Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 66

0700 Wednesday 29 February Sampson

Currahee Nations, came to see me off, Jaa handed me the letter I was to give to the Massachusetts Governors Chief of Staff. It was sealed with wax using The Wappinger Nation Official Seal. Jeremy Bastion was flying me in The Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. Pilatus PC-12/45 Money in the Wind.

Currahee Nations

Sampson, I have talked with both Jaa and Allen. Before entering the State Capital build, you will call me. From that time on you have Two hours to call me again saying you are done and, on your way, back. If you are arrested, you will inform those in command of the time limit. If you fall to make contact in time or take more than Thirty minutes to return to the aircraft, without further contact. The Wappinger Nation will dump all Massachusetts State and Municipality Bonds as junk and start foreclosure on every property we own in Massachusetts that is in arrears. There is a portfolio of over Seven Thousand properties involved. They are listed with the bonds. Tell them that.


Yes, Currahee Nations, I will tell them.

I arrived at the Massachusetts State Capitol building and had no problem with security in entering the building. I was surprised to see the Office of the Governor in an open section with the office of the Chief of Staff just to the left of the entrance doors. I was able to approach a receptionist who as I approached ask if she could help me.

I am Sampson Frank; The Chief of Staff for Currahee Nations Principle Chief of The Wappinger Nation and I have a message for the Governors Chief of Staff. She was shocked. She stammered out hold one please as she arose. As I expected Four State Troopers arrived before she returned.

The Chief of Staff came swaggering out and told the Troopers to arrest me for trespassing and conveying a threat. Then he threw the unopened message into the trashcan.

Sir, before I am arrested, I suggest you read the letter. If I do not report in in the next Thirty minutes the things in that letter will start happening within the hour.

He thought a minute, picked up the letter and opened it. He stopped after a minute or so. Told the Troopers to set me in the coroner and watch me. I could see a clock so there was no need to check my watch. He returned with Five minutes to spare.

Massachusetts Governor Chief of Staff

Mr. Frank. The Governor does not act kindly to threats.


Currahee Nations does not threaten he does. You have Three minutes.

Massachusetts Governor Chief of Staff

Release him, escort him to the airport and ensure he makes his flight.


Currahee Nations, message delivered and understood. I am being escorted to the airport. I will call you when we are airborne.

Currahee Nations

I was in my Longhouse Office not wanting to pass on my concern for Sampsons safety to spread to others. Now for happier things.

Kariwase Nations

The surprises started at breakfast. The whole family was there for breakfast. The President and his family along with a man I recognized but could not recall his name.

0700 President Newman

Kariwase Nations, let me introduce you to FAA Deputy Director for Pilot Certifications, Mr. Orvel Emmart. He is in Thirty minutes going to monitor your PPL.

Orvel Emmart

Let us look at this logbook. Two-Hundred-Thirty-Five actual flight hours. Seven flights over Four-Hundred-Fifty Miles all with Two or more stops. Flights in Cessna 172S Skyhawk, R44 Raven II, AT-402B Air Tractor, Beechcraft King Air 350ER-Twin, Stearman PT-17 and PC-12/47E of at Twenty hours or more, and Ten hours in a C-130h as a flight crew pilot.

Five-Hundred-Seventeen simulator hours Beechcraft King Air 350ER, T-6A Texan II, T-38 Talon, T-1A Jayhawk, C-130 J, C-17, C-40A Clipper, MV-22B Osprey, MH-60 Black Hawk, UH-72B Lakota, and Bell-412. Do you ever sleep or eat? Six different Flight instructors have signed off of your actual and simulator flight hours. Here is the written exam go ahead and start.

Oliver Stewart

Hello Orvel, by the look on your face you have been looking at the Logbook of Sky Queen Kariwase.

Orvel Emmart

Oliver, has she really done all this work in a year? Is she really that good?

Oliver Stewart

She has handled everything the Six of us Flight Instructors assigned to MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation. The only reason we have not thrown the Lockheed C-130 death program at her is because we cannot get it. If I was ever in and aircraft, any aircraft, that was in the C-130 death program for real and had my choice of any pilot that ever was. It would be her. Some of us believe an airplane flies with her in command because she tells it to, and it obeys. She is better than that good. The crews on the simulators will celebrate her receiving her PPL with all her endorsements so she can harass ground crews with flying real aircraft instead of bugging them for hours. Everyone is happy she is pregnant for her and Currahee Nations but will be glad when she enters her Third Trimester and has to stop flying due to not reaching the controls.

Here she comes, she has finished the test, do you want to bet on, if it is perfect, here is a Fifty.

Orvel Emmart

Oliver, I do not think I will. I might as well start with the top. I need a Beechcraft King Air 350ER prepared please, I will go and verify her score.

I have seen a few ace the test portion but verry, verry few, she was One.

Mrs. Nations let us go and you get the Beechcraft King Air 350ER ready to fly, then we fly to Plattsburgh, land, take off and return. She looked at me and said I was hoping for the Stearman, but the Beechcraft would do. I was starting to get sorry I agreed to do this PPL verification.

Three hours later we were done. It was 1130 and I had drunk the cool-aid. I would fly with Sky Queen Kariwase as the PIC in any aircraft, any condition, to anywhere.

Kariwase Nations, here is your PPL and CPL with Tailwheel, Roter, Complex airplane, High-performance Aircraft, Pressurized Aircraft, Instrument Rating, Multi-Engine and Night Vision Goggle Operations Endorsements. Thankfully, I cannot do a Power Lift PPL, but I am sure you have someone in mind for that. Next year when you age qualify for your MPL (Multi-crew Pilot License) and ATP (Airline transport pilots). Do not call me. I will allow someone else that pleasure. I am going into a corner and cry; you should be teaching me.

Kariwase Nations

Robert was waiting for me, the tower called him and said I was on my final approach. I gave him a real kiss and said Thank You for arranging this. I will really reward you properly tonight. I need to change for lunch.

Currahee Nations

We really do not have time. you are dressed fine.


Congratulations First Vice Chief Kariwase Nations on getting your license to fly as you wish.

Kariwase Nations

Thank You, Elton.

On entering the house, I went right to the dining room to a huge cake decorated with airplanes. The room was decorated with all kinds of flying decorations you would have for a Fifth birthday. Streamers, Hats, Noise Makers, Poppers, lots of Toy Airplanes. Lunch was Hotdogs with Macaroni and Cheese.

I asked about this morning’s presentations and just got from everyone it went as expected. Robert said before dinner we would watch the replay. I thought there was more to the morning I was hearing but no one would tell me anything different. I would just have to see it after lunch. It did not happen.

Raleigh, can you bring in the staff please? He had them waiting in the hallway. Currahee Nations, dear, come help me cut this cake and pass it out. To the staff first please. We passed it out and one of the last to receive a piece was CG USAF General Frankling “Snuffy” Smith.

“Snuffy” Smith

Colonel Kariwase Nations, I understand you have your CPL. There is a C-130J on the runway with a check pilot in it. I think you should visit him. A military Flight Officer can fly a Military Aircraft under Military Orders transporting people without an ATP or MPL as long as the Military certifies you to fly that aircraft. Four hours today, Six tomorrow and Six on the 2nd of March with your Twenty-Four in the simulator will get you qualified for PIC of a C-130J. Good luck Colonel.

Kariwase Nations

Again, I was off. I would be tired tonight, but I would still reward Robert as I promised. The biggest surprise was Brenda was my Load Master. She looked at me and said you will only fly with me as your Load Master. I do not trust any else with the care of Sky Queen Kariwase Nations and the little ones she is carrying. I have done my checks and here is the manifest and balance sheet. Get your flight information for your flight plan. Do your airplane ground check so we can get this beast in the air.

My check pilot was “Snuffy” Smith Son in Law. We were flying to Pease AFB and back today. Tomorrow Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst, Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field Bogue Field and Stewart Air National Guard Base. We will load and unload cargo at each landing.

I had Thirty minutes to get my flight plan for today done. I was done in Twenty. Fifty-One minutes after arriving at the airfield we were off. Three hours later we were back. I was home by 1840 hours and time for a nap before showering and dressing for dinner. The decorations were still up in the dining room, they would be removed after dinner.

I did watch the replay and was upset that I was not told of this victory at lunch. Robert said all involved, to include Elizabeth Anne, forbid any from talking about it as they did not want to take away from your birthday party. I have ordered Raleigh to hold dinner so we can all celebrate her victory.

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