Bite Mark - Cover

Bite Mark

by Doom rains

Copyright© 2010 by Doom rains

Poem Story: A story inspired by the movie Interveiw with a vampire.

Tags: Vampires  

I stand in the crowd
Looking for a tasty morsel
I finally make my selection
A young girl in pig tails

I sweep her off her feet
And with her, vanish from the crowd
I take her deep into the alleyway
I look into her eyes

She is so frightened that she can not even scream
As I stare into her eyes
I bite into her neck
I feel her soft flesh give way to my teeth

She starts to shake
She stiffens, then her body goes limp
As I feel the last of her warm blood stream down my throat
I pull away, to feel a drop of her lush blood fall down my chin

As I wipe it clean I gaze at her young body
Lifeless, devoid of a soul
I feel her life force energizing my body
I feel my self strengthen

I take one last look at the young girl who gave her life for me
Then walk away, out into the street
I see her parents looking for her, franticly
I stroll away, to blend into the crowd never to be seen again

Waiting for my next meal...
I'm feeling a little audacious tonight
I think I'll try a young lad soft chuckle...

There is more of this story...

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