Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 60

1530 Friday 24 February MCB Quantico, VA Melenia

As we closed out the Account department and I ran checks to ensure we had left no traces to include checking all date/word count stamps. One of the correlators asked what this Auxiliary Site was he had been encountering. Eric looked up and said what Auxiliary Site.

The Woman showed a reference to it in each account we had transcribed. It was referenced several times on the most difficult accounts.

I went and after Twenty minutes I found and opened the site. I had a hunch and entered some information and suggested to Eric that he should call Lolla. Ask her to go check on the master control station and he did. Fifteen minutes later my Vampire screen showed a message you are in, Lolla.

I had a list of files start scrolling across my screen. I slowed the scrolling and after Forty minutes I saw Three files I just had to open: Accord Fellowship to be rewarded, Accord Non-Fellowship to be vetted, and Accord Enemies to be arrested.

I looked at the Accord Enemies and found the POTUS, Chief-of-Staff, JCS, all but Five fired or current Cabinet members. Then the leadership list of Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation. I looked up and both Lt Gen Marshall and Eric were looking over my shoulder. Lt Gen Marshall saw his name on the list as did Eric.


After the Marine transcriber had asked the Auxiliary Site Melenia looked for and found it. On a hunch she entered a message on her screen and asked me to call Lolla requesting that she go look at the master control station. She went and looked. I had finished the translating of our Accounting Department file and looked over Melenia s shoulder at her Vampire screen and a message showed you are in, Lolla.

The Vampire started to quickly scroll through a list of programs. She slowed the scrolling down and Three programs caught her eyes: Accord Fellowship to be rewarded, Accord Non-Fellowship to be vetted, and Accord Enemies to be arrested. Lt Gen Marshall was looking over her other shoulder.

She opened the Accord Enemies to be arrested file. It listed POTUS, Chief-of-Staff, JCS, all but Five fired or current Cabinet members, Six of the SCOTUS Justices. Then the leadership list of Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation. Lt Gen Marshall and my name were on the list also.

I told Melenia to send Two copies to the Printer. As I turned to say keep the printer full, I heard Gallina say to the team these are the most important printing we will do this entire operation. Change all the cartridges now before we start the printing. Without questioning her they did.

I looked at Melenia, and she nodded as she opened the Accord Fellowship to be rewarded. The Secretary of State headed the list, the former Secretaries of Energy and Interior, Two of the SCOTUS Justices, Fourteen Senators, Forty-Six members of the House, JCS Deputy Chief of Manpower, JCS Assistant Deputy Chief of Counterintelligence, the Director and the Deputy Director of the DIA, Deputy Director for Drone Support Operations NSA. Quite a list I thought

Lt Gen Marshall called out shit him too. As he pointed to a Major General Shamus Patrick Sullivan. That man is to be the new adjunct to CMC and Monday was to get read into what we thought was going on. I need to make a phone call.

General Carrington CMC nominated to be the CJCS

Lt Gen Marshall, what brings you to call me, I thought you were involved with evaluating the revolutionary new method to produce stronger lighter airframes.

He replied, I am but I have something you really need to see. If Sullivan has taken up his duties early, DO NOT! Bring him or inform him of what you are doing.

I replied, Lt Gen Marshall, I will not ask you why and I will comply with that last request, but you will need to explain it to me when I get there. On my way.

Maj Gen Sullivan, I called, I need to go to Quantico, call a bird for me. I will not need you; you will finish your orientation to this place. I will see you Monday.

Lt Gen Marshall

General Carrington s helicopter landed Thirty minutes later just outside the perimeter of the building. He called carry on before anyone could call the building to attention. I handed him the Accord Fellowship to be rewarded list with the title and Sullivans name highlighted.

General Carrington

Looking at me he said do you know how close we came to screwing the pooch with him. I nodded my head. General Carrington said who knows about this list and are there any copies?


Sir, I am Lt Col Eric Thunder Director of Currahee Nations s Vampire 3.0 Cyber Security Operations. I will introduce everyone to you that knows about the Three lists. The copy you hold is One of only Two copies the other one is for Currahee Nations. We have not made an electronic copy yet; it resides in the Vampire Transcribing Computer. I will not make any Electronic copies until Currahee Nations personally tells me we can.

I was hoping to wait till tomorrow to fly home but we need to do it now.

General Carrington

Lt Gen Marshall, call Pax River, tell them I want an F-18F on this runway in thirty minutes only one driver. Lt Col Thunder you are going to get One hell of a ride. You will fly to MCAS Wolverine Field in it as fast as it can go and not run out of gas. You will do air to air in route. You will carry only the printed copies of the Arrest and Reward report. I will contact the people I need to ensure this project is taken seriously. Tomorrow Lt Gen Marshall, who does fly a PC-12, will fly your people and all their items home. I will ensure that this copy machine, all scrap paper, and any other trace of printing is fully destroyed. Good Luck.

Lt Gen Marshall, take Lt Col Eric Thunder to the airfield and ensure he and his project are on that aircraft. Then, and only Then, when he is in the air return here and take care of the cleanup. I will remain until you return.

Know as long as I am here who can tell me about these new verry light weight, extremely strong, stealth aircraft.


Major Melenia Harris, I can, Sir


It was a hell of a ride. Less than Two hours and Two Air to Air refueling I landed at MCAS Wolverine Field. My pilot Commander Leroy Little John talked to me during the flight but asked no questions. Lt Gen Marshall had spoken to him privately as the ground crew buckled me in. On seeing me with a helmet bag wrapped in red top-secret tape and being armed, they did not try to hold or take it, just worked around it as they buckled me in.

Currahee Nations was waiting for me when the aircraft landed. Sampson held the helmet bag as I dumped the helmet and pressure suit. No questions were asked until we were in the secure small conference room in the command bunker.

I handed Currahee Nations both the list I had and explained them. He agreed with my decision not to make an electronic copy. He was verry grateful for the work our whole team had done and the way we handled the information. He would decide what to do with the Vampire information tomorrow after talking with others.

He saw the look on my face and asked how much sleep I had had in the last Thirty-Six hours. I replied some. He ordered Sampson to get me to my room and that I was not to be seen until my team arrived home tomorrow. After my team got home, he had better not see any of us until the State Banquet. I did not argue. I got to my room and only got my boots off before I fell asleep.

MCAS Wolverine Field Command Bunker Currahee Nations

I did not call for a Wappinger Nation Ruling Consul meeting but a Security Group meeting to review the Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation security. It was for a review of The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum and the Presidential visit. No non-Wappinger Nation people were present. I had had The Wappinger Nation Militia command staff, our Security staff, and our senior leadership present.

I called General Carrington, and asked him, General Carrington, How seriously are you taking this list?

General Carrington

My new Adjunct, Major General Shamus Patrick Sullivan, is being sent tomorrow to take over the 2nd Marine Division. He is not Division Command material, but the rest of the command is strong and will keep the division function properly until I can get rid of him. The current commander had a mild heart attack, after I called and talked to him it became major enough for him to retire. When this mess is cleaned up, he will be taken care of.

DOD and JCS will monitor those on the list and ensure they do as insignificant damage as possible. We will not get to clean this mess up until the end of the year, after the elections. The White House, Select members of Congress, DOD, and JCS have formed a working group to produce a plan.

The Six Security experts that assisted your people will be transferred to The 13th Composite Marine Brigade USMCR for duty. I know how you value your Vampire System, and its results show how it needs to be kept under a very tight blanket. You can use these Six just to gleam data as they did during Operation Noise, which is now a codeword access only operation. The printed copy we have has been moved to the Navy Annex for security reasons and is in the hands of someone the CNO trusts. I do not know who and will not ask. There are Eleven other people on the list the USMC will isolate over the next Six months, all by promoting them or giving better jobs, but less connected to each other. Lt Gen Marshall, when he arrives tomorrow with the rest of your people, will carry written instructions on what the current plan for moving forward is.

I know you have already planned it but reward your people for a job verry well done. We will talk again when I accompany the President for his visit at the end of the month. Thank You.

Currahee Nations

After the connection was ended. Art, do we have people on the Reward list?


Three, all hired in the last month: Farmen Pullis Level IV .5 Shift Leader Aircraft Servicing Team Leader. Cersey Kendel Level IV Shift Ramp Leader. Isaiah Darby Level IV Shift Facilities Team Leader. All will be watched, and shifts adjusted so that they will not be on duty at the same time. We will conduct no other actions at this time and no one outside this room knows why shifts have been changed other than a middle level bureaucrat flexing their power. HR may have to look into it if complaints are made. We will deal with it if it happens.

Currahee Nations

Mrs. Ruth The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum guests arriving?

Mrs. Ruth

The MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation staff are all wearing their event polos, and the credentials have a card with them explaining what the shirt colors represent.

The Platoon are all in their Orange polos and each have a teen volunteer from our MCAS Wolverine Field families. The volunteers are in the White and Orange Striped Goalie polos. They are carrying radios to help keep everyone informed of what is happening.

At Albany International we have Mother Protector, Second Mother, Campton Rider, and Parson Moose greeting all commercial flights. Our Bus drivers Darter and Jackmen with accompanying vans with footmen for luggage are loading and delivering guests to us as they arrive and then returning for more.

We have Marcus, Karen, Lolla, and Sophia meeting the flights coming into MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation and issuing each individual their specific credentials, schedule, assignment to their decision team, individual room assignments, and gift bags to them as they step off the aircraft before boarding busses to take them to the dorms.

Hector, Bible, Ester, and Rebeca Abigail ride the busses from Albany International Airport and send in the names of the guests riding on that bus. Mart, Roseland, Maybell, and Aleshia Jasmin meet the buses and issue each individual their specific credentials, schedule, assignment to their decision team, individual room assignments, and gift bags to them as they step off the busses.

Jeff, Wyatt, Emelia, and Jean are in the dorms helping our guests find their rooms and give instructions to the Recreation Center.

Jack, Johanna, Lela, Sandra Lee, Jay, Janice, Elsie, and Elizabeth Anne are floating around outside the dorms giving assistance and direction as needed.

Morris, Cassidy, Shenna, Wynette Lee, Greagory, Vickie, Georgina, and Ramona Aberdeen are at the Recreation Center giving assistance where needed, particularly how to connect into our Electronic systems. Each set of credentials comes with a unique access code to keep track of who is doing what online. The card also explains The MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation online policies.

Herald, Rose, Belinda, and Fancy Joselin are issuing the individual debit cards from a space at the Recreation Center.

Christine, Lillian, and Jennifer May will set up in the Recreation Center and show pictures of the available gowns to the ladies and each will be allowed to put in for a 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice if multiple ladies choose the same gown Mrs. Ruth will draw a number for each lady to determine the selection order.

Lester will show the Evening suits to the gentlemen.

Alex, Eloise, Justeene, and April Joy will work with Danial and his people to record and preserve the event for the future.

Kariwase and Brenda will also set up a table in the Recreation Center to meet the participants and be the point of reference to take care of special needs.

Before dinner, this evening Currahee Nations, Kariwase Nations, and I will make short speeches welcoming all the attendees.

We will have Three-Hundred-Eighty-Four participants. Of the Thirty-Four additional people, Five are from MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation Security One each for the Presidents Two Daughters, Vice-Presidents Two Daughters, and the Vice-Presidents Chief of staff Daughter. The remaining Twenty-Nine are youth from MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation. That gives us Twenty-Four teams of Sixteen people each on them. The Platoon will be split up with Two members on each team with Principles and Primaries remaining together. All others will be randomly assigned. Each team will be randomly assigned a number. That is the order in which the teams shall choose the issue they must support. Each Issue will have a Conservative Team and Liberal Team. People may have to support an issue point they disagree with. So, they must prove why their issue is wrong by reframing the issue and question.

The source of this story is Finestories

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