Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 55

0930 Allen

Yes, Judge Olson, what can this humble servant of the law do for you this morning?

Judge Olson

First, stop the BS as I have only had One cup of Coffee so far this morning. Then before my Second cup I received a call from Congressmen Raintree. At 0840 this morning the Sargent of Arms of the House of Representatives presented him with a Federal Cease and Desist Order issued by the SCOTUS Justus Arnald in charge of the DC District.

It stated that is Congressional Seat was Unconstitutional and he and his staff were to vacate his office before 1600 this evening or be arrested. He called me for advice before calling Currahee Nations as he knew Currahee Nations would take it as a Declaration of War on The Wappinger Nation. In Currahee Nations opinion it would nullify all Treaties between The Wappinger Nation and the United States.

I am calling The SCOTUS Chief Justus as soon as I finish talking to you. This is a heads up. I have suggested that Congressmen Raintree do nothing about vacating his office but inform his staff. And to refrain from calling Currahee Nations until I speak with The Chief Justus. I would advise you to inform Sampson and Mrs. Ruth of the issue until I call you back or after 1200 hours.


I may need something stronger than coffee with this news. I will inform Sampson and Mrs. Ruth of the situation and your suggestions.

I called Sampson and Mrs. Ruth. Thankfully Currahee Nations was out of the office. Both agreed to hold and deflect any information until Judge Olson called back.

Judge Olson

Thank you Clerk Karington I will hold for The Chief Justus.

Yes, sir, Thank You for taking my call. And I explained the reason for the call. He said he would call me back then paused and said hold One.

SCOTUS Chief Justus Judge Abram Melchizedek

Karington are you sure of this? Yes, Sir, he replied I found it on an unlabeled disk in our work room on the floor and loaded it to see what it was. I placed the disk back under the worktable and as I left, I saw SCOTUS Justus Arnald s Clerk go under the table and heard great I thought I had lost you. I turned and asked if I could help him with something. He replied no and then walked past me disc in his hand trying I am sure to hide it.

Then Karington mentioned the recording for me to see. It was an agreed titled plan of action on The Wappinger Nation Congressional Seat. It showed Justus Arnold and the DC courts Appellate Judge meeting with Several Senators, Congressmen, and businessmen discussing The Wappinger Nation and how to eliminate them.

SCOTUS Justus Arnald would have an Appellate Court Justus who was a friend find The Wappinger Nation Congressional Seat Unconstitutional. Find that Currahee Nations was not the Principle Chief of The Wappinger Nation but a Sidney Whipple who was another friend and had filed and claimed he was the rightful Principle Chief of The Wappinger Nation. Then order all personnel not recognized by Whipple to immediately vacate MCAS Wolverine Field.

The Senators would vacate all current treaties with The Wappinger Nation and approve a new one approved by them and Sidney Whipple.

After seeing the video, I realized that Judge Olson was still on the line. I did not tell him of the video I would decide on its repercussions later.

Judge Olson, I will immediately issue a stay on all Appellate Court decisions issued on these matters. I will call for an emergency hearing on the issues before the full court. I do hold a majority of SCOTUS Justices that view things the way I do most of the time.

On Wednesday at 0900 inform Principle Chief of The Wappinger Nation his legal people will be allowed to present their evidence to dispute the case. Thank You for bringing this issue of improper SCOTUS procedure to my attention.

Judge Olson

Chief Justus Melchizedek is not someone who acts so quickly so there must be another issue involved. I called Mrs. Ruth and told her I think I should be invited to attend an emergency meeting of The Wappinger Nation Twenty-One-member Ruling Consul this morning. She agreed and would personally call members to attend ay 1100 this morning.


No, Currahee Nations, Mrs. Ruth said she would not discuss the matter over the phone but had called as The Wappinger Nation Mother an emergency meeting of The Wappinger Nation Twenty-One-member Ruling Consul for 1100 this morning. I had stretched the truth but not lied, Mrs. Ruth had said on the call she would not discuss the matter until the whole consul was assembled.

1055 Mrs. Ruth

Consul Clerk Mrs. Flounce Sky Dancer Smith please start the recording. I as The Wappinger Nation Mother in accordance with The Wappinger Nation Constitution call this emergency meeting of The Wappinger Nation Twenty-One-member Ruling Consul to order.

I have called this meeting to allow Judge Olson to address an issue that has occurred this morning at Congressmen Raintree office in Washington DC. Judge Olson.

Judge Olson

Currahee Nations, assembled Wappinger Nation Ruling Consul In closing at 0900 Wednesday 22 February, we will present our arguments to the SCOTUS. All orders issued against any The Wappinger Nation entity are stayed until the issues are decided.

Currahee Nations

I am not happy about not being informed immediately but realized that you did need to gather information to prepare for our response.

Allen, our response?


One, Congressmen Raintree will not vacate his office under the stay.

Two, The blood test done by the NHS and Two separate genetic labs shows that only One hundred and Four of the New Jersey Wappinger Nation Band have sufficient genetic markers to qualify as any Nations people Nations People standing by Federal Law. Only Seven have the markers of The Wappinger Nation, all are over Seventy years old.

Three. Sidney Whipple Has no People Nation markers and each lab redid the test after we questioned the results. He has no standing to the claim of being a member of The Wappinger Nation or any People Nation. So being a Principle Chief of The Wappinger Nation is not possible.

Four. The Senate cannot void the treaties without hearings and a vote from the BIA subcommittee. The hearings need to include the U S Military and The BIA. Congressmen Raintree called me just before this meeting saying that Both Senators from Oklahoma have called him. They are both Native Nations, They have gone on record opposing any vote on the treaties being revoked from their BMI subcommittee until SCOTUS makes a ruling.

Five. The stays include us from being forced from MCAS Wolverine Field or halting any of our operations. If Sidney Whipple shows up demanding entrance, especially if he has news crews with him, we ignore him and any of his representatives. Have him arrested if he attacks our people or destroys property.

Six. I as The Wappinger Nation Attorney along with Joseph Marcus the Corporate Attorney and Cindy the Girls Attorney will leave with our staff and work with Congressmen Raintree to prepare our arguments.

I am not taking the girls but will need to connect to them for research purposes.

The source of this story is Finestories

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