Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 57

1140 Monday 20 February Kariwase Nations

Mother Protector, Second Mother, and I were driven by Artemon to see our babies. Even though he was not really sure he got out and gave each a carrot after we assured our babies it was OK to except it from him. Thunder gave him a long bellow as to say I prefer Mother Protector but as long as you are with her and do not try to take her from me, I will except your carrot. Artemon went back to the truck and waited for us to finish. The girls talked about the aircraft The Platoon was going to build and they were the PR team. This job would not interfere with their real job of the Hurd. It helped them to still be a part of The Platoon and perform a necessary task.

Then it happened. Mother Protector looked up and saw Two men walking along the side of the Paddock building that when scene quickly ducked into the shadows. She pulled her pistol from her fanny holster and yelled Artemon, get Kariwase Nations in the truck and hit the button. I was surprised at Artemon speed and strength as ran to me picked me up and carried me to the truck. He already had the door opened as he was setting sideways on the seat waiting for us to finish. He put me in the truck and closed the door as he stood outside blocking the window with the Sig Sauer MCX Rattler in his hand. He had hit the panic button before closing the door.

Mother Protector

I was brushing Thunder when he nudged me and gave his warning bellow. I looked up and saw Two men try to duck into the shadow of the Paddock building on the far side. They made a bad choice ducking under the warning, Deadly Animal, Do Not Enter bar of Nations Heritage s enclosure.

I drew my wepon from my fanny holster and yelled, Artemon, get Kariwase Nations in the truck and hit the button.

I turned to see Second Mother with her wepon out and trying to get around Nations Future, but he was determined to stay between his mommy and the Two strangers. Thunder had also gotten between me and them and would not let me around him.

Nations Blessing was at the Paddock barrier block any view of the truck cab.

Nations Heritage was standing facing the Two men who had unwisely entered his enclosure. He looked and saw his mommy was protected by his brother and rival Nations Future. Bellowed as he decides which one to remove First. The one trying to sneak out of his enclosure.

I could hear the sirens coming towards us.

Second Mother

Thunder bellowed his warning bellow and both Mother Protector and looked saw Two men try to duck into the shadow of the Paddock building on the far side. She yelled, Artemon, get Kariwase Nations in the truck and hit the button. They had made a really bad choice ducking under the warning, Deadly Animal, Do Not Enter bar of Nations Heritage s enclosure.

I drew my wepon from my fanny holster and was blocked from advancing towards them by Nations Future. I heard Nations Heritage bellow as to say I will take care of you first as he started to lower his head to charge towards the one trying to slide out the enclosure. The one deeper inside the enclosure had drawn a wepon.

I yelled Stop. Nations Heritage bellowed as to say let me protect you and take care of the intruder. I said, NO! Nations Heritage STAY!

I addressed the Two, Gentlemen you have less than a second to determine if you walk out of that enclosure or be carried out in a body bag. You with the wepon drop it. You, the one thinking of drawing yours, do not. Use two fingers to take it out gently and drop it. Any sudden moves will bring 1000 pounds of bone and muscle into your chest and shove you into that concrete wall. Both dropped their weapons. Now both of you turn around and face the wall with your hands up in the air. I could see and smell that both of them would now carry the name brown puddle when we referred to them.

Mother Protector

I saw Second Mother was controlling our Two guests as Benton Disraeli and his boys coming from the building all were armed Two pistols, a rifle, and a shotgun. Just sticking out a crack in the door was a double barrel shotgun and a whiff of gray hair, Martha Disraeli I could see was not to be trifled with. Our herd would always be protected as long as they were our herd staff.

Benton, take your boys and help Artemon protect Kariwase Nations. Martha come out and cover these Two. Second Mother see if you can move Nations Heritage back from the line of fire. The sirens were just a block or Two away.

Second Mother

I scratched Nations Future and gave him a kiss on his head and a carrot. I am safe, I said to him let me by you. Reluctantly he backed up and bellowed and looked at Nations Heritage as to you had better protect mommy. I did not enter his enclosure but from Nations Future s side of the barrier just called for Nations Heritage to come. He slowly backed up as to put himself between the men and me but kept looking from one to the other.

The first of our Security Force arrived called on his radio security breach.

1311 Currahee Nations

Art, tell me what happened?


At 0712 suspect One entered our facility with a job offer letter. Identification, preliminary background check, and letter identified him as August Tallon Weir. At 0721 suspect Two entered our facility also with a job offer letter. Identification, preliminary background check, and letter identified him as James Joseph Corn. Both passed the metal detector with no incidents.

Both preceded separately to HR and checked in for the 0800 orientation. During the 1100 break for lunch both slipped out the building after leaving their credentials in separate bathroom trash cans. They had fake credentials with no tracking chips in them.

They are professional Spooks, by the way they moved. We have traced their route using our security cameras. At 1106 they met up and traveled together towards the airfield. They knew where to walk to give themselves cover and yet looked like they belonged there.

They were heading for the warehouse area of the Airfield. Their path would lead them to a dozen warehouses and our Power Generation facilities.

On being spotted, smelled, by our new pets they tried to duck from sight right into Nations Heritage s enclosure. Not a smart choice. Kariwase Nations, Mother Protector, Second Mother, and Artemon were their taking care of the Herd. The Herd took care of them.

Their weapons are made from synthetic and ceramic compounds, even the rounds and casings. Their fake credentials are excellent forgeries, and I could not tell until I checked for the chip inside. I read them their Maranda Rights. Both at first demanded to be released as they were not Indians and Indian police could not arrest them. When I showed them my Federal Marshals Badge and ID they both demanded to call their lawyers.

Our people have identified them as Defense Intelligence Agents under assumed names. The fingerprint identification we got back from the database identifies them as August Tallon Weir and James Joseph Corn.

I am going to arrest them on Federal charges One count each carrying an illegal firearm. Two count each possession of counterfeit identification, One New York State Real ID driver s license and One Federal Wappinger Nation Real ID. Two counts Providing false Real ID to Federal Authorities, The booking Sargent and Me. Three counts each perjury One count each for the Three times they signed their name and initial that false information perjury. One count each Criminal trespassing in a Federally designated security area.

Special District Court Judge Emanuel Tallon is going to arraign them at 1400. I will drop their file of their real identification on them at 1330 with our new Federal Prosecutor Cabel Peters Hawkeye in attendance, inform them of the charges, allow them to call an attorney.

This might be giving away some of our ability of how we get information, but our people have left false trails on how we obtained the information.

Currahee Nations

I will not ask if any of The Platoon was involved in the gathering of information. Please, keep them, especially the girls, out of espionage work unless absolutely necessary and the safety of Kariwase Nations and the girls is one of those situations.

Federal District Court Judge Emanuel Tallon

How do you the accused plead?

Both attorneys replied not guilty on all counts.

Will the Counsels approach the bench. You two gentlemen of the defense with the serious of several of the charges, I was going to remand your clients. The prosecutor has recommended bail. Five Million each Cash Bond. Go speak with your clients.

I will set bail at Five Million each Cash Bond. I will set a date of 27 March to here motions. Court adjourned.

Currahee Nations

I had watched from the gallery and ensured each man saw me staring at them with a face that said do not let any of my people catch you on our property uninvited again. For threatening my wife, you will not see a Judge but a Coroner. Kariwase nor the girls were not present as they were victims/witnesses, and I said no you will not attend. Mrs. Ruth agreed with me. She also decided not to attend, saying it was men s work to handle and put forth the right message of, leave my family alone or suffer the consequences.

I said to Art outside the building that we will never see them again. He replied Judge Tallon, Prosecutor Hawkeye, and I know that, but we have sent a message stay away or we will catch you and next time it will not be catch and release.

In my car I said I need Facilities and logistics to look in that area to find out what they were trying to accomplish. He replied they are already on it.


We had heard of the incident all The Platoon drew their weapons and wore them on chest holsters for all to see. I sent a message to Sampson that we did not need extra security as to much could be just as bad as not enough. We were prepared to handle that for which we were employed. He agreed.

At 1200 the extra security arrived we had planned to check in and get people authorized to enter our work area. They excepted they were external security, and my people were internal and personal security. There were no conflicts.

At 1220 our employees started to arrive, and I noticed each credential badge was checked with a scanner not just visually. All people had their picture checked with an ID program to insure they were who the credentials said they were.

All changed into pocket free jumpsuits like used for the Cookie Jar. We of The Platoon wore our decided-on work uniform. Decided that all people not of The Platoon or close family would, for the time being, continue to change before coming to work in the area.

I saw Danial Larson with a film crew and decided they would be an exception also as when they were filmed, I did not want our operation to look like a prison video.

Just before the 1300 start time Kariwase Nations, Mother Protector, and Second Mother came off the elevator.

Kariwase Nations

Employees of Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. we will not allow outside people, companies, or organizations to include government ones to prevent us from legally conducting our lives and business as we decide we need to.

Now Marcus, continue on with your presentation and Danial I need to see you for a moment. Mother Protector and Second Mother you have the recording team to record our historic airframe construction method to document.

Daniel no mention of today s incident will be released. We have officially decided it did not happen. Currahee Nations has to me, he believes that after the men are released, we will never see them again. So, no non-classified records of the event will be kept, no mention of it, even off the record. Ensure that all your people know and understand the message, nothing happened.

Danial replied, yes K nothing happened this morning but Mother Protector, Second Mother, and you feeding and caring for our Heritage Herd then coming for this historic event.

The source of this story is Finestories

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