Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 61

0630 Mrs. Ruth

Marcus, Currahee Nations wishes to speak to the entire Platoon with no questions allowed this morning in the theater at 0730. Arrange it please.

0735 Currahee Nations

Ok people, I will make this quick. The knowledge and activities of the Vampire 3.0 Team are restricted to them only. No questions about their activities will be allowed. If additional Vampire assistance is required, I am the only one that can authorize it. I will do so in writing only along with the limits of the assistance that will be provided. You may hear of or find references to a Data Site called The Alternate Site. DO NOT! Investigate it! If someone tries to get information about it report them immediately to Sampson. The Alternate Site is a Highly Classified Information Site and authorization to access it is by my authority in writing only.

The Vampire 3.0 Team will reside in the Security Compound in the Vampire House with their own house staff but join the family for dinner. Retain and even grow your friendship with them but no work questions are allowed. Their work will require them to keep many secrets and be under a great deal of stress. I may on a verry short notice order them to deploy for work-related purposes. If they have planned to do something with you and do not show. Please check with Sampson to see if I sent them somewhere before you get upset about them standing you up. They will be returning from their deployment today at 1400 I will welcome them home. Lt Gen Marshall will be flying with them and will be joining us for a few days. Do not ask him questions either.

Thank You all.


Mrs. Ruth posted the team assignments last night along with the team selection number. Justeene and I were on team #24, we would work with the issue and position that was left after every team selected theirs. I could see that all the team assignments were verry balanced in gender, ethnicity, home, and age. Each team was assigned a classroom in the MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation RPI Campus.

We Forum Facilitators had decided that as teams entered this morning we would have areas marked for each team to sit as a team. Most all complied but a few from team #24 grumbled and complained that they were not being treated fairly having to deal with the leftovers. A Kimby Matay, nominee from one of the Massachusetts Senators challenged me saying. You are in charge Forum Facilitators. You should have arranged for our team to pick First. He did not like my reply of it was done by a randomly generated computer program and I had nothing to do with the team number assignments.

After we were left with not paying Slave Reparations Kimby stood and yelled at the whole team this is bull shit. We are going to fight for the payment of Slave Reparations.

I stood that is for the team to decide not you to unilaterally declare it. He looked at me.

Kimby Matay

Listen white boy. I have my BS from The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I have been excepted at Harvard Law School for next semester. With my leadership I will lead this group, not you. You would not even make us Team #1. You failed when you left us with this leftover.


Yes, Mr. Matay, but has the team decided that? Out of fairness for all the teams, The Forum Facilitators Team I am a member of, decided to have all teams members assigned by a random computer program. The only adjustment parameter that no more than Two of the Forum Executive Team members be on each team. The assignment of team numbers was also by a random computer program that I have no, nor would want control of. The Forum Executive Team members all decided to work with the teams and number assigned.

I have a MS in Supply Chain Management and a MS Information Systems Management from RPI. I am a Major in the USMCR. I have served in combat earning a Navy Cross. I have been excepted by RPI into their Information Systems Management PhD program. I am currently the Director of Security Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. Advanced Aircraft Systems Development.

Now team you must decide who is the team leader and the course of defense we should follow. If Mr. Matay steps down from contention I will also. Mr. Matay?

Kimby Matay

No, I will not step down. And the people here will pick me because I am the best choice to lead in the proving that Slave Reparations are owed to all African Americans by this racists country that still enslave them through racists policies and oppression.


Here are post it notes. Each person will write their choice for team leader. Any team members name can be written down. Then put your vote it into this empty trash can. Kimby Matay will stir them up and then dump them out on the table. We will open and count them.

I had Nine, Kimby Four, and Three had One vote each. Kimbe got up and stormed from the room. Complaining the vote was rigged. He looked to the Three others that because they were Americans of African Descent voted for him saying lets go bros and leave these crackers to support their cracker history of defending slavery.

To mine and his surprise the Three said no, we will stay and follow the rules and reshape the issue response. Kimby replied you just be your little obedient house niggers. Then continued out the door.

I broke the team into Five groups; History of Slavery in Europe and related countries prior to 1600, History of Slavery in Europe and related countries 1600 to 1865, History of Slavery in Africa, Middle East, and Asia, Slavery in the world today, and History of Slavery and Racial Oppression in the US 1866 to today. All teams got to work on their research.

By the time we broke for lunch we had made progress and a plan for our topic was being formed. On entering the cafeteria, I saw a group of Fourteen that included Kimbe seating and talking loudly about this farce of a forum that was showing all our racism on display.

I saw the rest of The Platoon and excused myself from my team. I found out that One in each Team and Two teams had Two that tried to take control and after they failed, they left. I said Platoon I have an idea. Let us have Mrs. Ruth allow the dissidents to do their own report to present on the issues they are complaining about. We give them space and support as if they are another team presenting an issue. We can adjust things to give them time. Make them put up or shut up. We even give them slot #1 if they want it, or whatever slot they choose. It will keep them from just setting and creating problems. It will put their disruptive behavior in check as they cannot say they were not given a chance to present their views.

Marcus and Keren talked to Mrs. Ruth, and she agreed. She, K and Brenda approached the group after lunch and made the offer. The offer stunned them, and they agreed to it and demanded slot #1 which was given to them. They need to do something now or just show they were agitators and not the victims they wanted the world to see them as.

1355 Currahee Nations

I arrived as I heard the team s aircraft being cleared for the final approach. Eric was standing by with the teams Fourteen passenger Rolls and a footmen with a van for luggage and gear. He had changed into a flight suit. He said to me he was still the PIC on record according to Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. Aviation Operations. Without saying anything further I knew he had planned on assisting in putting the aircraft to bed. Leroy had a team with a van to move any data or equipment to The Alternate Site. Eric had presented his case to allow The Vampire 3.0 Team to go to The Alternate Site and secure their computers and other items. I agreed but ordered Thirty minutes only on site, he repeated, no more than Thirty minutes Eye, Eye, Sir.

Lt Gen Marshall was PIC with Gallina besides him. Even at our home base Three of the Escorts debarked first with one hand on the Rattlers. After forming a triangle on the side of the aircraft one spoke into a lapel mike and the Four with the computers exited followed by one more in close escort. Eric went and spoke to the lead and gestured him to lead the group to the VIP reception center that had a uniform Hall Boy at the door. Only after the security team left the aircraft did the Hall Boy van drive up to the aircraft. The Hall Boys took over exterior security as Gallina and Eric unloaded the material requiring security in the van. After all the classified material had been loaded Gallina stayed in the back. A Hall Boy security member got into the front. The First group exited the building climbed into a second van. With a lead and a chase vehicles in place, they departed for The Alternate Site. They would unload and safely store all classified items at The Alternate Site. I turned and informed Eric to tell the Vampire 3.0 Team that I would meet all of them at The Vampire House For Tea at 1600.

As I approached the aircraft Lt Gen Marshall saluted me and I returned it. I Then shook his hand. I informed him that Eric would read him in on the general plan of what was going on and that before dinner this evening I would see him and give him the detailed current Wappinger Nation plan of action. I did expect it to change after I saw the President later this week.

Lt Gen Marshall

Currahee Nations, which was the same drill they performed at Quantico but in reverse. The procedure not only impressed the CMC but The Secret Service Station Chief as well. When I added they had only been a team since Wednesday it really impressed them. The CMC said to the Station Chief do not to even think of poaching. You would not be happy about it. Then the Three of us laughed about it. I could see he was still thinking about it so I will warn you of his interest.

I saw Lt Col Thunder was starting to get a Tow tractor hooked to the aircraft and I excused myself from Currahee Nations to help. I was today s PIC, and I was responsible for the aircraft until it was signed for by the ground crew. We fueled the aircraft, affixed all the remove before item, and filled out the logbook.

Retired MGy Sgt Wilber Rotuman came and signed for the aircraft. I reported no aircraft operation problems to report. He replied it may not be as pretty as the Cobra he used to peel me out of, but he bet it was more comfortable to fly in. I agreed. He had been my AH1-Cobra plain captain when we were both new to the Corps. That was way too many years ago. We shook hands then hugged. He promised me a beer later and started giving orders to his ground crew about the aircraft.

Eric led me to a Rolls Royce that had a chauffeur waiting with the door held open for us. Eric entered First.


Tenison, to the house please, he replied verry good, sir. I turned to Lt Gen Marshall and said, Sir This is a secured vehicle though we will keep discussions about our business well traveling in it to a minimum. Currahee Nations has decided to house The Vampire 3.0 Team in a separate house referred to as Vampire House. Our house staff are all cleared on the Vampire 3.0 Mission, knowing only it involves Access Code Word, Verry Top Secret Information. They have no information about what we actually do at The Alternate Site. The Vampire 3.0 Team again will refrain from talking business outside The Alternate Site. All our staff are Ex military, Two of them Royal Marines as we know there are no, Ex-Marines only former active-duty Marines.

Currahee Nations wishes to extremely limit all knowledge of what takes place at The Alternate Site in case something goes sideways. Currahee Nations, Sampson, The Vampire 3.0 Team, The Six Marines we had working with us at Quantico, and You are the only ones cleared to enter The Alternate Site. All others must be approved in writing by Currahee Nations before being allowed to enter. No Vampire 3.0 computers too include our non-Vampire Computers will be allowed to leave The Alternate Site unless again, approved in writing, in advance by Currahee Nations. The Six Marines are to be used as Alternate Site couriers, hand carrying all Alternate Site information to those who need it in armed teams of Two.

The source of this story is Finestories

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