Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 58

0740 Tuesday 21 February


No group I know no more of this meeting than you do. The presents of the Two Hall Boys with their usual, lack of a since of humor, by that door may be a clue.

Attention on Deck.

Currahee Nations

At ease. Follow us please.

The Hall Boys checked each of our IDs against an access list. I saw Sampson had added under temporary, today only authorization, for Marcus, Jeff, Karen, Parson, Lolla, Eric, and Dr Turn. One of the Hall Boy called into their radio a party of Twelve going down and listed our names. The door was unlocked. We went down where at the bottom of the steers was a hallway with the second door at the end of it. No people visible. On approaching the far door each of us were required to insert our MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation credentials into the reader. After each one was approved the next one was inserted along with each person s personal ID code. When all were approved the door opened.


Currahee Nations, Sir. I assume that this was just discovered yesterday, and its contents are unknown. A point of entry is available through a master control panel, but the access codes are unknown. The contents are code word protected, and no one here has authorization for access. You would like to access the system but do not want people to know you have accessed the system.


From the question I was asked yesterday about Vampire leaving a trace. You wish to have a modification done to Vampire so it will leave no trace. With the probable sensitivity of the files, you do not wish the involvement of the Principles. Due to legal ramifications.

From the presents of the Hall Boys I assume you wish to keep this information as little known as possible. Dr. Turns presents means that she has suggested a means of access, but it involves releasing access to the Vampires Operating System. People of the MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation has been in the past, are now, and I am sure will be in the future adamantly opposed to anyone not currently allowed to access to The Vampires Operating System. She has suggested, I would guess, that a team of Dr Conner Marland, Dr Edith Geraldine, and Dr Chisolm Lee be invited to help her gleam information from the system.

This is the reason for all of us gathering here.

Currahee Nations

I thought to myself, this is why we hire the best and brightest people in the world to work for Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation. They can figure out what the problem is and what is needed to solve it.

Yes, Marcus and Lolla, which is the reason we are here this morning. Suggestions, anyone.


We take Two people from the current Vampire Security team and permanently sever their connection to The Platoon. They are attached permanently to The Hall Boys for administrative and security purposes for the operation and maintenance of the Hall Boys security system. They will be housed in the Security Compound with the rest of the Hall Boys. We replace the Vampire Security people from the MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation Security Force.

We have the girls and the Vampire team wright a patch to eliminate any Vampire traces when it works on a system. The Two new Hall Boys are the only ones allowed to operate Vampire 2.0 outside The Platoon. Each of the new Hall Boys and their computers will require a security associate. The Two Vampire 2.0 Computers should not be secured in the current Vampire security but a separate secure storage area in the Security Compound. This will also protect Vampire from being lost due to a catastrophic incident at one of the Security areas.

Only One of the Hall Boys Vampires may be issued at a time. As gleaming data from Two programs at a time may reveal the intrusion. I am sure that Dr Turn and the people she recommends will pass any comprehensive and enhanced background check, but it should be done on all involved with the program to include the Vampire 2.0 Controllers, Security Associates and anyone having access to this facility.

When the physical and electronic security enhancements are done, I can see the sighs of the work, the physical presents of the Hall Boys should be removed as obvious guards. The installation of an inner and outer office with a gatekeeper be built to cover the door entrance would be a good cover. It could be the office of the Hall Boys Electronic Security Section. The burying of an armored cable from here to the Longhouse would be explained. I know the Hall Boys have had issues with their vehicle storage at the house due to space issues. We will make this the Hall Boys garage and move the power station vehicle and equipment garage to a new location. I would recommend, if possible, a freight elevator be installed to allow the movement of new equipment down to the facility when needed. It could be located in the office and enter the hallway near the steers and the door use the same controls as the door currently does.

Currahee Nations

Leroy, your thoughts?

Leroy Wilton

I concur but would make the Vampire 2.0 Operators a Four-person team. My Two current Electronic Security Operators would be the other Two. The Supervisor a level II .5 and the Operators Level II employees. Each would have a Security Associate assigned by me with Yours, Arthurs, and the Operators approval.

We do need a secure storage space not only vehicles, but equipment and a training area would enhance our operations. An armory located physically separate from the Main armory but not from Doral Elwood Hayes control would be a great idea, again giving a Second available wepon issue point if the main armory were compromised.

We would need to increase the security of the area with a double Three-meter higher fence and an entrance control point. Security sometimes needs to be visible to hide what is really being protected.

Currahee Nations

Art, are you giving paranoid lessons? Leroy, I agree with your proposals. Art you will ask, not demand Doral agree to the Second Armory and Ammunition Storage and Issue facility. Ensure him it will be under his control. He will appoint the staff and maintain the inventory control and the issuing procedures. Two Vampire Security members for The Platoon. The same genders of those leaving for housing reasons. Mrs. Ruth will accept or reject them.

The gate keeper will be a real Administrative Professional and be responsible for compiling all the reports of the unit s findings and activity, Also will have a Security Associate. Sampson, get me a recommendation from Naomie. Explain the duties and accompanied associated to her.

Eric, you are the new Hall Boys Director of Electronic Security. I will allow you to pick One person you will bring with you from Vampire Control. Lolla you may refuse his First request but not his Second. The Two after this meeting get with Leroy and let him know who it will be. Eric, I expect an SOP for this facility by 1300 Thursday 23 February. You and your volunteer will not be part as a participant of The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum and the Presidential visit. You will both be part of the security operations.

Sampson, get Samual to start on the office construction today. Forty-Eight-inch doors with a double obscured door going right into the elevator access room.

Any more ideas or discussion? No. Thank-You all.


As we walked to the Longhouse I turned to Lolla and asked if I could have Melenia. If you approve, I will ask her to join me in this new endeavor.


Melenia would make a good fit for that kind of work she has that detective mindset. I approve, ask her when we get to the Batcave. I will stand with you to show that I agree and to keep the contact within Longhouse guidelines.


Melenia, I need to speak with you for a moment with Lolla in private. She came to us and Lolla shut the Bat Cave door. Melenia, Currahee Nations has asked Lolla and I to nominate someone from the Vampire Security Group to sever all association with The Platoon. To be transferred to The Hall Boys for a special mission involving Vampire in a classified project that could leave you being charged with Espionage.

I am the Director of Operations a Level II .5 Position. I will report directly to Leroy Wilton, The Director Of the Longhouse and Currahee Nations Family Security. We will be part of a Four person Operations Team Level II, One Administration person Level II, and Five Associate Personal Security people Level III .5. You will be assigned a Personal Security Associate using the same guidelines as the Girls currently are under. All the duties will be restricted to MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation. Housing will be in the MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation Security Compound. I cannot give you any more information unless you except the offer.


Eric gave me a lot of information about the position with no factual information about the work I would do. I replied if Currahee Nations is requesting someone, and you both believe I am the one. When do I start?


You just did. I will tell the others. Marcus could bring The Platoon to the cave, please.

People, as of half an hour ago Eric and Melenia have been transferred from The Platoon. by Currahee Nations to the Hall Boys for a special project. They will be moving to the Security Compound. All duties associated with The Platoon will end.

Johanna, you will lose your Trombone and Second Sousaphone musicians. They will not be part of The Platoons participation in The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum and the Presidential visit.

I suggest you say your goodbyes now as they are about to become more of a cave dweller than they are currently. Only Three people are authorized to answer questions about this new duty: Currahee Nations, Kariwase Nations, and Mrs. Ruth, good luck in getting answers.

Eric and Melenia hugged everyone and left. People, I need the geek squad please. Ok, there is an issue with Vampire. It leaves a trace that can be seen if you know where to look and repeatedly look at a control to compare it to. When we use Vampire, it resets the Date/Time and Bite Count Records. Also, if we are working on a file and some tries to access it, they will see we are there. We need to prevent that. How?

We went over several ideas for an hour. I called for a break. I said everyone pick up your notes and hand them to me. I will give them back when you return.

Jennifer May called that is it. Vampire withdraws information one bite at a time and reassembles it as it figures out how to get in. We just extract the data which we can do on most files in under Ten minutes. Copy than transfer the data back to the source. At the same time, we transfer the data to a different Vampire computer to break open. We just have to Record and reinsert the Date/Time and Bite Count Records and files insuring that the date and count match what was there before we started. We then are free to open the program at our pace.

The source of this story is Finestories

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