Bell Whistles' Secrets - Cover

Bell Whistles' Secrets

Copyright© 2010 by JimWar

Chapter 9: Conflict Mounts

The following week was a pleasant week of mild fall weather. The uproar surrounding the treasure had slowed and things seemed almost normal as Hector and I returned to work. I immediately noticed the number of foreclosures had decreased dramatically over the past few weeks. I didn't think this was due to an improvement in the local economy. Rather it was a product of the fact that many of the neighborhoods in the working class area of town had few homes that were not already under foreclosure. I thought of my daddy saying, 'the thorniest rose bush sometimes produces the most beautiful blooms.' My daddy seemed to have a saying for every occasion.

In my case the work load of our clean-out business had slowed enough that we could put most of our energy into home remodeling. That business was slow at the moment but growing as the banks began to drop the asking prices on their inventories of foreclosed homes. Many of these were being bought up as rentals but more and more people were buying them to live in. Even with our clean-out and private security in the area many of these houses had been vandalized. Many of the buyers were forced to live in them 'as is' because of the lack of readily available credit. Many large banks were wary of reinvesting in homes that had so recently been foreclosed. That gave me an advantage as my business connections with several of the smaller local banks helped me assist customers in finding sources of credit for their remodeling.

Pete and others at the Historical Society continued to dig into historical records trying to discover the fate of Captain Gallant and his colony. The appraisal of the treasure also moved forward slowly as almost every item was unique. Audra, Irma and I had agreed to donate many of the duplicate artifacts from the treasure room to the local museum as compensation for their invaluable services in cataloging everything not in the hands of the appraiser.

The donation prompted the museum to sponsor a wide-ranging exhibition of Bell Whistle's history at the museum. Eventually we all agreed to co-sponsor the exhibition along with the historical society. The History of Bell Whistle House would run from early in the next spring until the end of the summer. An entire floor of the museum would be used to display the items. Items found in the treasure room would be displayed in an exact replica of that room.

Another room would contain a small theater where a documentary video of the History of Bell Whistle House would run continuously. The video was to be created by a nationally prominent production company. The company was primarily engaged in shooting historical videos for National Geographic. The video would include footage showing a renowned underground explorer traversing the secret passageway, the tunnel system and the cavern under the house. A diver would enter the cavern from the tunnel entrance in the bay.

A special venue would feature a local actor portraying Willie Thompson, the writer of the slave journal. He would appear in a replica of the room in which the slave journal was found surrounded by replicas of the other furniture we found in that room ... He would read an abbreviated version of Matt's translation of the journal. There was to be a highly publicized competition to find the actor for that role.

The largest venue would contain the recently discovered treasure chest along with Captain Gallant's personal journal. Reproductions of actual treasure from the chest would be displayed along with wax figures of Captain Gallant and his adversary Sir Roger Chadwicke. Models of the captain's ships would be displayed in a diorama of the bay that included what we knew of the lost colony. Several digs were planned to try to locate any remnants of that colony.

There were several reasons that we decided to cooperate with the museum. The most obvious was that we knew the story would eventually get out. We were fortunate to be involved with people who were used to maintaining a certain amount of secrecy. We knew that with the seemingly ever expanding group of people involved with studies of Bell Whistle our luck couldn't continue indefinitely. When the word of the discovery did get out we expected our home to be mobbed. The exhibition at the museum would be one way to put a damper on that.

The main reason was that Lenora was on the board of directors of the museum. During the weeks after the reading of Captain Gallant's journal she had become a fixture around the house and grounds. We joked that she should just stay in one of the guest rooms. She didn't take us up on that but did offer both Irma and Elise advisory seats on the board of the museum. Elise was not interested but Irma quickly accepted the offer. Audra ended up accompanying Irma to the meetings and was a few weeks later offered a seat of her own.

Work on Irma's suite on the first floor had stopped after discovery of the treasure due to security concerns. When things returned to normal Jorge's crew returned to complete that work. Hector put every available man on the job, almost getting in Jorge's way as he double checked the work himself. Jorge and Hector had words several times that week. Jorge was displeased at Hector's micromanagement. Several times I had to intervene to keep peace in the company. Jorge was different when Irma came around to look at the work. He treated her the way he would his own grandmother, making sure she wore a helmet and carefully explaining everything that had happened since her last visit.

Since the discovery of the treasure Irma seemed to have the energy of a person half her age. I actually had to caution her to slow down when I found her running up the stairs to get a wall paper sample. I teased her that she'd be sliding down the banister next.

Audra, Irma, Camille and Elise also spent time planning our upcoming wedding. I couldn't understand the fuss as it was still a good six months away. We had settled on a date that would be on a Friday two weeks before the exhibition opening. I would have loved to have it earlier but, well; things kept getting in the way. Irma, Elise and Camille each acted as if Audra was her only daughter and this was to be the social event of the decade. I found out how seriously Audra herself took the wedding when I jokingly told her that I wasn't sure whether I was good enough to attend such a highfalutin event. Audra gave me a hard look and then in a measured voice said, "If you think they're going overboard, you tell them." The hurt look in her eyes had me quickly explaining that it was all a joke. After that I left them to their planning, knowing that it was something I had to endure to have Audra as my wife.

All of these things seem orderly as I relate them, but the truth was that many were happening at the same time and that made a return to what I consider a normal life impossible. There were many evenings that I cuddled up on the couch with Mr. Whiskers and watched documentaries on television to get my mind off the ladies in my life who were talking in the kitchen. Other times I spent my evenings reviewing budgets or plans for remodeling jobs in my office. There were even a few times that I yearned for the peace and quiet of my lonely bachelor days. Then in the early days of November all hell broke loose.

I was watching The History Channel early that evening while Audra and Irma puttered around in the kitchen. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I had disconnected the door buzzer but had not yet replaced it. I wondered why Elise bothered to knock as I got up to answer the door. When I opened the door I saw an impeccably attired twenty-something woman holding a microphone. I quickly noticed an overgrown kid standing to the side of her recording everything. It took me a second to realize that the video camera was pointed at me and I realized that I was standing there barefooted in my cut-off shorts and tee shirt. Just as the woman began to identify herself I interrupted and loudly said, "Cut off the camera please." When she started over with the same spiel I repeated my request only this time in a much louder voice.

Audra must have heard my demands as she came out of the kitchen to see what was happening. She at least looked presentable in her cotton blouse and jeans. Coming to the open door she put her arm around my back and calmly asked, "Who is it honey?"

I must have looked confused. The CBS logo wrapped around the number 3 clipped onto her microphone gave me a hint of the young woman's identity. Searching my fogged mind I stirred up a vague memory of seeing the young woman on a local news broadcast. I figured this had something to do with Bell Whistle but had no idea what. I mumbled my brilliant observation in answer. "I think it's a reporter."

At that moment I was so off balance that I considered closing the door in her face. Looking at her I said, "I'm sorry but we don't want any," and started to close the door.

Audra looked up at me and whispered, "Don't be rude, invite them in."

I looked at Audra and wondered where this calm, confident woman came from. She had certainly changed a lot. Of course I did as she directed. As we walked inside I saw Irma standing in the hallway, smiling. Irma gestured toward the formal living room and for a moment I felt like a guest in my own home. I noticed the cameraman filming everything and I growled, "Cut that thing off before I break it."

Audra took my hand in hers and said, "Now dear, we knew this was going to happen."

My head cleared and I smiled my acquiescence. Trying to make amends and becoming the genial host I turned to the reporter, whose name I could not for the life of me remember, and said, "Please excuse my manners. It has been a long day and I wasn't expecting company. I recognize your face from the evening news but can't seem to recall your name."

Audra quickly spoke up. "Dear, this is Bethany Willis. She is channel 3's top investigative reporter. You should know that, we watch her every evening."

I was trying to figure out where I was while we were watching 'her' every evening. Oh yeah, I was probably nodding off about that time.

As we entered the room, Audra continued, "Bethany, please have a seat. I'm Audra Miller and this rude man here is my fiancé, Joe Baxter. I'd also like you to meet our good friend, Irma Anderson."

Bethany smiled and took her seat. Looking over at the cameraman she said, "Sit down Harry and for god's sake turn that thing off."

Looking at Audra, Bethany said, "You said you knew this was going to happen. Mind telling me what you were expecting?"

Rather than answer Bethany's question Audra looked over at me and said, "Honey, if you're going to be on TV, and I expect you are, you need to change into something presentable."

I nodded and said, "If you'll excuse me."

I could hear a beginning of small talk behind me as I sprinted up the stairs. Shaking the cobwebs from my head I quickly changed and moved down the stairs. I heard a noise in the kitchen as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I peeked into the kitchen and found Irma filling coffee cups that were sat on a serving tray.

I asked, "What's going on?"

Irma wrinkled her brow and said, "Audra seems to be quite the charmer. They're in there now exchanging cat stories. Apparently Bethany has a calico that is also quite adventurous. Actually they are feeling each other out. Audra is holding up quite well I think. Apparently one of Bethany's confidential sources told her that we had some strange things happening here. She has hinted that it might be treasure but hadn't actually said anything when I left to get some refreshments. Bethany told Audra she wants to ask her questions on camera. Said it looks rehearsed otherwise. Audra firmly told her that there would be no surprises or the only thing she would get would be 'no comment'."

I carried the tray for Irma into the formal living room. I heard laugher as I reached the door. As I entered I was surprised to see Bethany with Mr. Whiskers curled up on her lap. She was just finishing a story about what I assumed was her cat. The cameraman was on the settee and came over to help me with the tray.

Audra looked at me and smiled. Her smile told me that she had everything under control. I sat the tray on the small coffee table and sat quietly as I decided to follow her lead.

Bethany had noted our non-verbal exchange and asked, "Have you set a date yet?"

Audra blushed slightly and said, "Yes, early next spring."

Audra then looked at me and said, "Bethany told me that one of her sources informed her that someone had discovered treasure here on the property. She was hoping that we might be willing to confirm the story and give her some details. I offered her an exclusive story providing she would submit all of her questions in writing and in advance. She wants to break the story on tonight's news program and says that there's not time for written questions and answers. What do you think, dear?"

From Audra's recap I knew that Bethany only had speculation. I wanted to find her sources but knew that was going to be a difficult proposition. I looked at Bethany and said, "I agree with my fiancée. It doesn't appear to me that you have much more than some idle speculation. You would have to reveal your source to have a credible story. You could perhaps stir up some type of viewer frenzy with that, but if we sat down and negotiated with channel 7, I'm sure their story would be much more interesting. Personally, since Audra seems to favor you, I'm all for giving you the story, but you'll have to wait and submit all questions in writing."

Bethany looked at me and said, "So you're admitting that there is treasure?"

I looked to the cameraman who had sat the camera on the floor at his feet. I replied, "Bethany, off the record there is; on the record, no comment."

Bethany smirked and said, "Off the record only works for official sources. You have confirmed that we do have a story. I might be able to hold my editor off if you are willing to guarantee me more than just the bare facts."

The source of this story is Finestories

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