Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 63

1130 Fort Pickett VA Captain Lenord Trogdon

BGen Addams, I believe you should see this, Sir. I showed him the SCOTUS decision.


Dam, can we not find a way to get rid of these people?


Sir, as your Adjunct you have given me our general plan for defeating them. We plan to acquire all that land ourselves. If they succeed in the end we succeed. I have seen the studies of the difficulties of clearing the land we will claim. Have our friends in congress propose a Two and a Half percent across the board raise in taxes levied on the whole country to pay for this travesty of a SCOTUS decision. The Federal Government will take the land and not pay what it is worth, except to our friends that are overpaid. The government will keep title to the land only issuing it to The Wappinger Nation after all claims are finalized. By that time, we will be the Wappinger Nation. The government will only need about a One percent raise in taxes to purchase the land. We overprice the value of our friend s land and use the excess money received to refill our coffers. We can blame The President, SCOTUS, and The Wappinger Nation for the tax increase and land steal. We get what we want, others take the blame for it.


Trogdon, I like it, close my door and I will contact people about it. You are earning your place in the Accord Fellowship.


I instantly sent a message of the conversation to a one-use dead drop site I was given for immediate emergency communications. I hate what this Accord Fellowship stood for but had to keep my head down to keep it.


I received a message from Lenord he used a one-use dead drop site he was given for immediate emergency communications. I opened it and read it. I called Sampson and told him I had received a message from the Blue and needed to see him. He replied come now and he would take care of it.


Currahee Nations, Janice has received a message from the Blue and would like to talk about it, I have her on her way up. Currahee Nations replied that I and her were to come into his office as soon as she arrived.


Currahee Nations, it seems that the Accord Fellowship plans will help us get ownership of the land but then they take it and blame The President, SCOTUS, and The Wappinger Nation for the tax increase and land steal. Lenord states it is his idea but is sure Perrysville will claim credit for it.

Currahee Nations

Janice, keep me advised. If Blue contacts you again inform me right away Twenty-Four/Seven. When this is over, I will see he is rewarded and taken care of. Thank You.

After she left, I had Sampson call Allen, Art, and Lt Gen Marshall to meet me at the secured conference room in the basement of The Wappinger Nation headquarters building. All arrived and Sampson closed the door.

Gentlemen, I am going to give you some information that you cannot act upon but need to know. Gus you can inform the President. We have a deep mole in BGen Perrysville Windover Addams Command that has limited access to Accord Fellowship information. I do not know who it is other than a code name, and I will not release who our contact is. If found out I have no doubt the person would be tortured and killed. When this is over I will reward and protect them. If we fail, never release the information I have.

This is what has been sent to us I will not act on it, but my counter actions will be stronger knowing this information. If these actions do not take place, I will back down a great deal. If they do take place I back down less and demand more.

I will not ask for comments, this is for information on how I will make decisions on what actions others take. I will inform K and Mrs. Ruth about the agent but not what information I received. I prefer any release of this knowledge to be in person not electronic. Vampire 3.0 will start working on Monday. Their ability to find out things is without equal. I have been putting less verry critical information into electronic storage and using paper copies instead. Thank You.

Lt Gen Marshall

I called the private phone number I was given, Gen Carington, you need to officially recall me now we need to talk. He replied message going out.

I went to the 13th Marine Composite Reserve Division message center and on identifying myself was given a message to report by the quickest means possible to The CMC.

I went to the 13th Marine Composite Reserve Air Group and using my orders borrowed an F-18 they had assigned to them. They sent a message that I was on my way. In an hour I was off. Two hours I was on the ground Quantico. To my surprise Lawrence Vernon was in the Marine One ready room with the CMC.

I gave them the information Currahee Nations gave me. Both were happy to know the existence of an agent but knew the more people that knew the greater chance of discovery was.

Carry On Carrington

Gus you will report to HQMC in an hour to me, after a half hour of debriefing me and several others on The Wappinger Nation next Generation Aircraft. This meeting will include Major General Shamus Patrick Sullivan USMC in his last official act as my Adjutant. I will hear of the serious heart attack of the 2nd MAR DIV CG and need an immediate replacement and send him. I will need you to oversell the aircraft. That though will be tough as I have seen the information. This justifies the speed of the recall. You will request immediately transfer of funds from other projects to get our firsthand these aircraft First. Rember the Army and Air Force are our enemies and the Navy reluctant cousins, this for The Corps. I have the information the Vampire 3.0 team gave me for you to do the presentation with. You will get Twenty-Minutes to review it. Good Luck.

1400 White House Lawrence Vernon

We were in the Oval Office with no Secret Service Agents present or listing. Mr. President this is what I have. I will ensure the Four Secret Service Agents and Five White House Staff on the reward list are marginalized until proven loyal to us. The JCS will be marginalizing those on the reward list also.

There was knock on the door, The President called enter. His personal senior secretary brought in a message from the Situation Room. The Governor of Massachusetts had mobilized the National Guard to take up positions on the New York border to repel an attack on the people and property of the Sovereign State of Massachusetts. Also issued an ultimatum for the false Wappinger Nation to release the citizens of Massachusetts they were holding hostage.

I had seen Kariwase Nations, speech live, and I guessed someone had forgotten to tell the Governor about it and its contents. The ability to have all the media channels spin it was almost impossible.


With the information you have given me I will say nothing until 1800 this evening. I will reply to Currahee Nations and all Three Governors reactions to the SCOTUS ruling at that time. Not before. In half an hour have the press Secretary release that information.

1345 Wappinger Nation Currahee Nations

True to her word Mrs. Ruth got me a private off-the-record phone call with the Governor of New York.

Governor this ruling does not change our agreement on negotiation and arbitration. I and you will both make verry provocative statements this evening, Tomorrow the President will demand we meet on Thursday to talk face to face. We will both reluctantly agree, walk back some of our rhetoric. This will allow you to show strength to those who wish to get rid of you and give both room to continue the course of negotiation and arbitration.

I will take nothing you say to me personally. You should not take anything I say personally either. You paleface grabber of Native Nations land only bent on our extinction.

He replied you red-faced heathen, The State of New York will put down your uprising and put you back on the minimally adequate reservation you deserve, Insuring we extract every dollar from you we can, to pay for it. We both laughed and said we would see each other on Thursday.

K, Mrs. Ruth, Allen, Art, and Sampson all laughed with us. Thank You Mrs. Ruth for your effort. Jenneffer, my current Administrative Assistant knocked on the door. Enter I called.

Sir, The Governor of Massachusetts has just finished a news conference to announce the mobilization of the National Guard. It will take up positions on the New York border to repel an attack on the people and property of the Sovereign State of Massachusetts. Also issued an ultimatum for the false Wappinger Nation to release the citizens of Massachusetts they were holding hostage.

Mrs. Ruth, you will have all our guests in the presents of a live news broadcast call home. Again, offer to get people home or on their way within the hour if they wish to go. Especially film our favorite guests. After the Forum broadcast. Have Danial, issue a statement that The Wappinger Nation will claim and defend our Sovereign Treaty Lands. With force if needed. This includes all of our Sovereign Treaty Lands no matter who falsely claims them it this moment.

Art, mobilize our Two Armor Companies to reinforce our gates and as our people unless it is necessary to remain within our borders. Also, if military aircraft are spotted deploy our anti-aircraft system but not DRCS. None of our combat aircraft will be launched.

Thirty minutes later we had, for the Second time this year, New York National Guard Forces outside our gates. The New York Governor had mobilized the New York National Guard. In his words to protect the lives, property, and way of life of the citizens of the State of New York. This from an overreaching Federal Court System and an upstart illegal Indian Nation. Who was bent only on taking the homes and livelihoods of the fine citizens of New York State. Fine rhetoric indeed.

1435 Wappinger Nation Front gate

With news cameras filming, I am Wilma Bowley I demand that so called Principle Chief of the farce of an Indian tribe The Wappinger Nation Currahee Nations, His teen bride wife Kariwase Nations and that old lady Mrs. Ruth. They will release my 15-year-old daughter Areial Bowley they are holding against her will.

The source of this story is Finestories

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