Terror Among Us - Cover

Terror Among Us

Copyright© 2015 by maypop

Chapter 6

Emom walked into the mess hall at 2000 hours, joined Lona and to eat before we headed

They checked and made sure they had all the things they had requested. It was 2100 hours when they pulled out.

By following Emom's directions, they were able to miss all the check points that would slow them down. They were on the outskirts of Tehran by sunrise. When we reached the police station there was a motel next door at the edge of the parking lot.

We checked into a room with double beds. It faced the parking lot of the police station. We watched the police station for a while and noticed they parked in front and used the front door. The back lot was just to store their car after the shift. We said our prayers of thanks and soon were fast asleep.

My trusty Franklin Bible went off at 0100. We all got into our Bibles. I had given Emom a Bible in Arabic. We prayed and cut the lights out and opened the curtains. We could see the front of the police station as well as the back.

We soon saw a car pull up to the front and a man got out and went inside. We made our move to the back and into the space between. Thanks to our reels we were on the roof in matter of minutes. It was just as Emom said.

We put the gas in the vent and stood back and waited until the blower cut on. It cut on in about five minutes. The gas would work in about three minutes.

We donned our masks and went into the station by the door on the roof. Nancy Bobbitt was easy to find. They had used duck tape across her mouth. I left it on and taped her hands just in case she woke up prematurely. We were in and out in just under four minutes. The gas was to work for two hours.

Two hours later, we were in Gharqabad, Iran when Senator Nancy woke up. She started fighting her restraints and attempting to say something.

"Senator Bobbitt, we have rescued you. Let me pull over and I will make you more comfortable," I said.

I found a gas station where I could get gas and make her more comfortable at the same time. I used the credit card I had and started the pump. When I took the tape off her mouth she started cursing me out. I was afraid someone was going to hear her and alert someone because she was yelling in English. Before she said more than five words I knocked her out and taped her mouth again.

I looked around and saw no one. I finished the fueling and pulled out and headed down the road toward the border.

"Emom, this senator is the most disrespectful person we have in the Senate. She will come unglued when I take her restraints off. I got permission from the President of the United States to tape her mouth shut. We will take no more chances with her in Iran."

Senator Bobbitt stayed restrained until we were safely across the border. Emom was a great help again of keeping us away from roads that might be patrolled. When we reached the little ghost town I took off the restraints.

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