Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 65

0730 Tuesday 28 February Currahee Nations

Our schedule for the Presidential Visit:

Tuesday 28 February

1130 arrival no speeches inspects Honor Guard.

1230 Lunch.

1330 President meets all Four negotiators for the Treaty Land Compensation.

1400 President turns the negotiations over to The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.

1600 Tea with both Senior Staffs.

1800-1930 “The Platoon’s” Concert.

2000 Separate Dinners.

Wednesday 29 February

0800 Treaty Land Compensation Negotiations resume.

0800-1200 All encouraged to observe the Forum Presentations and Deliberations.

1200-1300 Presidential and Wappinger Nation Families lunch.

1300-1700 All encouraged to observe the Forum Presentations and Deliberations.

Separate Dinners.

Thursday 1 March

0800-1100 Attend The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum

0800-0900 Review Of The Issues Voting

0900-0930 Elected Youth Speaker addresses The Forum

0930-1000 Governor of New York addresses The Forum

1000-1030 Governor of Massachusetts addresses The Forum

1030-1100 Governor of Vermont addresses The Forum

1115-1245 Lunch with the Youth Forum Participants

1300-1330 Currahee Nations addresses The Forum

1330-1400 President Newman addresses The Forum

1400 Youth Forum Participants Prepare For The Ball

1400-1600 President, Governors of New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, and The Principal Chief

of the Wappinger Nation meet in person to solve Treaty Land Compensation Issues.

1630 Press Conference if substantial progress is reached in Land Compensation Negotiations

1630-Break For The Ball Preparations

1700-1800 Light Dinner

1900-2300 Ball With Finger Foods

Friday 2 March

1300 1500 Closing Banquet

1600 Presidential party departs.

We had an early and rushed breakfast. The next Three days were for what a Formal-Run British Home lives for and dreads, a Royal Visit. This case it was an American President, but he was the ruler of the nation. The advance team was again in the Longhouse Tripple checking everything. Lunch happens at 1230 without The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum participants present. There would just be Twenty or so at the table. Mrs. Ruth arranged the number and the guest list. As Dowager and the person K and I trust to run our house it was her job, and she did it far better than I could ever do. You do not mess with perfection.

I would welcome the First Family. Wearing the Regalia I wore last night. I would be where I am told to be, wear what I am told to wear, and give comments, I am handed, written by others, to the audience assembled in front of me. I will only take questions if I am pre-approved to or if prompted by Danials, whose voice will be in my ear. I am a politician. I just wish to get back to being a father to my grandchildren and the little one Kariwase will present to me in Seven to Eight months.

1000, I was informed that before President left his office to come here, he Vetoed The Wappinger Nation Treaty Land Compensation Act. Seeing some of your opponent’s cards was great for a few things. I just wish we knew the endgame and the timetable. When the Vampire 3.0 team gets back to work we can discover more. I had halted their work to allow things to settle. If the Alternate Site had to munch activity it may trigger someone to investigate, I could not let this intelligence go dry.

I went to visit the facility that produces the printed aircraft and saw all the teams working though the first airframe was not yet finished. Those people that were not watching and feeding the printer were perfecting the rotisserie system or the system to pack the molding sand.

Moria Bronski was watching over the operation well “The Platoon” was at The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum. She was pleased with the results. I asked her could she supervise all The Wappinger Nation special construction projects as The Wappinger Nation Director of Advanced Concept Projects Director. She replied I will need to assign a non-Platoon member to each project to keep the minds of those involved on point after they had overcome the technical issues and just do the mechanical part. She could see with these projects the assigned crews were handling the mechanical part well enough. Mabe using “The Platoon” as just a think tank unit. Turn everything over to Industrial Manufacturing Engineers and Technicians to build the stuff and only involve “The Platoon” if a problem develops.

You are hired, use some of these Recording Technicians to wright out your Job Description, SOP, and Policy Manual. “The Platoon” will become our Think Tank. She will produce what they think of building. Kariwase, until the babies are near will be her Cat Herder with “The Platoon.”

Sampson came to me, Currahee Nations, the President is airborne. Mrs. Ruth has called, time for you to get dressed. I knew I was to do what others decided I should do. I nodded, “let us go.

Kariwase Nations

We were lined up and waiting as Air Force One landed. Currahee Nations, he would always be Robert to me, was in his regalia. I was in my Wedding Dress.

Michael Long Walk was carrying a block of salt, Young Thomas Joseph carrying a peace pipe with tobacco pouch and Timothy Silver Fox had scalping knife and hatchet sheathed. Currahee Nations carried his Coup Stick. Our Color Guard had The American Flag, The Wappinger Nation flag, and the Presidential Flag. The 13th Composite Reserve Division Marching Band started playing The National Anthem as the President’s foot stepped on the runway from the aircraft steps. Then played The Wappinger Nation Anthem, and finally Hail to the Chief.

The President shook Currahee Nations hand and the Two of them inspected the Honor Guard. I took the First Lady and gave her a small hug. Isabella, escorted by Consuela’s JR handed her a bouquet. Currahee Nations introduced Me, Mrs. Ruth, Consuela, The Third and Samual to the President. The President introduced His wife, son Alferd JR, Pauline Vernon, and Lawrence Vernon. Formalities done and protocol properly observed, both families entered their cars, and we drove to the Longhouse for lunch.

As arranged our Nanny took all the children to the Nursery, There play area to the boys, they were too old for a nursery. We talked over lunch. Currahee Nations had our gifts brought to the President and First Lady.

Keya Newman

This is Mrs. Ruth’s mother of the bride’s dress? Right. I have seen pictures but never thought I would have one like it never mind, the real one. These Moccasins are gorgeous, The bead work is Quill beads not glass. Who did the bead work?

Kariwase Nations

A Master Crafts Woman who teaches traditional Quill bead work to a current group of young ladies at a workshop. We personally support it financially to allow the traditional crafts to continue and crafts people not have to worry about finances. They made yours and the Presidents.

Keya Newman

I will wear this outfit at my children’s weddings no matter the theme. Thank You, both verry munch.

Currahee Nations

This is my Grooms outfit; I do not need it for the purpose if was acquired for. I have married for the last time. My wedding Moccasins were hand made by Kariwase and I will be buried in them. Mr. President here are a pair that complement your wife’s pair. these are personal gifts for friends not State Gifts.

The Wappinger Nation State Gift is this as Tim handed me a Coup Stick crafted by the same medicine man that crafted mine. It had an image of each former President carved into it. No mention of any wars, just leaders that had led the country.

President Newman

I looked at Lawrence who nodded and an officer wheeled in a cart with Four cages on it. Currahee Nations, you have some pets that come from The Great Plains, but you are missing the Second species that symbolizes The Great Plains. The Prairie Dog as the Captain uncovered the cages to show Four pairs of Prairie Dog.

Currahee Nations

Did anyone come close to winning the pool? I asked Horatius Gallagher. He replied Eve did. As his wife looked up and smiled.

Eve Gallagher

I thought yesterday after reading that Prairie Dogs make a grazing area that Buffalo tend to hang around more than non-Prairie Dog areas. I had decided that next week I was going to make a request for a dozen to be released on our prairie. the adding them to the pool was an afterthought. Come dear we need to take these Eight and get them settled in and check them and their paperwork. The Babies will love them.

President Newman

By Babies, do you mean those Four shaggy dogs, especially that Twenty-Five Hundred pound one that so captivated my eldest daughter. I need to see them, then tell my daughters, No again, they will believe no means no.

Kariwase Nations

Let me call Mothers Protector and Second Mother to see where they are and if they are free.

Thank You Mothers Protector, we will see you in 15 minutes. Robert called for our car and President Newman called for theirs. I said we will not take the younger children this time as it is nap time. I bring the little ones after Tea. Both sets of Babies are more amicable to a visit at that time.

We arrived Thunder Hoof, Nations Blessing, Nations Future, and Nations Heritage took to Keya right away but were cautious of President Newman until Mrs. Ruth spoke and told him to behave for our guests. And he did.

The source of this story is Finestories

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