnant this week. Next year it will be Diane's turn, and so on until we both have two kids."

I looked over at Inez, "You went along with this insanity? Why would you do that?"

"Don't be upset, Alex. I came to care a lot for all the girls at Jewels, and it does make a kind of sense. They don't have anyone else they like as much as they do you, and you are responsible for them doing as good as they are. I don't feel threatened by them at all, and it's not like I'm going to leave you alone with either of them. I'm going to be there the whole time. They are really happy with each other and don't want a man who will come between them. Is it really that bad an idea?"

Brenda put her mouth near my ear and whispered, "Inez has told me a lot of things that I have trouble believing, Alex. I'm hoping that you'll prove that she isn't just bragging."

Inez stood up and pulled me up as well, "Come along husband, you have work to do."

The next day I wanted to take Muriel and Sophia on a tour of the factory and introduce them to the manager, Grier Barringer. He had some people working for him that he wanted them to meet. These guys and girls would have to go out and inspect the new places the girls found to make sure that they would be able to handle the task. I didn't expect the girls to handle the technical details; they were to be my "people" people, taking care of all the personal interactions that I found so difficult. Crom and Grier had been selecting folks to send out on inspections, not only initial, but supplemental as well. I wanted to be sure that anything that went out with our name was as good as it could be. I didn't want anyone to be able to tell whether or not a product came from our plant or one of the subsidiaries, they should all have the same quality.

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