Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 53

Maybell, I got a sandwich, I saw all what Forty-Six people in the room. All but Lela Downs, Jay Cooper, Justeene Carbonara. Melenia Harris, Campton Rider, and I had on Orange work shirts with “The Platoon” across the back shoulders.


People, I need your attention for a minute. As those of you just coming back from the Great Western Expedition can see, we have new members in “The Platoon.” Kariwase Nations, Mrs. Ruth, and Raleigh are meeting with us at 1700 hours to go over seating, duty, household staff assignments and Household Rules. I will not touch on those items.

I will let everyone stand and introduce themselves, rank, and there “ Platoon” assignments. I will start.

Marcus Night LtCol Commander, Jefferson Alexander Davis Maj XO.

Janice Lincolnshire Maj. 1/1 Advisor, Elsie Moondance Capt. 1/1 Primary, Jay Cooper 1st Lt. 1/1 Associate, Elizabeth Anne Pierce 2nd Lt. 1/1 Principle.

Morris Abraham Hamilton Maj. 1/2 Advisor, Cassidy Sherman Capt. 1/2 Primary, Shenna Wright 1st Lt. 1/2 Associate, Wynette Lee Silver Fox 2nd Lt. Principle.

Martinez Sanchez Davis Maj. 1/3 Advisor, Roseland Forest Capt. 1/3 Primary, Maybell Starks 1st Lt. 1/3 Associate, Aleshia Jasmin Silver Fox 2nd Lt. 1/3 Principle.

Jackson Andrew Davis Maj. 2/1 Advisor, Johanna Warren Capt. 2/1 Primary, Lela Downs 1st Lt. 2/1 Associate, Sandra Lee Pierce 2nd Lt. Principle.

Lester Miller Maj. 2/2 Advisor, Christine Shepard Capt. 2/2 Primary, Lillian Oaks 1st Lt. 2/2 Associate, Jennifer May Pierce 2nd Lt. 2/2 Principle.

Alexander Abraham Hamilton Maj. 2/3 Advisor, Eloise Quayman Capt. 2/3 Primary, Justeene Carbonara 1st Lt. 2/3 Associate, April Joy Pierce 2nd Lt. 2/3 Principle.

Rose Colins Maj. 3/1 Advisor, Belinda Willow Capt. 3/1 Primary, Herald Tiller1st Lt. 3/1 Associate Fancy Joselin Vernon 2nd Lt. 3/1 Principle. We are the Third minions of Satan. Accountant Majors.

Bible Strong Word Maj. 3/2 Advisor, Ester Turan Capt. 3/2 Primary, Hector Sky Rider Aries 1st Lt. 3/2 Associate, Rebeca Stewart 2nd Lt. 3/2 Principle. We are the Second minions of Satan, Law Majors.

Greagory Falter Maj. 3/3 Advisor, Vickie Little One Gaynier Capt. 3/3 Primary, Georgina Teak 1st Lt. 3/3 Associate, Ramona Stewart 2nd Lt. 3/3 Principle. We are just gods, Medical Majors.

Lolla Schmidt Maj. OIC Vampire Control, Eric Thunder Capt. DOIC Vampire Control, Jean Sonnet 1st Lt, Vampire Control, Melenia Harris1st Lt. Vampire Control, Campton Rider 1st Lt. Vampire Control, Sophia Fergerson 1st Lt. Vampire Control.

Mother Protector formerly Spring Turtle Dove Captain Protector of our Heritage, Second Mother formerly Lilac Singing Star Deputy Protector of our Heritage.

Just as I started Two others came into the room. As Second Mother finished Karen Watts stood, Karen Watts Maj. Platoon Operations and Training Officer, Parson Moose Maj. Platoon Adjunct.

We were now Forty-Eight and had filled all the rooms available so until people left, or the building was expanded we would grow no more.

Ok people uniform for Mrs. Ruths Meeting will be “The Platoon” Orange Work Polo, Black Pants, Safety Shoes. See you all at 1700 hours in the Breakfast Room.

1645 Breakfast Room Marcus

As I arrived, Jeff came to me and reported that everyone was present and accounted for. I saw that Brenda Stewart was also present, but I did not ask her why. I know we would be told of her position with “The Platoon”

At 1655 Raleigh, Mrs. Ruth, and Kariwase Nations entered the room in that order. Brenda called out Commanding Officer on Deck and everyone came to attention. Colonel Kariwase Nations said take your seat.


We have Eight days before our guests for The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum and Twelve days to the Presidential visit. You asked for this and now you will make it happen or fail. Mrs. Ruth will be The Wappinger Nation OIC for both events.

I will be the Platoon Mother for The Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum and The Wappinger Nation First Lady for the Presidential visit. I will be assisted in my Platoon Mother duties by Master Sargent Breada Stewart USMC/WNM. She is now appointed First Sargent of “The Platoon.” She takes orders from me, Only! If you have a personal problem see me, my door is open. If you have a “Platoon” problem, see her first. That is from Marcus on down. This is not just for these events but until you leave “The Platoon” if you have a personal problem, please as your mother, come and talk with me. Gentlemen if you feel you need to talk to a man please see Simon, especially if it is about one of the ladies. He has agreed to speak with you in confidence as long as it is not about violation of the house rules that happened. Because if it happened someone did not take the right precautions or do the right thing before the incident happened.

Mrs. Ruth, they are all yours.

Mrs. Ruth

I will start with, you all, have read The Longhouse Rules and the consequences of breaking them. You have agreed to abide by them, ensure you do. Police, guide, and help each other to obey them in the spirit not just the letter of the law. Enough Said.

As was noted earlier, today we have used all the rooms available in the section of the building reserved for you young people. We will not be creating more rooms. The current roster of “The Platoon” is set until someone leaves it and vacates their room and position.

We have installed Four Doughnut shaped tables into the dining room. They each Seat Twelve Table One: Marcus Night, Karen Watts, Lolla Schmidt, Jefferson Alexander Davis, Melenia Harris, Parson Moose, Sophia Fergerson, Campton Rider, Jean Sonnet, Eric Thunder, Mother Protector, and Second Mother.

Table Two: Jay Cooper, Janice Lincolnshire, Elsie Moondance, Elizabeth Anne Pierce, Morris Abraham Hamilton, Cassidy Sherman, Shenna Wright, Wynette Lee Silver Fox, Martinez Sanchez Davis, Roseland Forest, Maybell Starks, and Aleshia Jasmin Silver Fox.

Table Three: Jackson Andrew Davis, Johanna Warren, Downs, Sandra Lee Pierce, Lester Miller, Christine Shepard, Lillian Oaks, Jennifer May Pierce, Alexander Abraham Hamilton, Eloise Quayman, Justeene Carbonara, and April Joy Pierce.

Table Four: Herald Tiller, Rose Colins, Belinda Willow, Fancy Joselin Vernon, Hector Sky Rider Aries, Bible Strong Word, Ester Turan, Rebeca Abigail Stewart, Greagory Falter, Vickie Little One Gaynier, Georgina Teak, and Ramona Aberdeen Stewart.

The Gentlemen of each team will seat the Three Ladies on their team starting with the Senior who will set to the Gentlemen’s left. The next senior who will set Two seats to the Gentlemen’s Right. And finish with the youngest who will set next to the Gentlemen on his right.

Marcus Night will set Lolla Schmidt to his left and Karen Watts to his right. Jefferson Alexander Davis will set Melenia Harris to his Left. Parson Moose will set Sophia Fergerson to his left. Campton Rider will set Jean Sonnet to his right. Eric Thunder will set Mothers Protector to his Left and Second Mother Two seats to his Left.

Transportation rearrangements: We will continue with single gender vehicle travel unless it is on One of the Two Touring Coach Buses that Currahee Nations has order for us so we can travel as a family.

Vehicles will travel together in a group as much as possible. Those with their own vehicles may use them but I will approve the transportation of our younger ladies in a personal vehicle prior to the transportation. Again, the single gender rule applies regardless of age or possession.

“The Platoon” Car assignments are: Fifth Chauffeur RPI Young Girls Fourteen Seat Rolls Elizabeth Anne Elsie Wynette Lee Cassidy Sherman Aleshia Jasmin Roseland Forest Sandra Lee Johanna Warren Jennifer May Eloise Quayman April Joy Christine Shepard

Sixth Chauffeur SUNY Young Girls Eight Seat Rolls Fancy Joselin Belinda Willow Rebeca Stewart Ester Turan Ramona Stewart Vickie Little One Gaynier Mother Protector Second Mother

Seventh Chauffeur RPI Older Girls Chauffeur Eight Seat Rolls Karen Watts Bible Strong Word Rose Colins Janice Lincolnshire, Lolla Schmidt Sophia Fergerson Jean Sonnet Melenia Harris

Eighth Chauffeur RPI Associate Girls Chauffeur Eight Seat Rolls Shenna Wright Maybell Starks Lela Downs Lillian Oaks Justeene Carbonara Georgina Teak

Nineth Chauffeur RPI Guys Eight Seat Rolls Marcus Night Jefferson Alexander Davis Morris Abraham Hamilton Martinez Sanchez Davis Jackson Andrew Davis Lester Miller Alexander Abraham Hamilton Jay Cooper

Tenth Chauffeur SUNY Guys Chauffeur Eight seat Rolls Greagory Falter Parsons Moose Campton Rider Hector Sky Rider Aries Eric Thunder Herald Tiller

We will be changing the meal schedule. It has been noted that many of you have been unhealthy snacking between Lunch and Dinner. We will start with this new schedule Tomorrow:

Breakfast 0600-0730 Breakfast Room Buffet

Lunch 1100-1230 Breakfast Room Buffet

Tea (Coffee) 1600-1700 Breakfast Room Light Sandwich and Sweet Buffet

Dinner 2000 Main Dining Room Dress Sit Down Service

We will continue to dress for dinner. If you are not going to be at dinner you must clear it from me before 1900. If you have questions involving meal etiquette, please request to see Raleigh and get them clarified in advance.

Wappinger Nation Americas Leaders of Tomorrow Forum and the Presidential visit the 24th of February through the 2nd of March:

We have Notices Of Invitation Acceptance from all that were nominated. All Acceptance forums include a signed acceptance of our rules of conduct, standards, and Mission. All necessary Financial assistance has been issued. All Welcome packets have been prepared to include Housing Assignments, Decision Group Assignments, Community Project Assignments, Gown or Evening Suit fitting times, and Welcome Gift Bag items ordered, received, and assembled.

New Committees and Assignments:

Patrons: Currahee Nations, Kariwase Nations, and Mrs. Ruth Ann Harper Jackson.

Leadership: Marcus Night, Karen Watts, Lolla Schmidt, and Sophia Fergerson.

Forum Facilitators: Jefferson Alexander Davis, Melenia Harris, Eric Thunder, and Jean Sonnet.

Hosts: Campton Rider, Parson Moose, Mother Protector, and Second Mother.

Rules: Hector Sky Rider Aries, Bible Strong Word, Ester Turan, and Rebeca Abigail Stewart.

Financing: Herald Tiller, Rose Colins, Belinda Willow, and Fancy Joselin Vernon.

Housing: Martinez Sanchez Davis, Roseland Forest, Maybell Starks, and Aleshia Jasmin Silver Fox.

Transportation: Jackson Andrew Davis, Johanna Warren, Lela Downs, and Sandra Lee Pierce.

Meals: Jay Cooper, Janice Lincolnshire, Elsie Moondance, and Elizabeth Anne Pierce.

The source of this story is Finestories

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