Avril's Knight - Cover

Avril's Knight

Copyright© 2015 by Allan Kindred

Chapter 3

Welcome to the world of Perennial and the continent of Zebrina. I will take the time now to describe much of the world and its people so that later, as the story unfolds, it may be easier to follow along.

We will start in the kingdom of Azure since this is where this story picks up. Azure is in the eastern part of the continent of Zebrina, though Azure has no coastlines. Besides, in the northwest, which is mountainous, the entire kingdom is forested.

To the east of Azure is the kingdom of Plush, which is a Friend nation. The kingdom of Plush, except for the northeast sector, which is grasslands, is entirely forested. To the east of Plush is only ocean.

To the south of Azure rests the kingdom of Canadoon, which is a Friend nation and is entirely forested. Besides where Canadoon borders with Plush, Azure and Tapestry, the rest of the kingdom borders the Ocean of Intigwa. As are most of the lands in this world, it is very beautiful.

To the southwest of Azure is the kingdom of Tapestry, which is mountains in the north and forested everywhere else, give or take a few open meadows and valleys, just like every other nation.

To the west of Azure is the High Territory of Free Range Stray, and it is entirely mountainous. Steep, rugged and unforgiving are the Brittle Mountains.

To the north of Azure is the Northeast Sanctuary, where animal life has a chance to live in peace. The Northeast Sanctuary is forested in the south and central parts. The west is mountains and the east-southeast is grasslands, and beyond that is the Ocean of Intigwa.

Now starting at the top or north of the continent of Zebrina and going west from the Northeast Sanctuary are the following nations and groups of people. In the very north of the continent of Zebrina is the kingdom of Montgomery, where princess Elizabeth rules graciously and adorably. She is not the highest-ranking ruler in the kingdom of Montgomery, but the true king has no desire to rule other than when it comes time to protect his world.

The kingdom of Montgomery is by far the strongest of the human nations. In part because the farthest point north in the kingdom of Montgomery are the Clans of the Northern Warlords, and often the greatest warriors come from there.

In the south are mountains. In the central parts all the way west are the woodlands. The northeast tip is entirely grassland. In the northwest corner lies the Brigand Mountains.

At the southern foot of the Brigand Mountains lies the Lake of Hisperia, where mere-people live out their lives in relative peace and harmony. Lake of Hisperia also lies in the kingdoms of the Highlander Clans and the Realm of the Magical Ones.

That is where we will start now, the Realm of the Magical Ones. It is the smallest of all the nations and is not really a nation as much that it is a piece of land that was set aside for all the Magical Ones from all the kingdoms, and the other three big continents and the many smaller island nations through out the world of Perennial, so that they can practice their magical trades in relative peace. Though surprisingly very little harmony is to be found there, except by the witches. They, being mostly the wizards, bicker amongst themselves like spoiled children.

The Realm of the Magical Ones is due west of the kingdom of Montgomery. The land is made up of the Brigand Mountains in the Northeast, woodlands in the south and desert in the west. It is where The Council operates from, although there is more and more contention about that. To the south is the kingdom of the Highlander Clans. To the west is the Realm of the Wanderers, and to the north is the Ocean of Intigwa. It is a Friend nation.

The kingdom of the Highlander Clans is a great nation and a strong ally of the kingdom of Montgomery. As you can guess, much of the eastern part of the country is mountainous. In the north, where it borders the Realm of the Magical Ones, are woodlands, but just east of the woodlands it opens up to rolling hills into the Many Lakes Region. There are forests in the southern part of the kingdom of the Highlander Clans, but very few people go there because it borders the Realm of the Shadow and Light Spirits, which I will get into later. The Highlanders are, of course, a Friend nation.

To the west of the Realm of the Magical Ones and the kingdom of the Highlander Clans is the Realm of the Wanderers. The Realm of the Wanderers takes up the whole northwest corner of the continent of Zebrina. It is almost entirely desert, except for a little grasslands and woodlands in the southeast corner that borders the kingdom of the Highlander Clans.

More than one war has been fought there over the centuries. They are Not a Friend nation, and by far are the most intolerant of the human lands. To their south lies their most hated enemy.

To the south lies the kingdom of Lavigne, which is pronounced La-Vig-Na. The capitol of Lavigne is the City of Divinity. The City of Divinity is the main reason the desert people from the Realm of the Wanderers and the desert people of the kingdom of Lavigne are enemies.

Although all people who come in peace are welcome to share in the glory of the City of Divinity, most people have grown tired of the people from the Realm of the Wanderers and their disrespectful attitude towards everybody else that does not believe as they do.

The source of this story is Finestories

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