Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 59

1000 Thursday 23 Eric

Lolla given my new Vampire 3.0 team Two Notebooks with Vampire 3.0 on it. We also received Two matching Notebooks without Vampire 3.0 on them. All Four were in separate locked armored cases that had several GPS devices. Also, in the case and installed to include a satellite phone locator application installed on the hard drive. One case was handcuffed to Hannah Whitehall who was accompanied closely by her Associate Chrysanthemum (Flower) Cho. Melenia protected by Lucendia had the Second Vampire 3.0 computer. Jason protected by Steven, and Gallina protected by Gabriella each had a non-Vampire computers.

I was the PIC with Edger Erickson flying beside me. We had preflight the aircraft and Edger had supervised the loading and securing of our gear. We were all in flight suits but each of us were carrying Two sets of Alphas and Two sets of Utilities. Our aircraft, Which way is up was listed as belonging to the HQ Company HQ Battalion 13th Marine Composite Brigade USMCR. Our flight plan had us cleared to land at MCAS Quantico, VA. we were going officially to brief Lieutenant General Augustus Marshall, Deputy Commandant for Aviation on the new aircraft and Fire Fight System Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. was building.

Unofficially to pass on information on the huge Data Center found under our Generating Step-Up Transformer Facility. We believe the Center to contain access to vast amounts of legitimate highly classified Government data. Accessing this data without specific authorization could result in charges of espionage for everyone involved.

There was also a high probability of information on or about a group of people and their activities that did not at this time agree with the decisions of POTUS, DOD, or JCS. Who these people were, and their plans needed to be discovered sooner than later.

Also to test a system that could open the data files in the Center without letting people know we had accessed them. To test this new entry system, we were going to attempt to hack into the Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation computer system.

As with Currahee Nations Adjunct Sampson Frank, part of me wished we would fail and know that the best devised attack failed to penetrate Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation Computer Security. I was sure we would succeed and then have to find a defense in case our Vampire 3.0 system was ever acquired by our enemies.

Currahee Nations came to see us off as he does with every team, he sends out on a mission that may be hazardous or involves complex legal issues. We were airborne.

Edger and I talked about nothing, everything, and the Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. MCAS Wolverine Field gossip, getting to know one another. He said Wyatt Colson and Emelia Issara have replaced Melenia and Me. Wyatt played both the Trombone and Trumpet. Emelia the Sousaphone so we had both been replaced in The Platoon Orchestra

His goal was to earn his PhD in Computational Mathematics and work in Cyber Security. His Security job was just to earn the money to finish his MS in Computer Theory and move on to his PhD. Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. was paying him to take courses and had recruited him from SUNY Albany to work for them. He had a BA in English and BS in Computer Science.

I talked about my plan for a PhD Computer Systems Engineering. How I had a MS in Industrial Design and MS in Material Manufacturing. I had been excepted for Autumn admission for my PhD at RPI. Wappinger Nation Industries Inc was paying for my full ride. I hoped with this new job to still get time to do the research and attend what classes I needed to attend.

I saw we had reached Washington Control and yelled for people to put things up and buckle in their seats we were going to start our descent. We were passed to Quantico Tower and cleared for landing. We were directed to park the aircraft in the VIP security area. Currahee Nations had clout.

Lieutenant General Augustus Marshall Adjunct met us and after I saluted for my team, he returned it and said I have a Twelve passenger van for you with a driver and an assistant driver. Both have security clearances and are trusted by him. They would take us to the BOQ to change and get lunch. We would meet back up with him and others at 1400 in a secure building.

I replied we will depart as soon as I refuel and take care of my airplane. No, before you offer it, My plane, my job.

He replied I was told to offer but also told you would refuse. Lt Gen Marshall knows that Currahee Nations expects and requires PIC to take care of the aircraft they fly. Then added I will see you all later. Again, I saluted, and he returned it.

1345, We were delivered to a building away from the usual hectic activity of MCB Quantico. I learned it was normally used by The Diplomatic Security Service for training. We were all carrying our sidearm except Gabriella, Melenia, Jason, and Hannah. Edger also had a Sig Sauer MCX Rattlers.

Edger, who had the keys to all the security cases and wrist cables, unlocked the cases Jason and Gallina were carrying. They used the Non-Vampire Computer to check the building for listening and other electronic devices and both announced that we were clear.

Both computers also had our Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. Aircraft and the Remote Autonomous Fire Fight System presentation on them. Jason set up and connected the program so we could do our that presentation. Gallina again checked the room with her computer and after a few minutes we were still clean.

I turned to Hannah/Flower and Melenia/ Lucendia teams and said open them up. Edger, who had the keys unlocked the wrist cable and case allowing Hannah and Melenia to place their computers on the tables in front of them. They did not open The Vampires but would wait until they were needed.

Then there was clapping from the back of the room. As I yelled General Officer On Deck. Lt Gen Marshall called carry on.

Lt Gen Marshall

Well done Lt Col Thunder. Your team practices Information Security Procedures as a truly cohesive team. How long have you worked together? To my surprise the reply was Two days. I had seen teams that had worked together for Two years and not been as well synced.

Lt Col Thunder, Currahee Nations knows how to get the best people and gets them to work together in just Two days better than some commanders can do in Two years. Before you reprimand your security people, they did see me, and I silenced them so I could see how your team worked together.

Now you have presentations for me.


Before we begin, Edger and Gabriella I do not care if it is Currahee Nations, no one is entering unless they are approved in advance by me, and you have checked to ensure no classified information is visible. Clear! Both replied very clearly and left to guard the door.


Lt Gen Marshalls orders got us our asses chewed even though we had followed the orders of a friendly General Officer. Edger stayed in front of the classroom door, and we heard it lock after we walked out. I went to the exterior door and saw our Two drivers there also carrying Sig Sauer MCX Rattlers.

Both raised their hands and one of them, Perry, said we are Lt Gen Marshall security also. We will cover this door, and you can cover the hallway. Perry continued; Lt Gen Marshall got you your asses chewed did not he. Both laughed and I laughed with them then fell back to cover the hallway.


Lt Gen Marshall, who ends the presentation of the revolutionary aircraft construction method Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. is using to build our revolutionary aircraft and the Remote Autonomous Fire Fight System. As this only took Thirty minutes, I will go right into the next part

So, Lt Gen Marshall, this team between 1800 today and 1800 tomorrow is going to gain unauthorized access to The Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. MCAS Wolverine Field mainframe computer system and remove information.

I have this letter addressed to you that I have been ordered to give to you after our second presentation. Here it is, and I handed him the letter that he opened and read.

Lt Gen Marshall

Lt Col Thunder, you are to find and present upon your return to MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation as proof of your success: 1. Currahee Nations s Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. Personnel file 2. Mrs. Ruth s Chocolate Cake and Marshmallow Frosting recipe. 3. Kariwase Nations s original ESSAY. 4. The First Grade Report Card for Sandra Lee, April Joy, Aleshia Jasmin, and Elizabeth Anne Pierce. 5. Doral Elwood Hayes s 22 February morning Weapons inventory 6. George Paris s 22 February morning Aircraft inventory 7. Wilber Rotuman s 22 February morning maintenance schedule. 8. Dr. Jaa Zhan Wappinger 22 February Nation Industries Inc. total opening bank accounts balance. 9. The Longhouse 22 February wine cellar morning inventory. 10. Yolanda Zulu 22 February Flight Line Fuel Inventory.

If I gave this request for intelligence to any USMC personnel and they came back with just One of the requested reports, I would consider it a success. Currahee Nations, I know, with the need to access a different information source without getting caught being so high, he will require all this information. I know deep down for security reasons Currahee Nations hope you fail but he really wants and needs you and your team to succeed.

You have use of this building until 0800 February 27th. What can I get you to help you succeed with your mission? I would like to stay and watch if I am allowed to.


Access to a Secure Fiber network connection and a place to set our mini-Satellite dish. A secure industrial color printer we can take with us when we are done, Ten Cases of legal-size paper, Ink to print all Ten cases, Twenty Top Secret marked binders, and enough pizza, salad, and drinks to last Twenty-Four hours.

The source of this story is Finestories

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