Rain - Cover


by Doom rains

Copyright© 2010 by Doom rains

Poem Story: A little poem about rain.

Tags: Drama   True  

As I sit in a chair
I watch the ran fall

I listen to it hit the window
I hear it pitter-patter on the roof

See lightning streak across the sky
I watch as the wind throws the rain to and fro

I watch all of this through my window
Music playing in the background

A soft melody
As I watch God play the song on my window

... WOW ... purple lightning
How fascinating

All of this thrown from the heavens for all to see
All to a melody

A flash in the distance
The leafs from the oak are torn asunder

All with the crack of thunder
And Thor let's all be known

That he has shown
That he is mighty

And kind to thee
The shower from the heavens is over

But I am no closer to her
But someday I will go back the path of rain

And but hope to truly end under His reign
For He is mighty and just

While I turn into nothing but dust

There is more of this story...

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