Missing Cats and Found Kittens - Cover

Missing Cats and Found Kittens

Copyright© 2019 by UtIdArWa

Chapter 2

I didn’t know what time it was. Without a watch or clock, and not being able to see the sun, I couldn’t even guesstimate that way. But I did know it was late, and getting later. Finally, Paul came back. Followed by 2 state troopers. I knew that things had went from bad to worse.

“Matt, I want you to know upfront that I tried my damnedst to stop this. Video from this morning has went viral on the internet. The district attorney in Grangeville has gotten wind of what happened. That and the guy you popped is demanding charges be pressed. It’s an election year and Randy Clausen, he’s the DA for the county, is looking at a rough campaign. He’s decided to use you as his ticket to reelection.”

“OK Paul, I understood about half of that. What you’re trying to tell me is that I’m in deep trouble?”

“That’s right Matt. These 2 troopers are here to transport you to the lockup in Grangeville. It’s been taken out of my hands. Even Judge McMillian, the circuit judge can’t help. And believe me I tried. I even offered to tell him my secret fishing hole, no dice. He did say that he would talk to the Grangeville folks and try to get a good judge assigned to your case. He didn’t guarantee anything other than he would try.”

“I understand Paul, it isn’t your fault and I know you tried. Can I see Suzy before I leave?”

Paul looked over at the troopers, the one with corporal stripes nodded. “10 minutes, then we have to go.” He said.

Paul opened the block door and called “Suzy?”

As soon as she stepped into the corridor, I could tell that she had been having a rough time of it. Her eyes were red and she had that look all women can get. That one where they, just by body language alone seem smaller, weaker, Demanding male protection. I swear that at that point, if I had been able to do it. I would have broken out and carried her off. My baby was hurtin, and that made me mad.

Holding my arms out between the bars, she started to come to me. The younger trooper interrupted, “No touching.”. Suzy whirled and stepped into the trooper’s safety zone. and in a tone that froze fire, said “Excuse Me?”

The youngster stepped back and raised his hands, “Uhmm, that is, ahh, umm”

He was saved by the Corporal. “It’s alright Billy. Why don’t you go and gas up the cruiser? I think between me and the Sheriff here, we can handle the situation.”

I wouldn’t say the kid ran from the room, but he didn’t waste any time either.

The Corporal turned to Paul, “You wouldn’t happen to have any fresh coffee Sheriff? It’s a long trip to Grangeville and I’m sure we could use a fresh thermos for the trip.”

Pausing for a moment, Paul grinned and said, “Sure thing Andy, we’ll get you hooked up. In fact, I’ll call over to Mable’s and get some sandwiches made up for you and the rookie.”

As they walked out, the trooper said, “Damn it, I forgot about Mabel’s. I love her burgers.”

with the door closed, Suzy rounded on Me, “Matt, what in the hell do you think you were doing? What could that pogey bait possibly have to say that deserved a punch like that?”

“Whoa Suzy, Really, I didn’t hit him that hard. And he caught me unawares. If I had been paying attention to him and not you and Paul trying to stop that riot, I probably wouldn’t have done anything. As it is, and I’ll tell you the truth, He deserved what he got, and worse.”

She stood there, anger written plain and bold on her face. Then it softened and the tears started showing up. “Damn it Babe, what am I going to do with you.”

If it hadn’t been for those damn bars, it would have been one of the sweetest hugs of my life.

“Matt?” Paul held the door slightly ajar, “Matt, It’s time. We’ve got to get you on the road.”

Suzy stepped back and sniffled. “Don’t worry Babe, I’ll find a good lawyer. We’ll have you home in no time.”

“I know sweety. You’ll do your best.” I called out, “Alright Paul, Let’s get this parade started.”

Paul and the 2 troopers came onto the cell block. We went through the process of cuffing up. Then both of the troopers gave me a shakedown. Now folks the next time you get inspected by those folks at TSA and don’t like it. Try getting shook down by a couple of professional cops. And those 2 guys were amateurs compare to the micromanagement specialists at the County lock up in Grangeville. After my intake there, I felt like one of them should have told me to see my proctologist about my prostate.

Finally, after getting cuffed and shackled, they stuffed me in the back of their cruiser and we headed towards Grangeville.

The ride into Grangeville started out interesting, but soon got boring. The younger trooper, Billy, was the talkative type. Asking me questions, pausing and then when I didn’t respond, would try a different tack and rephrase the question. The interesting part was that he didn’t seem to get upset or impatient when I wouldn’t answer him. I finally told him, “Son, I respect what you and your partner do for a living. It isn’t easy when the only appreciation that society shows you is a paycheck. I know that at times it just doesn’t seem worth it, getting puked on by drunks, or abused by people with an over inflated sense of self-worth. And I am sure that putting a child in a body bag is more than you can take. I can also appreciate that you would do anything to get promoted out and away from those shitty aspects of your job. BUT I’ve been interrogated by the best, I’ve even done a few myself, and right now I’m not quite in the mood to entertain your fantasy of cracking the big case and getting your Captains attention. So, that having been said, I’m going to take a little nap right now. Let me know when we get there.”

Chapter 3 »