The Angels Dreams - Cover

The Angels Dreams

Copyright© 2010 by MJ Phoenix

Chapter 1

The sapphire blue sky held fiery golden sun in its midst. the hills rose like skyscrapers above the Los Angeles valley. Steam rose from the black roads and pavements in the mid summer heat. An ocean lapped against a golden white beach and animals played happily in the cool Pacific.

The bustle of the busy LA streets was usual and the quietness of the hills was ominous. The sky was as clear as the ocean that lay beneath it and the air was still and calm. Anyone who strolled around would experience the serenity of that beautiful summer's day.

Lives were calm and happy in four young women's lives. in Los Angeles were just beginning.

Fresh start

"Hey! Anyone home?" A athletic girl with long dyed blonde hair walked into an air conditioned house in Glendale in Los Angeles County. The paint was still fresh and as she wiped an eye from the affects of the paint, she unclipped a harness and lead from a golden Labrador. Ruffling the dog's head as she trotted off in search of her pink water bowl, the girl felt around on the counter to see if anyone's keys were there. No keys were there and she smiled and headed, carefully over to a tall silver refrigerator. She opened the door and grabbed some orange juice. The chill from the fridge and the air conditioning was refreshing but she wondered who had left it on. They had agreed not to leave the A.C running when no one was home due to the fact they had no idea how much the electricity bill would cost them. Pouring a second glass of juice, she closed the door and headed over to a computer table where a sleek, black Mac book sat. Sitting down, carefully placing the cup beside her, she switched on the mac and waited for the computer to load.

"Callie," She called the dog who had just finished drinking her water. "Come here, girl!" The girl patted her jeaned leg and the dog came obediently and nuzzled her golden head in her mistress's lap. "It was hot outside huh?" The girl proceeded to untie some shoes that the dog wore to prevent her paws from getting hurt in the hot weather. As the speech software booted on the girl's computer and the golden dog, named Callie, retreated to her bed by the couch, the girl turned to her computer and busied herself.

Moments later a blue mustang pulled into a quiet street and stopped outside the house. A short, dark haired girl got out of the car. She wore trousers, a shirt and looked very smart. Going to the trunk, she pulled out a briefcase and locking up the car, made her way up a garden path and stopped outside a white front door. Pulling some keys from her purse, the girl smiled and headed inside.

"Hey, Caitlin," The girl called as she saw callie bounding toward her. "Have a good day?" The dark haired girl put her keys on the counter and walked to the fridge to get some water. The golden haired dog wagged her tail furiously while carrying a pink bear in her mouth. "What you got, callie?" The girl bent to pet the happy dog.

"It was good, thanks," Caitlin typed away at a computer. On her screen was a conversation with someone and she turned briefly to chat to her friend and house mate.

"Did you leave the A.C on this morning, Em?" The girl named Emily but often referred to by her friends as Em, shook her had and replaced the cup in the sink.

"No, wonder who did?" Emily smiled at Caitlin as they shared a look. Even though the blonde girl's eyes were clouded with blindness, she still had many expressions of someone who could still see. A successful events organiser in LA, she was well respected and admired by her piers, colleagues and anyone who came into contact with her. She was funny, bright and loved to be around people. Occasionally she became upset and sensitive but most of the time she was happy and determined to keep succeeding. She had attended UCLA like all of her roommates and had been in Kappa Delta, even making it to president in her junior year. She was a partyer and loved to shop and music was one of her passions. Emily, who was probably her closest friend out of the four, having shared the same music taste and many of the same favourite activities, was quieter but marvelled at Caitlin's fun, outgoing, I-don't-give-a-crap and don't-fuck-with-me attitudes. They were best friends and could often be seen partying in Hollywood on a weekend, occasionally on a weekday or shopping in any mall where their might just be a sale on. Emily was a financial advisor and like Caitlin, was extremely successful. Both girls laughed now and Emily sat down at the side of Caitlin and switched on another computer.

"Bet it was Lexie," Emily said swinging in her chair and watching as callie chased her tail. Amusedly, she turned to her friend who was looking at a spread sheet. "What ya working on?"

"Figures for the budget for an upcoming event," Caitlin responded distractedly.

"Want any help?" Emily knew Caitlin hated numbers and would much prefer the fun side of her career. Looking at her best friend, a knowing grin spread across the rounded cheeks and both girls erupted into fits of laughter. Caitlin knew Emily enjoyed numbers and Emily knew Caitlin despised them and that was why they often made such a great team.

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