Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 62

Second Mother

I was in a group with Linda Newman, Her sister Sarah had joined us after dinner. I mentioned that I had to go with Kariwase Nations and Mother Protector to put our babies to bed. Sarah said, You have babies. I explained Nations Heritage and Nations Future. Sarah asked, can we go with you? I looked at both their security escorts. Guinevere, Sarah Associate was calling on her lapel radio. After Five minutes Kariwase Nations called my phone and asked what was going on? I answered her that Linda and Sarah Newman wished to see the babies. Kariwase Nations said hold One please.

After a brief time Kariwase came back up on my phone and said Mrs. Ruth will allow it if we wait Ten minutes for Security to do a sweep of the area. The girls will stand outside the paddock; under no circumstances will they enter the paddock. They would need to agree to this condition and stick with the agreement. Both said yes, we will stay outside the paddock.

Linda did ask if pictures would be allowed. I said yes. We met our truck accompanied by a second one and Two escort vehicles.

Linda Newman

Daddy, I petted real buffaloes. Look at the pictures, they were so sweet. Thunder licked me and let me scratch his head. He was like a verry big shaggy dog. The Four of them even protected Kariwase Nations, Mother Protector, and Second Mother from Two men that threatened them earlier this week. The Four of them act like Kariwase Nations, Mother Protector, and Second Mother are their mothers. They like carrots. They even obey when told to stop, stay, and come. They just eat grass, so they are not exotic eaters. They live in a herd just like granddads cattle. You can even raise them with cattle.

President Newman

No, I am not Teddy Roosevelt, and I will not have a buffalo grazing on the South Lawn. I will not have a pet that I cannot house break or pick up. And neither will you Two. That Thunder must be over Twenty-Five hundred pounds. When we arrive tomorrow afternoon, I will have to talk to Principle Chief Currahee Nations about the choices of his wife s pets. For a Nations People a Buffalo is fine. I am from Texas, and we will stick with cattle. Then I hear both of them laughing. As both said by daddy, we love you see you Tuesday.

Being set up by my own daughters. I could tell they were having fun yet were still being well protected. I would have to think of something to give Currahee Nations to set him up, but what? Then I knew. I will have Lawrence Vernon arrange it.


Here are the current Forum issues and Two teams working on each that you will monitor and modify: Eric-Slave Reparations, Gallina-Systemic Racism, Melenia-Wealth Distribution, Jason-Government Finance, Hannah-Presidential Electoral College, Edger-Health Care, Flower-College Financing, Steven-Global Warming, Lucendia-Second Amendment, Gabriella-Freedom Individual rights/government set boundaries, Campton-Immigration, and Sophia-US Military/global police. I will take care of our special guests. If in your independent research, you find something that will help or hurt the teams you are monitoring. You may send it to a Platoon member for them to decide if it is relevant for their team but send it to both sides. If you have a question about anything, send it to my account under the heading of The Twenty-Fifth Column. This will move it to the top of my messages.

Vampire 3.0 Team, I know you had a rough schedule last week. I do not know what you did, nor do I want to know. If this schedule gets to that intensity, stop, speak to Eric or me and we will get you some assistance. This is a Wappinger Nation effort, not one of individual personal combat. If we detect personal animosity, we will replace you. Is that clear? All replied yes. Then let us get to work.


People it is 0330, we have worked past the Four hours I set. Everyone is done. Vampire 3.0 Team I am issuing orders that if anyone is up and moving before 0830 this morning their door will be locked from the outside and all power to the room shut off.

We will have breakfast at 0900 and no work will be done during breakfast. At 1100 we will move back here to the Batcave to continue our work. Lolla, Campton, and Sophia, you may join us at 0900 if you wish for breakfast. All Three said they would join us.

Lolla, Campton, and Sophia were all on different teams and their teams had only One person walk away so their teams would Two of the Five now with only Ten people. Lolla had already talked with The Platoon members and they would explain their missing as they being call back to work by Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. to take care of an emergency.

Vampire 3.0 Team the car drives off in Ten minutes be in it. I turned and walked out.

0700 Monday 27 February Currahee Nations

As had become our SOP, Kariwase, Mrs. Ruth, Sampson, Tim, Consuela, Art, Byron, Victoria, Leroy, Brenda, and Jaa joined me for breakfast. It allowed us to discuss everything but high security items.

I had invited Lt Gen Marshall, but he declined having already agreed to eat with the Old Goats Herd. This was a group of Fifty Plus men who were Confirmed Bachelors, Widowers, or Divorced. It was like the Chiefs Mess on a ship. No One, even I would not interrupt or intrude on them without First being recognized. Mrs. Ruth was the only exception to that rule. Then there are verry few rules restricted Mrs. Ruth other than her own personal ones, when something involved her duties as The Wappinger Nation s Mother. All on MCAS Wolverine Field were aware of this and recognized her authority.

Mrs. Ruth talked of the group referred to as Our Favorite Guests and the troubles they have caused, attempt to cause, and the action taken by The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum leadership. Mrs. Ruth was not happy using the Vampire 3.0 Team because of the work hours put in last week and was going to invite them to the Presidential Ball as a reward. She would be keeping an eye on their work hours and intervene if she believed they were excessive.

Kariwase talked about the Presidents daughters falling in love with the babies last night as they had helped Mother Protector, Second Mother, and her putting them to bed. Also, of the phone call from the paddock they made to the President about it with the pictures they had sent. Teasing him about wanting one for a pet also. As the phone was on speaker, he replied to them before they started laughing, then said goodnight and hung up well still laughing.

My first thought was to offer Two of the calves to him. Then it hit me. Sampson what are we giving to The President as an official gift from The Wappinger Nation to the United States of America. And No, a couple of Buffalo are out, looked and I saw both Kariwase and Mrs. Ruth smiling at that.

Tim said a Wappinger Nation gustoweh with the Militia buckskin jacket, leggings, and moccasins. His wife a Wedding dress, not Kariwase, but one of the others we have acquired with new moccasins. I turned to Mrs. Ruth and before I could say anything she replied. I will give my Bride Mothers Wedding Dress with new moccasins, and we will give Currahee Nations Grooms buckskin jacket, leggings, and new moccasins. Neither outfits will be needed for that purpose in the future. I looked at K who said that is a worthy use for them. Then added, when the Third gets married I will, as the mother of the Groom, make him a new one. He will wear his grandfather gustoweh with moccasins made by his bride. My wedding dress will be handed down for family use and by special request the Nation.

Verry Good, now after the pet buffalo conversation with his daughters last night we had better prepare for an official gift of wild animals. More buffalos I doubt but be prepared for anything and have the Gallagher s on stand-by.

Mrs. Ruth, Art, Leroy, Brian, Tomorrows visit. I have seen the current schedule. Has anything changed? All replied, no.

Art asked are you still planning on greeting the Governors on Thursday? We have received and confirmed their arrival times and mode of transportation. The New York Governor by Vehicle at 0730. 0800 The Massachusetts Governor by Jet, and 0830 The Vermont Governor by Jet.

Yes, I replied, K and I will meet them. I will pass off the Governor of New York to Mrs. Ruth if she excepts that duty. She replied of course I will. The Massachusetts Governor being a lady I will pass off to Kariwase and Consuela. As The Vermont Governor is a widower I will take care of him. We will all meet at The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum at 0845 and the elected Forum Youth Leader will introduce the Five of us before the speeches start. Twenty-minutes each with Ten-minute change over time. No questions.

The President s arranged meeting between The Wappinger Nation and the Governors at 1400 till 1700. The Wappinger Nation will have Me, Kariwase, Mrs. Ruth, Sampson, Allen, and Cindy. We will keep it simple no matter what or who they bring.

Any other issues we need to discuss. If something comes call Sampson as soon as possible. Thank You all. I will see most of you before lunch.

0845 SCOTUS Building Chief Justus Judge Abram Melchizedek

Karington, after the Justices arrive you will seal the room and allow no one to enter until I open the door. He replied, Yes, Sir and proceeded to close the door after all the Justices had entered. I started I will play a video and then we will deliberate.

Before the video finished Justus Arnald and Justus Chasser stood to leave. I yelled sit down and surprisingly they did. As it finished, I spoke

This is the worst violation of judicial ethics I have ever seen. You Two did not recuse yourselves from discussion of the issue but conspired to create the issue in the first place. I ask you now to recuse yourself from deliberation. Both looked at me and said NO, then Arnald added, you will not find the votes to impeach us, our friends will protect us. We also will not resign. And besides, you will not want to show this as it will cause a split in the power of the court. People will demand all cases this current court has ever decided to be reconsidered.

I looked at both and then the rest of the court. I call for a vote on issues right now. One: The Wappinger Nation having a full member of The House of Representatives. Two: Congress may not exempt itself from any law they pass. Three: The District of Colombia having a full member of The House of Representatives. Four: The District of Colombia does not rate a Senator as they are reserved for States only. Five: Until a Constitution Amendment changes it all other non-full voting members should retain eligible

to vote in all committees but not the floor of the house. Six: As a Peoples Nation with a treaty, The Wappinger Nation has a full member of The House of Representatives. So, their population will not be included in the number of people to determine the makeup of the States Federal Congregational Districts or Representation in the State legislatures. In the areas of the States of New York, Vermont, or Massachusetts that they hold treaty lands Seven: The land claims are specifically listed in The Wappinger Nation Treaty with the United States. The States of New York, Vermont, and Massachusetts have recognized The Wappinger Nation land claims in past approved and signed into law State Legislations. Eight: The Seven proven members of The Wappinger Nation from New Jersey have recognized Currahee Nations as The Principle Chief of The Wappinger Nation. He is The Principle Chief of The Wappinger Nation. Nine: Sidney Whipple does not meet the legal requirement in law as a Nations People, so he has no claim

The source of this story is Finestories

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