The Landing - Cover

The Landing

Copyright© 2010 by GhostWriter1

Chapter 2

Day five

A rather strange thing has happened there seems to be a large for sale sign out the front of our house and I cant for the life of me remember putting it their or for that matter getting anybody to put it there. I just received a call from a real estate agent telling me rather excitedly that I had in fact sold my house, I simply told him " oh that's good " it also appears that my wife and I are buying a place in a place called junee, the real estate agent showed me some pictures of it and it jolly well looks quite nice in fact I cant wait to live there I feel I should be upset about it all but I am not the least bit upset l, on the contrary I feel ecstatic about it all its like all my Christmases have come at once I think I had better get a cup of tea and chocolate.

Day six

Someone rang it was another real estate person saying the offer was too low and the buyers wont take any less than 100000 for the place. I just said ok I will ponder on it and get back to you,

all very strange if you ask me i thought to myself, I felt the earge to ring a number that came to me, Pete Oney realtors here said a voice on the other end of the line i replied the offer was too low he said ok leave it with me we will talk later i said ok see you later then, im not sure how much later but im a patient sort of a chap so i guess i will wait.

Day seven

I am still waiting " knock knock " i hear "oh joy" I proclaim to myself it must be Pete it wasnt just a couple of bible bashers doing what they do best bashing my door down. They said were here to proclaim that the son of god is here I said dont you mean is comming NO!!! the girl cried he is here I said where? at our temple the girl shouted I thought to myself these girls must be smoking some happy weed or something so I said say Gday from me, and shut the door on them.

Day eight

I hear a car pull up and guess what it's Pete a day late!!! but i apparantly didnt have anything else better to do. He comes in and says my boy guess what i say you saw jesus, he looks bemused No he says abruptly we are in a good position to put our final offer in on the dream house i say thats great, Pete says I have a firm offer from the sellers that they will sell for 98000 not a penny less then i say ok we will buy it. Its as if everbody has the script of my life but me.

Day nine

The next day I wake up next to my Beautiful wife, I gaze out the window and do a double take the outside looks different things smell different, the air is purer I smell bacon, but my wife is fast asleep, I put on some clothes as i wipe the sleep from my eyes I look with awe at our bedroom, its completly different, i start to think to myself hang on am I dreaming or something. I go to the bathroom and splash my face with water. Then walk towards the kitchen and see perfectly cooked bacon and eggs with hot buttered toast for two. Then my georgous wife appears and says Wow!!! me loverly hubby you have been so busy cooking us a wonderful breakfast, I get a huge kiss on my cheek. My wife then says dont you just love our new house I reply yes it is a wonderful house honey, We hear on the radio that there have been strange selestial clouds appearing all around the earth the second comming is hear We hear the anouncer say, I simply say to my delightful wife thats good.

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