Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 64

1620 Monday 27 February Currahee Nations

You would think that the Accord Fellowship would learn to verify people or sources before using them on national television.

Mrs. Ruth, what about the children?

Mrs. Ruth

All are under our medical care. Nine have tested positive for venereal disease, thankfully, not AIDS. The youngest is Eleven and the oldest is Sixteen. Usually at Seventeen they are sold to other pimps. The Fourteen-year-old has gone into labor is one of those with venereal disease. Martha will do a C-Section as it will be safer for mother and child. The other Six girls are from Four to Eight months along. All the girls will be given a pregnancy test and if found to be pregnant the girls and their babies will be given the best care possible. The further along the girl was the more they charged for her. After a girl gives birth, the baby is taken and sold to a black-market adoption agency and the girls go back to work in a week. There are Five boys Eleven through Thirteen. When they reach puberty, they are sold off to other pimps. The three that identified Wilma Bowley were taking care of the babies until sold. They have given Three years of sales records of babies and children to Federal Marshall Byron. They also unfortunately identified Six graves of children that died or in one case beaten to death by a “client.” Marshall Byron has his identity, and it is a New York State Senator, he is on his way to visit him know. The Senator is a major opponent of the Governors. Twelve of the children are runaways or were forced from their homes. The rest were sold for cash or drugs. None of the children wish to contact their parents. Judge Hunter is going to have Federal authorities visit the parents and investigate them. If warranted charges will be filed. If none of the children wish to return home and authorities feel it is safer for the child not to return home, I have offered to make the arrangements for their foster care that will include counseling.

I will not try to visit those in custody, as I might do something I regret. I hope they are verry uncomfortable and treated like the plague infested vermin they are. I am sorry, comparing them to plague infested vermin blackens the names of plague infested vermin.

I have pledged The Wappinger Nation to provide for the future of each of these children to include the babies born and those to come.

Currahee Nations

They are now members of The Wappinger Nation, entitled to all the protection and privileges we can provide. Mrs. Ruth, inform all Federal Authorities of this fact.

It is 1630 I have a news conference to dress for.

I tried to leave the CMO off, but Kariwase said absolutely not. It is part of your regalia along with your Coup Stick. You will wear and carry both.

1700. Michael Long Walk had led the procession carrying a block of salt that he set on a faux rock pillar. Next came Young Thomas Joseph carrying a peace pipe with tobacco pouch that he put on a different faux pillar. Timothy Silver Fox followed with a scalping knife and hatchet in sheaths and stood behind the salt and tobacco with crossed arms. I came out with my Coup Stick and placed in the holder with The Wappinger Nation flag. Then walked to the podium.

I am Currahee Nations-”He who stands alone for the Nations.” I am also known as Robert Hayowentha Pierce Senior. Of The Wolverine Subclan, of the Little Bear Clan, Nation of the Mohawk, Of the Six Nations. Recognized by Wappinger Nation people that have the Bureau of Indian Affairs Federal Law recognized blood line of the Wappinger Nation, The United States Government, and SCOTUS as The Principal Chief of the Wappinger Nation.

I stand here with salt, tobacco, sheaths scalping knife, and hatchet. These are the Nations People sign of peace and friendship. We of the Wappinger Nation have been awarded Land by a United States Senate approved Treaty and recognized by many signed laws of the States of New York, Vermont, and Massachusetts.

These lands, that at times in the past, had been stolen from us, have been returned to us by a Federal Treaty, Acts of Congress, Acts of States Legislatures, and a SCOTUS Judgments. We plan to seek full possession of these lands in accordance with Federal Law. We have been threatened with invasion, lied about our invitation for young people to attend The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum saying we are holding them hostage, we are not. On Three occasions offered any attendees that wished to go home that we would take them home. These offers were shown live on television and online by representatives of the major television networks. All Three times we made the offers, to take people who wished to go home, home. They were still lied about. All participants in The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum have been urged to send video messages home, to show their desire to stay at the Forum. We have still been lied about.

This afternoon a mother stood outside our gate crying for us to free her daughter we were holding hostage. That daughter because she is a minor is now under Federal Child Protective Custody from her mother. The mother was arrested on Federal charges of conspiracy to traffic minors for Sexual Exploitation, Detaining minors for Sexual Exploitation, Kidnapping, Maintaining a criminal enterprise for the Sexual Exploitation of minors, and Possession of narcotics for distribution.

We of The Wappinger Nation have none of these children in our possession and all are undergoing medical treatment in The Wappinger Nation Medical Center under Federal Marshals control. Again, we have been lied about.

We will not give up our claims to any land without a concession from those that would just take it from us. President Alfred E Newman of The United States has demanded we negotiate with those who would give us typhus infested blankets and put us on a death march across the country to take what is ours. We of The Wappinger Nation will not go quietly into the night, this time. The land was ours and is ours again.

If the Governments involved withdraw troops from our gates and come to a fair negotiating table, we will talk. We will consider settling some land claims through purchasing. Some land we will surrender for compensation from Federal, State, and Local Governments. Some land we will surrender because it is the right thing to do. Some land we will take possession of through direct action. We of The Wappinger Nation will decide through our needs which category each inch of land or water falls under. We are open to negotiations but not until troops are stood down, the lies stop, and we meet face to face as equals.

It is that, or we unsheathe our scalping knife and hatchets and fight a war for our verry existence. It is up to the President of the United States and the Governors of the States of New York, Vermont, and Massachusetts to decide.

I will not take any questions that deal with anything related to the Federal Child Sexual Exploitation Case. You will have to ask the Justice department about it.

I will take Eight questions from those news outlets that thought we were important enough to send teams to cover The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum:

Albany NY Channel 10 ABC Affiliate

There has been information that you will be willing to give up all land claims in Vermont and Massachusetts for compensation?

Currahee Nations

We in the past have made that offer to Vermont and Massachusetts but were ignored. We may reconsider offering that if we are taken seriously at the negotiation table.

Burlington VT Channel 5 NBC Affiliate

Is an actual shooting war possible?

Currahee Nations

If we are attacked and any attempt to forceable enter our current compound, we will take it as an act of war. We will use all means at our disposal to defend the land that was ours before being stolen and is ours again.


You would fire on the police and other officers of the law?

Currahee Nations

Yes, if fired upon.

Lyndon VT Lyndon State College News 7 Unaffiliate

You have said you wish The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum to be an annual event. After these event is The Wappinger Nation still planning to hold it next year?

Currahee Nations



Same time of year?

Currahee Nations

We are considering the First Week in August for better weather.

Springfield MA Channel 34 FOX Affiliate

Will the President still be flying in tomorrow and address The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum on Thursday?

Currahee Nations

The President has not informed us of him cancelling his visit.


Are the Governors of New York, Vermont, and Massachusetts still going to address The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum?

Currahee Nations

I do not know. We have not rescinded our invitation you will have to ask them.

Schenectady NY Channel 17 PBS Affiliate

What do you say to those whose lands you now claim and now have to leave them sometimes having family ownership going back to just after the Revolutionary War?

Currahee Nations

Why did your ancestors kill our people steal our land? The reply is just because the government at that time made it an official policy because we were just in the way of the Whiteman’s progress.

Schenectady NY Channel 6 CBS Affiliate

Do past actions make your current ones right?

Currahee Nations

Ask the Governors of New York, Vermont, and Massachusetts.


Currahee Nations


Boston MA Channel 57 PBS Affiliate

You have been given a herd of genetically pure Buffalo, what are you plans for them?

Currahee Nations

Breed Three distinct wild herd and add different pure genetic material as we can acquire it to repopulate wild Buffalo to their native range as much as possible.

Springfield MA Channel 57 PBS Affiliate

From my producer. The Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro-Tempore of the Senate have just introduced joint bills in congress it increases the Income Tax rate across the board by Two and a half percent to pay compensation to landowners effected by your claims. Comments?

Currahee Nations

I do not know anything about these bills in congress so I cannot comment on them.

We of The Wappinger Nation will not be dictated to, pushed into an agreement we do not like, or surrender our heritage this time without a fight. If it involves blood, we will not be the First to cause it to be shed, but you can be dam well sure that we will cause others to shed plenty before we are done.

The source of this story is Finestories

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