Sarah's Love - Cover

Sarah's Love

Copyright© 2015 by Allan Kindred

Chapter 9

Through out the next week, Christopher guts both of their yards completely, except for the single pink rose bush Sarah wants to keep. By Friday he has yet to make any headway with the county and his patience is about up, and the next thirty seconds are not going to improve that.

There is a knock at the door. "What the hell, it is only eight o'clock in the morning." He gets up and answers the door while he is still in his brown and cream tartan style pajamas. "Yes."

"Are you Christopher Turner?"

"Yes I am."

"You have been served. Have a good day." The man says with a smile that annoys Christopher.

As he is going over the papers he sees that his neighbors are suing him for cutting down their hedges and assault. The assault part doesn't bother him because he is sure John will testify that it was self-defense, and since he is a State Trooper it will carry all that much more weight.

However, the property issue only annoys him, and a knowing smile comes to Christopher's face. Christopher is a millionaire many times over and he has a pit bull for a lawyer. Now that it has begun, he can find out once and for all just exactly where the property lines are. "It's only five in the morning out west, but in a couple of hours you will wish you never even thought to sue me, you fools." With another smile of malice he throws aside the papers and gets back to his bowl of cereal.

As Christopher is sitting there, he is thinking of all that he has to do this coming weekend. He promised to take Sarah and Nan shopping, and he is going to cut that damn tree down whether they like it or not. "Let them fine me, I can afford it. This is turning out to be one feisty morning. I like it!"

After he makes a few phone calls later in the morning and gets his lawyer on the warpath, he settles in for a lazy day because it looks like his weekend is going to be busy again. It takes about twenty minutes of that and he is bored off his ass. "I think I will go and get some lunch, and I suppose I should drop off a couple chains to be sharpened, and if they can't have them done in the morning I will buy another. The less time it takes for me to make that tree go away the better. I feel like an urban outlaw." He shakes his head and laughs as something is definitely transforming inside of him.

"I'll take my darling today." Christopher goes outside and moves the truck where the hedge used to be. As he is walking back up onto the porch he glances over and sees Sarah standing on her porch looking at him. "Well, good morning, pretty girl, how are you today?"

Sarah smiles and giggles shyly, and with her head down she runs back into the house, and then she remembers she forgot to answer him so she comes back out and says, "I'm fine, thank you." and then she disappears again with another darling giggle.

After Christopher finishes his round of errands and lunch, he pulls back into his driveway. He wants to check the vitals on his Chevelle so he leaves her in the driveway. As he is walking across his freshly gutted and re-sown front yard, he sees Sarah sitting on the porch just to the side of the ramp with her legs under the railing hanging off the side. "Are you sick today, Sarah?"

"No, it is a school day."

"Oh good. I always liked it when the school took extra days off for no reason."

"I like school, mostly, but I'm glad to be home today."

"Good." Just then Nan comes out onto the porch. "So, how do you girls like the railings and non-slip padding on the ramp? Does it work for you, Nan?"

"Yes, it is wonderful. Thank you again."

"You're welcome. Well, I'm going to try and talk to the city or county one more time about this tree, so I'll see you girls later."

As Christopher is walking up his steps Nan goes back inside. As he is reaching for his door Sarah calls out to him. "Christopher."

"Yes, Sarah." he says walking up to the porch rail that faces their house.

Sarah does the same thing. "Are you still going to take us shopping Saturday?"

"Absolutely I am! I'm excited about it. I figure since you like the pink roses that maybe we'll get you a pretty white dress with pink roses on it, and we'll get you some thick pink winter leggings. Maybe we'll also get you a thick pink long sleeve shirt that you can wear under the dress, and maybe we can find one the same color as the leggings. Let's see, what else. Oh yeah, maybe we'll get you some pink boots, and that way you can both be warm and be known as the pretty pink girl."

Sarah smiles shyly and looks quickly down. When she looks back up at Christopher the divine smile she has on her pretty delicate face is reflecting through her pretty blue eyes. She doesn't say anything, she just stands there looking at him fighting the urge to want to run off into the house giggling.

"Sarah, have you ever heard of Sophie Stuckey?"


"She is a very pretty and talented British actress, and I swear you look almost just like her when she was your age. She was in this movie called The Dark. If you can watch scary movies I'll buy it for you so you can see for yourself." As Christopher thinks about it, she, like everybody else, needs her own identity, so he adds, "But I think you might be even prettier, and I know you are special." Sarah can't stand it anymore, she giggles and walks hurriedly into her house with a smile that will not fade for days to come.

Christopher smiles himself as he walks back into his house. While he is letting his car cool down, he will once again try dealing with the tree people. After the third transfer and the second phone number, Christopher is pissed and he yells into the phone. "F•©k it, never mind!" He grips his phone with great agitation, and as he is pushing the off button on the handheld set he turns around and sees Sarah looking at him from his porch through the screen door with big eyes. "Oh, sorry about that, sweetheart. What can I do for you?"

She hesitates a second, but finally she gets out. "Nana wanted me to invite you over for dinner tonight."

"Oh! Okay, what time?"


"I'll be there with bells on." Sarah giggles and runs off. "I tell you, if that girl would quit wearing homely clothes she would be an absolute doll and heartbreaker."

Christopher lovingly checks his Chevelle for any signs of wear and to make sure all fluids are where they are supposed to be. He gets in his car and the v8 engine roars to life and it soothes his soul. He closes his eyes and lets the rumbling perforate his body. Completely content, he pulls into the garage. "I guess I better get cleaned up for dinner."

After he puts on some jeans and a long sleeve deep red shirt, he looks at the clock and it is time. With boots tied he heads next door. "Knock, Knock," he says at the same time he actually knocks.

Sarah quickly opens the door and grabs his hand and pulls him. "Come in. Guess what we are having for dinner tonight?"

"Macaroni and cheese."

Sarah gets a surprised frown on her face and says, "Yeah, how did you know?"

"You told me your favorite food is mac and cheese."

"Oh yeah!" She smiles, pulling him over to the dining area on the right side of the home. As he thought, this house is basically a mirror image of his own.

"Hello, Nan."

"Hello, Christopher. Take a seat, dinner will be ready in a moment."

"Mmm, smells delicious." he says, giving Sarah an excited look. She smiles adoringly while nodding her pretty head. She has her long dirty blonde hair hanging straight, which Christopher loves, and her beautiful blue eyes are shinning bright and alive, but she is wearing overalls again, with a dark gray long sleeve shirt on under it.

As Nan is setting the final bowls and plates of food on the table, she asks Christopher, "So, Christopher, how is your movie deal going?"

"Ah, just like the rest of the economy, they are having a hard time finding the funding."

"Yeah, it's everywhere. If the government would just stay out of things and let them unfold naturally for a capitalistic society, it would come around quicker, but because they moderate everything it comes around slower and with less impact. And sometimes businesses are meant to fade."

Christopher looks at her with admiration. This elder is strong and wise. "I hear that. I take it you are a Republican?"

"Yes. You too?"

"Of course."

"I'm going to be a Republican when I grow up."

"Good for you," says Christopher, giving her a high five, which she thinks is no end of funny. "Just make sure they stay true to the US Constitution, because when we have the courage to walk the path laid out before us we'll continue to live free. Hopefully."

Losing interest quickly, Sarah asks, "What time are we leaving to go to the store tomorrow?"

"I say we go early, about nine, and then that way we can eat a nice brunch, and plus I can still get back and have plenty of time to cut that tree down."

"Oh, you got a hold of somebody, huh?"

"No. I was trying to talk to them when Sarah came over and asked me to dinner, but I was getting the run around so I'm going to do it anyway."

The source of this story is Finestories

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