Sarah's Love - Cover

Sarah's Love

Copyright© 2015 by Allan Kindred

Chapter 25

May is in full flow. The one thing about being in rhythm with the world is that it can make it seem like time is just flying by.

Christopher still has not been able to make himself, or in truth wanted to make himself, stop sleeping with Sarah on their Thursday nights, but he knows the time is coming. It will be a necessary step for both of them to grow stronger and face the world on their own terms. That doesn't mean on special occasions they can't fall asleep on the couch together watching television or whatever, but eventually everybody must let their little butterflies break free from their cocoons.

The tenth of May, the second Thursday in the month, Sarah is looking up at him like she has done something wrong. Even wearing her favorite Harley shirt can't sugarcoat this. "No, baby, it's not about that. Eventually we will have to start sleeping apart, especially if I'm with Cathy or somebody."

"Then we will do it then. I only get to sleepover on Thursday nights, and for the whole week I imagine you holding me."

"I'm still going to be holding you all the time. That's not going to stop."

She is unconvinced and none to happy to be put on the couch alone as he takes to his bed. It is in the middle of the night that he can hear little feet creeping up the stairs. As she pokes her head around the corner Christopher smiles and says, "Come here, you brat."

She smiles and goes running to him and flies under the covers. They are soon both fast asleep. Just as Christopher is about to drop off he says to himself, "Oh hell, we'll try again next year." Maybe it is wrong, but holding the person he cares most about in the world feels right.

With a few more touches the play set is ready, and at long last comes Sarah's special day. It is May twelfth, and as Karen and Nan are waiting expectantly out in the audience, Christopher and Sarah are behind the scenes and Sarah is fidgeting with nervousness.

"Stop moving about before you tear your costume, especially the fairy wings."

"My tummy and muscles are feeling funny."

"Sort of like you have to stretch, but no matter how much you stretch that feeling won't go away?"


"And it feels like you have butterflies flying around in your stomach?"


"Welcome to show biz." Sarah gets a sour look on her face as she was expecting him to help her. "You're up next."

"Oh God."

"We have practiced this a hundred times. You are going to do great, and I'm very proud of you no matter what."

"What is that supposed to mean?" she says, looking at him as he is kneeling next to her.

Christopher tries to hide his smile. "It means I love you and I have full confidence in your ability to do a wonderful job."

"Oh!" But the look she gives him is still unconvinced.

"Just go be the Fairy Godmother and give Cinderella her wish."

"Here I go." she says, hugging him. He tries desperately not to bend her delicate wings.

As he is standing on the sidelines, tears are flowing unashamedly down his cheeks as Sarah shines so brightly for all the world to see. Seeing this, he now knows that everything he and Sarah have shared in their own special way is right. Maybe it wouldn't be right for everybody, but it took extreme beauty and courage to pull him and her out of their extreme miseries. From shadow does Heaven's light shine the brightest.

As the curtain closes on the last scene, Sarah goes flying off stage and into Christopher's arms. "I did it! I did it!"

"Yes you did, my babygirl. Let's get you out of your wings and let's go find Nan and Karen."

"Where is Hannah? I wanted you to meet Hannah. She was on the other side of the stage and only had a small part, but I want you to meet my best friend."

"We'll find her after we go see Nan and Karen."

As they are making their way, everybody is telling Sarah what a great job she did. She is beaming from ear to ear, and when Nan sees that light coming from her granddaughter, tears come to her eyes as they hug.

As Nan and Sarah are hugging, Karen looks at Christopher and shakes her head. "You have done one hell of a job."

"Thank you, and yes we have." he says, looking down at Sarah with love-drenched eyes. Karen may still not know what she is going to do when the time comes, but she at least knows that Christopher has earned a place in Sarah's life forever.

"You did wonderful!"

"Thank you, Karen. You know that Christopher help build a lot of the set."

"I know." she says, smiling with true joy.

"I think this deserves a big celebration." Christopher speaks up so everybody can hear him over their individual conversations. "Excuse me," he says, putting up his hands. Once he gets their attention he continues. "For all the actors, parents and teachers, Sarah, Nan and I are going to throw a big barbecue tomorrow in honor of the great job everybody did here tonight."

Sarah pulls him down and whispers into his ear, Christopher smiles and nods. "And Christopher has a swimming pool so you can bring your swimwear and go swimming. Wait here, I want to try and find Hannah." A second later Sarah comes back and says, "Hannah had to run right home after the play or she would get into trouble. I don't know where she lives so we could pick her up, and she said her grandma won't let her walk that far." Sarah is truly sad about her best friend missing out.

One of the teachers speaks up. "I know where Hannah lives and I know her grandma. On my way over tomorrow I will stop and pick Hannah up so she can come to your party, Sarah."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Sarah says, giving the lady teacher a hug.

"Perfect!" As they are driving over to have their own special celebration dinner, Christopher adds. "That's going to be a lot of people."

"That's going to be a lot of food."


"I would be glad to help."

"That would be wonderful, Karen. If you want to come over in the morning, we can go shopping and then set things up."

"I want to come," says Sarah.

"Great, it is all set then." Of course Christopher knows it is going to be utter chaos with so many kids running around, but Sarah has earned it, and this will solidify her place amongst the community and classmates for all time.

The party is a grand success. True, the party is complete and utter chaos, but for some odd reason it makes Christopher feel right at home. Sarah struts around in her cute white bikini showing no signs of her shyness, and taking charge of making sure the kids behave themselves. Christopher has many tables set up out in his nicely designed and trimmed backyard, so the parents can play cards and still keep an eye on their children.

At long last the teacher shows up with Hannah, Sarah's best friend. Wow, is she pretty. Another blonde haired blue eyed little goddess. She is a little shorter and a little thicker than Sarah, but equally fit and pristine. She has a slightly rounder face than Sarah, and she has thin lips especially her upper lip, that almost entirely disappears when she smiles all so prettily. He nose is a little wider at the end, but her medium long blonde hair accentuates her face to a divine level.

Sarah pulls Hannah over to Christopher. Christopher kneels in front of Hannah and she smiles shyly at him. "Hannah, this is Christopher. Christopher, this is my best friend, Hannah."

"Well hello, Hannah, it is a pleasure to meet you. Sarah tells me very good things about you." Hannah smiles and looks over to Sarah.

When she looks back at Christopher she says, "Thank you for the Easter basket."

"You are most welcome, sweetheart." Hannah smiles oh so prettily.

Christopher pulls her into a hug, and at first she seems a little uncomfortable and then all of a sudden she melts into Christopher, holding onto him with all her strength. If Christopher had to guess, he would say that this little girl has been needing a hug for a very long time.

Sarah watches with a divine smile until she finally says, "Come on, Hannah! Let's go swimming."

"I don't have anything to swim in."

Sarah and Christopher make quick eye contact. "You can wear one of my swimsuits." As they are running upstairs, Christopher hears Sarah ask Hannah, "Has your grandma decided to let you do the swim league yet?"

"No." Even through the crowd of people, Christopher can hear the heartbreak in the little girl's voice.

As hoped it is a complete success, and Sarah is the belle of the ball. Having Sarah and Hannah strutting around all so prettily and sweetly has made the day truly a divine occasion, Sarah in her white bikini and Hannah wearing her yellow one. They are going to be heartbreakers when they grow up. Christopher is sure he will never do something this major again, but with Sarah in his life, he smiles, "Who knows?"

The source of this story is Finestories

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