The Trail West - Cover

The Trail West

Copyright© 2010 by woodmanone

Chapter 6

Josh and Red came to the base of a large gently sloping hill; they'd been following the tracks of ten cattle and three horses for most of the day. It had to be the rustlers trail. Now the two young men stopped to give their horses a breather.

"Red, how's Jasper holding up?" Josh asked about Red's horse.

"He's mad because I've kept him at walk for the last two hours. He'll do," Red answered.

"Diablo's in good shape too. I'm thinking if we cut over the top of the hill we can cut down the lead they have on us," Josh suggested. "What'da you think?"

"Sounds good, I'd like to get closer before it starts raining," Red replied pointing at the low lying dark clouds.

They were mounted on two of the finest horses in Colorado and knew they could run down just about anybody or anything. Josh led the way over the top of the hill and down the other side stopping to examine the tracks again.

"I'd say we picked up about a half hour on them Red. Wonder why they're not traveling faster," Josh remarked.

"Those cattle aren't Texas Longhorns; they're mostly Hereford cross breeds. They can't be driven as hard as Texas cattle," Red answered.

They are no sooner started on the trail again when it began to rain. It wasn't a gentle rain. It came down in sheets reducing visibility to just a few feet; the two riders couldn't see much beyond the head of their horses. And the rain washed out the trail. They continued riding in the general direction that the cattle had been going.

Josh was a good tracker having learned from Mali Reece, a Cheyenne woman, back home in Missouri and from hunting in the hills around his father's farm. As the rain stopped, Josh had to admit they had lost the trail. They followed what had been a small stream that turned into a raging torrent. Climbing out of the draw to high ground again, they were confronted by five men. Josh recognized one of them.

"Hello, Mr. Larson. Nice to see you again," Josh greeted the man.

"What are you doing on my spread?" Larson asked.

"We were following the trail of some stolen cattle but lost them in the rain. Didn't know we were on your land," Josh answered.

"Well now you know, so get off my ranch," Larson ordered. When he said this the four men with him got tense, waiting for something to happen.

Josh looked at Larson and the other men, his smile slipping from his face, then said, "We'll leave Mr. Larson but we'll be come back if necessary."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

'It means that the trail was leading to your spread before we lost it in the rain. If we find it again we'll follow it no matter whose land it crosses," Red told him. "If you're gonna stop us now's as good a time as any.

"There's five of us boy. You don't stand a chance," Larson bragged.

"We're not looking for trouble," Josh said. "But if shootin starts you'll be the first to go Mr. Larson. Won't much matter what happens after that, at least not to you."

Larson looked hard at Josh and Red. He didn't see any bluff in their faces. "Get off my land" he said and turned his horse around and rode off. His men waited a few seconds and then followed him.

Josh and Red turned back toward the Maggie M. They felt that Larson was involved in the rustling but couldn't prove it. They talked in low voices and had been riding for about 10 minutes when Josh stopped and motioned for quiet. Red listened for a moment and then heard it too. It was the sound of cattle that were upset.

They scouted around and found a trail that had been made after the rain stopped. Following the tracks for about a mile Josh signaled a halt. Using sign language he told Red to wait with the horses and he would scout ahead a ways. Red wasn't happy with that idea but Josh was a much better tracker so he agreed to wait.

Josh took off on foot keeping behind cover where ever he could. He had been gone for almost 20 minutes and Red was getting worried. Then he heard Josh calling him to bring up the horses. Red mounted and leading Diablo soon joined Josh. He found Josh, the cattle, and a stranger at the head of a small box canyon.

There was a man kneeling on the ground and Josh held him at gun point. "There's Daniel's cattle Red, all rounded up and waitin for us. This feller was just sitting under a cover tryin to keep dry."

"Who is he? He looks familiar, like I've seen him before."

"He won't tell me but maybe he'll tell the Sheriff," Josh answered. "We'll drive the cattle back to the Maggie M and take him to town tomorrow."

"Good. It'll give me a chance to see Sarah sooner than this weekend," Red responded with a big grin.

They tied the man's hands in front of him, got him on his horse, and then tied his hands to the saddle. Josh said, "Mister if you try to run, we'll catch you and tie you face down across your saddle. Either way, sitting up or face down, you're coming with us back to the ranch. It's your choice how you get there."

Josh and Red started the cattle back toward home and the man rode at the back of the small herd with Josh. Red rode point and helped keep the cattle headed in the right direction as Josh drove them from behind. It took the better part of the day to get the animals back near the ranch house.

Daniel and the whole family came out to greet the three men. Josh took their prisoner down to the barn and tied him in a stall. Red was telling the Maguires about Josh scouting ahead all alone.

"How'd you know there was only one man guarding the cattle?" Maggie asked.

"The tracks showed three horses going in but only two came out of the box canyon," Josh answered. "The one that stayed had a loose shoe on the left front. The horse would have gone lame in another few miles. My guess is that they left the man there to guard the cattle and went to get another horse somewhere."

That evening Josh and Daniel went to the barn. Josh brought the prisoner some supper while Daniel fixed the loose shoe on the man's horse. The rustler finally told them that his name was Carl but refused to answer any more questions.

"Just so you understand Carl, you're going to be the one punished for rustling. Not the other two that were with you, just you," Josh explained. "I don't know about out here but back home they hang cattle thieves."

The prisoner's face turned white. From his reaction, Josh guessed that they hung cattle thieves in Colorado too. "Think about it Carl."

Red and Josh brought Carl some breakfast the next morning; Carl still refused to tell them who had been with him. The only thing he did say was "My boys will take care of me." They tied Carl's hands and helped him mount and started for town. This time they led his horse; Josh was concerned that the man would try to escape and he didn't want to have to shoot him...

The men rode three abreast on the wagon road. As they came out of a small gulley, Josh tensed, glanced around and looked at Red. "Stay loose Red. Somethin don't feel right," Josh warned his friend.

The words were barely out of his mouth before they heard a rifle shot. Carl pitched over the rump of his horse and fell to the ground; he'd been shot through the chest. Red and Josh spurred their horses in different directions into some cover and jumped off. They pulled their rifles from the saddle scabbards as they dismounted.

They scanned the hill tops and stands of cedars looking for the shooter. After 15 minutes they remounted and rode back to where Carl's body lay on the ground. Red rounded up Carl's horse and they tied him over his saddle; they would still have to take the body to town.

Red finished securing Carl's body to the saddle and said, "Well he was right. His boys did take care of him."

Once they got to town they rode to Sheriff Horton's office. Josh explained about the stolen cattle, catching Carl, and the rifle shot that killed him.

"Any idea who did it?" Horton asked.

"Didn't see em," Josh replied. "But it was a big caliber rifle like a Hawken or a Sharps, I know the sound. There wasn't any cover for over two hundred yards; a mite far for that kind of shootin with a Henry or Spencer."

"My guess would be this guys partners shot him to keep him from naming whose was in it with him," Red added. "Ifin you're done with us, I'd like to see Sarah before we head back to the Maggie M."

Sarah and Danni had left the ranch for town the same morning that Josh and Red started tracking the stolen cattle. Fine idea Josh thought; I'd like to see Danni. Sheriff Horton nodded and the young men rode away, Red toward the school house and Josh toward the freight office.

Danni had her head down working in a ledger when Josh walked into the office. "Be with you in a minute," she said without looking up,

"I don't know if I can wait that long Miss," Josh replied.

Danni raised her head and saw him standing there smiling at her. She was surprised at how happy she was to see Josh. "What are you doing here?" Danni asked. "I mean it's good to see you Josh but what brings you to town?"

He explained about recovering the stolen cattle, catching Carl and the ambush where he was killed. "We had to bring his body into the Sheriff so we thought we'd make the trip worthwhile. And here I am. Hope you don't mind," Josh finished with a grin.

Danni stepped close to Josh took his hand and said, "No, I don't mind at all." She went to an open office door and said, "I'm going to an early lunch Mr. Whitworth."

Josh and Danni had just sat down at the café when Red walked in and joined them.

"You get to see Sarah?" Josh asked.

"Yes sir, I did. We got to talk for a few minutes while the kids were at recess but then she had to go back to teachin."

"It's a shame you couldn't spend more time with her," Danni said.

"Yes ma'am it is. That's why I'm gonna wait until we can have supper together before I head back. There'll be a Comanche Moon tonight so I'll be able to make my way back to the Maggie M pretty easy."

"Comanche Moon? What's that?" Danni asked.

"It's a full moon," Red told her. "Folks back in Texas called it that because Comanche's like to attacked by its light."

"I know you're afraid of the dark Red so maybe I should just wait and ride back with you. Sorta hold your hand, don't you know," Josh said to Red but with a grin at Danni. She giggled and he continued, "Miss Danni would you like to have supper with me this evening?"

She agreed and they made plans to meet at Mrs. Cassidy's boarding house and then walk to the café for supper. After lunch and walking Dannie back to the freight office, Josh and Red went to the general store to pick up a few things and to say hello to Mr. Mitchell the owner. Included in the supplies they bought was some stick candy for Jerry and Jacob. Of course Red had to try a piece to make sure it was good enough for the boys.

Josh walked in front of a full length mirror in one corner of the story and stopped to look at his image. "Ya know Red I'm gettin a little scruffy lookin. I think I'll get a new shirt and pants." Still looking at himself in the mirror he said, "We've time to spare so maybe a haircut and shave wouldn't be a bad idea either. It's not every day I take a pretty girl to supper."

Red joined Josh at the mirror, nodded and said, "For once I think you're using your head for more than a hat rack. Good idea."

They each selected a pair of pants and a shirt and added them to the supplies. As they were paying Mr. Mitchell, he told them that the barber had a bathhouse out back. "You boys can get a shave, haircut, and a hot bath for a dollar."

At the barber shop they were told it would take about an hour to get the bathhouse warmed up and water heated. They decided to get a beer at the saloon and come back in an hour. Red had just drunk a shot of whiskey and started on his beer when a big man stood next to him at the bar.

"Well son, I guess my information helped you. Y'all still here."

Red looked at the man and after a few seconds recognized Bill Thomas, the freight driver that he had talked to in Pueblo. "Yes sir it did. I'm working for the Maggie M and my partner here is training horses at the S Bar S. Let me buy you a whiskey."

"I've never turned down a free whiskey." The three men talked for a few minutes and Bill said, "I heard you boys brought in Carl Davis draped over his saddle. What happened?"

Josh and Red explained about catching Carl with the stolen cattle and how he was shot as they were bringing him into the sheriff.

"Knew that boy was no good. Figured he's end up shot dead or hanged. I'm surprised y'all didn't shoot him the first time you had a run in with him."

"First time?" Red questioned.

"Yeah I heard you two faced down Carl and his two friends, Rafe Johnson and Barry Summers when they were botherin the Maguire girls."

"That's where I seen him before," Red replied snapping his figers. "I just couldn't remember where."

"Carl and his friends are bad ones are they?" Josh asked.

"Yep, none of them worth the powder to blow them to hell. They sure found a home with the rest of that scum that works for Larson," Thomas said. "How bout another drink sonny?"

Red motioned for another whiskey for him and asked, "So Carl and his bunch work for Tom Larson?"

The freight driver nodded and knocked back his whiskey. "They did last month when I was here."

"How'd you hear about our run in with those boys? I mean you're on the trail most of the time."

"There are two places that men gossip like old women; the barber shop and the saloon. I always get a bath and a shave at the end of a run, whether I need em or not. And I surely do like a saloon; so I hear a lot of what's happened while I been gone."

Red and Josh thanked him for the information and started back toward the barber shop.

"That sure puts in fox in the chicken coop, don't it Red? Let's get finished at the barber's and then go talk to Sheriff Horton before we meet the girls," Josh said. "I got couple of questions I need to ask."

Red had learned to trust his young friend's instincts and hunches; he nodded in agreement.

After the boys dressed in their new clothes they came out of the barber's and headed for the Sheriff's office. They caught Horton as he came out of his door.

"Got time for a little talk, Sheriff?" Josh asked. Horton nodded and motioned them into his office.

"You boys sure look spiffy, goin to church or something," he teased the young men. He knew very well why the boys had gotten cleaned up. "What's on your mind?"

Josh grinned at the Sheriff's compliment and said, "We heard Carl Davis was working for Tom Larson, is that true?"

"Yeah he does or did I should say," Horton answered. "He had a reputation for being a little free with a running iron. I figured he was doing a little rustling on the side."

"What about his friends Rafe and Barry, do they work for Larson?" Josh asked.

"Yeah, now that you mention it, they do. You think those boys were with Carl?"

"I'd bet on it," Josh replied. "There were three horses drivin Maguire's cattle. Two riders came out of that box canyon and left Carl there. My guess is that it was Rafe and Barry."

"Makes sense, but it's not enough to arrest those two. Just because their saddle partner is rustling doesn't prove they're in on it."

"Sheriff, Mr. Sanders told Daniel that he hadn't had any problem with rustlers. He also said that Larson wasn't havin trouble either. Why would someone rustle cattle from the Maggie M and not the others? It don't make sense, both the other ranches have a lot more cattle that are spread out over a lot more land," Josh asked.

"It's almost like someone is targetin the Maguires. Like they're trying to run them out. Why would someone want to do that? Red asked, jumping into the discussion.

"Don't rightly know Red. I can't think of..." Sheriff Horton paused for a few seconds. "Water," he said. "I bet that's it."

"Water?" Both Josh and Red asked. Josh continued, "What about water?"

"The Maggie M has the best water holes in the area. There's at least seven spring fed ponds on the ranch. You also got Black Squirrel and Chico Creeks. That's a powerful lot of water for these high plains. If the Maguires were forced out, whoever took over the Maggie M would get the water rights too. "There's your reason boys, water rights."

"And Larson's place butts up against the Maggie M," Red said. His voice was soft and low like he was talking to himself. "Might be time to have a talk with Mr. Tom Larson."

"Red don't go off half cocked, ya hear? All this is just talk right now, we don't know that Larson's behind the rustlin," Horton warned the young Texan. "I don't want to have to come after you if you break the law so just sit tight until I can find out more."

Josh looked at his friend and slowly shook his head and motioned Red to be quiet. "Okay Sheriff, thanks for talkin with us. We'll tell Daniel what we talked about and see what he wants to do. Just so you know, if Daniel wants to go talk to Larson, we'll be goin with him."

They left the Sheriff's office and still had an hour before meeting the ladies. Red mentioned that he wanted the blacksmith to check out the right rear shoe on Jasper; it was wearing thin. He said that if the smithy had time, he'd have Jasper reshod. Josh agreed to go with Red; he wanted to see Sunny.

Sunny enjoyed the carrots that Josh had brought him and the men were waiting for Jasper to get new shoes. As they sat in front of the blacksmith shop, Rafe and Barry rode passed and turned in to hitch their horses in front of the saloon across from the livery stable. Red had been sitting with his feet on the hitching rail leaning back in a chair. When he saw the two men, he sat up quickly, and then stood.

Josh saw the look on Red's face and the change in his friend. He had seen this side of Red before; when there was trouble Red became a deadly force. A force to be reckoned with. He put his hand on Red's arm to calm him down but Red looked at him and shook his head.

"Not this time Josh. Maybe the Sheriff can't do anything but I can," Red told him. Seeing the worry on Josh's face he said, "Don't worry, I'm just goin to give those boys a friendly warning," he continued, grimly smiling at his partner. Josh nodded and followed Red toward the saloon.

Red crossed the dirt street and called out to Rafe and Barry as they dismounted. They turned and tensed up when they saw Red and Josh.

"What'da you want Mister?"

"I've got a message for you boys," Red told them. The two men could see that Red and Josh were primed for trouble. "Mr. Maguire said to tell you to leave his cattle and his ranch be. No more rustlin his stock."

"I don't know what you're talkin about. We didn't steal his cattle; that was all Carl's doin. You tell Maguire that..."

"That's horse shit Rafe. But I won't argue the point with you. You've heard the message, now hear the warnin. If anymore of his cattle get stolen or if anybody bothers him or his family, I'm comin for you."

"You don't have any proof Mister. The Sheriff can't arrest us without proof," Rafe said.

"The Sheriff don't come into this, I'm talkin about me. I'll come for you and it'll be me that deals with you," Red said. "I'll finish both of you. That's not a threat, that's a promise. If anymore trouble comes the Maguire's way, I'll put you under."

"If you gun us down, you'll go to jail."

"Maybe so, but it'll be too late to do you boys much good." Red stared at the men; his eyes were piercing and had death in them. He stopped talking and looked back and forth between the two men. "Y'all understand me clear; I'll kill you if you bother the Maguires again." With that final promise, Red turned and walked back to the livery stable and sat down in his chair.

Josh stood staring at Rafe and Barry. "Boys if I were you, I'd pay attention to what he said. I've never heard him threaten anyone. He normally acts instead of talkin. And just so you know, if he comes for you, I'll be comin too."

Rafe and Barry turned and hurried into the saloon as Josh went to join Red. "Damn Red, what about not goin off half cocked?"

"I didn't, they're still breathin aren't they. I promised not to take the law into my own hands and I didn't. I just gave those boys a friendly warnin. Well, maybe it wasn't so friendly but I did warn them instead of shootin them."

Josh looked at his friend for a few seconds and then smiled. "C'mon let's go meet Sarah and Danni."

The ladies were waiting for them when they got to the boarding house and after bundling up against the cold they all walked to the café for supper. All four of them took off their coats and the girls saw that in addition to having been to the barber shop that the boys were wearing new clothes.

"Did you feel you had to get dressed up to talk to Sheriff Horton, Red?" Sarah asked grinning.

Red smiled and blushed. When Danni turned to Josh she didn't even have to ask the question to get him flustered. "Well we thought Maggie might like to see us all cleaned up," Red responded.

This got all of them laughing. When they settled down, Josh said, "There is something we should discuss." Red nodded and Sarah and Danni waited to hear what Josh had to say.

"With the rustlin from the Maggie M and Carl getting shot we think one or both of us should escort you ladies between town and the ranch," Josh suggested.

Sarah said, "We're grown women and can take care of ourselves Josh. We don't need babysittin." She wasn't happy with Josh's idea.

"Yeah, you can take care of yourselves alright. Just like the day we meet you when Rafe and his friends were about to get all friendly with you," Red replied with an impish grin.

"Really Sarah, things are getting real serious around here. Your folks would feel better if you had someone with you. Let at least one of us ride back and forth with you for their peace of mind," Josh requested. "And for mine," he mumbled under his breath.

"What was that last part?" Danni asked. She knew very well what Josh had mumbled and was touched at his concern.

"It'd make both Red and I feel better if at least one of us was with you." Josh grinned and continued, "If nothing else we can keep Sarah from shootin some poor soul who only wanted to say hello. I heard you've gotten a little trigger happy with that pistol Sarah."

Sarah sputtered and tried to argue with Josh but everyone started laughing at her and then she laughed too. "Okay Josh, we give up. One of you can come meet us and then ride back with us, but only one. There's too much going on at the ranch to have both of you gone. Agreed?"

"I knew you'd see it our way. How could you gals pass up riding all alone with two handsome cowboys like Josh and me?" Red teased the girls. But deep down he was glad that he and Josh would provide protection for them. There's bound to be more trouble and I don't want them caught in the middle, Red thought.

Danni said that she would arrange to have her work day end on Friday at 3 PM; the same time Sarah got finished at school. Then the girls and their escort for the day could make it back to the ranch before full dark. The days had gotten shorter as the winter season rolled in; it got full dark around 6 PM.

After dinner on the way back to the boarding house Red and Sarah lagged behind; Josh and Danni were in the parlor for almost 20 minutes before they showed up. Waiting for the other two, Josh was a little shy talking to Danni. Finally to get him to talk more Dannie asked about his two favorite horses, Diablo and Sunny.

"I've had Sunny for 4 years or so and he's as good a horse as I've ever known; maybe with the exception of Diablo," Josh said.

"Which one is faster Josh?" Danni asked to keep his talking. He relaxed when he talked about his horses and she could see more of the real Josh.

"Depends on what you mean by faster. If you ran them both at a gallop from here to the S Bar S, Diablo would be there about 15 to 20 minutes before Sunny. You'd have to give Diablo a breather before he could start back; a horse that big uses up a lot of energy running that hard. Sunny on the other hand you could turn around and start right back and he'd still be running at the same speed. He probably would be back at the start more than an hour ahead of Diablo."

"So Sunny is faster over a long distance?"

"I guess you could say that. But both of them can go at a lope all day long, day after day. If I wanted to get to someplace like Pueblo in a hurry I'd take Diablo; but if I had to turn around and come right back without resting my horse, I'd take Sunny," Josh replied. "But no matter which horse you'd take you'd be riding one of the best in the Colorado. Or any place else for that matter," Josh said with pride.

Danni was smiling at Josh's intensity and obvious love for his horses. She took his hand in hers and said, "See, it's not that hard to talk to me. Is it?"

Josh returned her smile and shook his head. "Don't know of anyone I'd rather be talking to Danni."

Before either of them could say anything more, Red and Sarah come through the door and into the parlor. "Where have you two been?" Danni asked teasing them.

"I was showing Sarah how to find what direction is north by using the North Star," Red deadpanned.

"Sarah already knows how to use the North Star," Danni replied.

"Well now she knows how to use it the Texas way," Red responded. "Besides, there's no such thing as too much education. Right Sarah?"

Red's antics made all of them laugh. After the girls quit giggling, Josh said, "Hate to break this up but we need to head back to the ranch. C'mon Red, let's hit the trail."

Red realized that none of the boarders were around and Mrs. Cassidy was busy in the kitchen. He pulled Sarah to him and kissed her; telling her he would see her Friday. Sarah returned the kiss for a few seconds and then pulled back blushing. Red gave her a big grin and walked out the front door.

Danni followed Josh to the door and just before he left she kissed him on the cheek and said, "Thanks for a lovely evening Josh. I hope we can talk some more this weekend at the ranch."

On the way to the stable to get their horses, Red said, "Josh, if you don't quit smiling your face will freeze that way in this cold."

"I could say the same thing to you Red. If it gets too dark on the way back to the ranch we can use your smile to light our way."

Both men laughed and mounted their horses for the hour ride back to the Maggie M. Arriving back at the ranch, Josh and Red sat on the porch with Daniel. They told him about Carl being shot and their discussion with the Sheriff. Daniel agreed the water rights could be the reason behind all the trouble. The boys decided that Daniel didn't need to know about Red's warning to Rafe and Barry.

That Friday afternoon Red rode into Fountain to escort the ladies back to the ranch. Daniel and Maggie felt better with Red or Josh riding with their daughters. Maggie had a big supper waiting when the three got to the ranch. Jerry and Jacob took the horses to the barn and soon after everyone sat down for the big meal.

Sarah and Danni talked about their days in town and all the gossip about the town's people. They were told about what was happening on the Maggie M. The plans for getting new stock in the spring, the changes planned for the bunk house, and a new well that they planned to dig come spring when the ground thawed out.

After supper Red went to the barn to make sure Jasper had been properly taken care of after the ride in the cold. Sarah decided to keep him company. Maggie smiled to herself thinking about the possibility of a wedding in the spring. The two young people had been gone for about 30 minutes and Daniel decided he'd go see if there was a problem.

Josh and Danni spoke at the same time saying, "I'll go." They laughed and then both went to check on the missing two. They knew that there was more going on than Red taking care of his horse. As Josh and Danni got close to the barn, they started talking in loud voices as a warning to Red and Sarah.

Before they got all the way to the barn, Red and Sarah came out and joined them. "Let's get back to the house," Red suggested. "It's gettin real cold out here."

Walking back to the house Danni helped Sarah brush the hay off the back of her clothes and out of her hair. Sarah was red in the face but Red had a Texas size grin on his.

Back in the house Jacob was sent to bed and Jerry wandered off to the bunk house. The rest of the group had a last cup of coffee before retiring.

"Was your horse okay Red? Daniel asked. "You were gone so long I thought there might be something wrong."

"Yes sir, he's fine. I was just makin sure," Red replied with a sly grin.

Daniel started to say more but Maggie nudged him in the ribs with her elbow. "Hush now Dan," she said in a quiet voice. Daniel looked at Maggie, bewildered. What did I say? He thought. He started to ask Maggie about the elbow but she said, "Time for bed. See you in the morning boys."

As the boys left, the girls went to their room, and Daniel and Maggie went to theirs. We're goin to have a talk before we get to sleep tonight, Daniel promised himself.

The source of this story is Finestories

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