Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 52

0930 EST Tuesday 14 February George Paris

Currahee Nations said make it happen so here we go. I dialed the number Lynda my daughter and keeper gave me.

International Air Services, this is Selina speaking how my I direct your call.

Selina, I am George Paris. Director of Air Operations for Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. based at MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation, New York. I need to speak to your Director of Operations now, if possible, please.


I will transfer you to our Flight Operations Contract Department, hold please.

George Paris

The games begin. After Three transfers and Two different supervisors I reach the Administrative Assistant, as Lynda demands I call them, to their Deputy Director Flight Operations. She was about to transfer me again and I was about to lose it. Lynda took the call from me.

Lynda Paris

Sweete, before you transfer this call, I need to tell you something. Mr. Paris has a blank check from Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. to Charter up to Four C-130 or other high-capacity rough field landing aircraft. We wish to move cargo from The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community near Haure City Montana to our home base at MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation, near Albany, New York.

If you do not put him through to your boss right now, we will find another method of moving this cargo and never consider using your services again. Keyboard into your system Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. based at MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation, New York. And see who we are.

It took less than Fifteen seconds to hear the gasp, and a Mr. O’Neill will be right with you. Your phone call dad.

George Paris

I remembered why I stopped playing games with Lynda, she plays fair but to win and always brings a machine gun to a knife fight.

The voice on my phone said, Mr. O’Neill for you Sir.

Mr. George O’Neill

Mr. Paris, Sir, I am sorry for the run-a-round. Due to some difficulties, we have aircraft available but no aircrews.


Mr. O’Neill. Shawn, I believe, he replied yes. I am aware of your problems with the FAA and your pilot recertification. I have at my disposal Four C-130 FAA certified Pilots, All Four of them Instructor Pilots. I also have a Dozen FAA certified ATC pilots with Eight of them Instructor Pilots. I have an A&P Master Mechanic with inspection Privileges on the C-130 who will bring Four of our C-130 A&P Mechanics to check the aircrafts readiness. I have a FAA Certified Master Loadmaster who is a certified Instructor. Six FAA certified Load Masters one who needs Ten hours to qualify as a Master Load Master.

I need Four planes to move cargo from The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community near Haure City Montana to our home base at based at MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation, near Albany, New York. To be on the ground by 0900 MST Tomorrow at The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community near Haure City Montana on a frozen highway. Load a cargo of live genetically pure Buffalo to include a Bull that weighs in at Twenty-Five Hundred Pounds. Fifteen other animals between Seven Hundred and Fifty and Two Thousand Pounds each. Split into Two Shipments. All mildly sedated. Each load will be in a crate, or crates attached to a 463L Master Pallet with One Or Two animal crates per unit. All will travel with Handers, a Veterinary, and Staff.

The Third aircraft load will be Military Grade, Classified, and Experimental Drones that will be under armed guards.

The Forth Aircraft will carry personnel, several that are traveling as Medical Transport with a medical staff. We will require a 50471-002 12-passenger 108” seat pallet in each of the aircrafts One, Two, and Three. Two in Aircraft Four.

It is 0950 Your time, am I correct? Yes, was the reply. Good at 0700 tomorrow a flight of Three Pilatus PC-12/45’s will and with part of our flight crews. By 0730 a flight of Three more will be landing with the remaining crews. All Six Pilatus PC-12/45’s will be refueled and depart for other destinations.

You will provide Two Copilots that are ready for a Requalification Check Flight for each aircraft and our Pilots will provide it. Passing Requalification is not guaranteed. Ground Requalification will start at 0900 Tomorrow. Our Two A&P Master Mechanic with inspection Privileges on the C-130 and Our Master Loadmaster will have each aircraft check before it is configured and then supervise the configuration. If the aircraft do not pass our inspection no flights, no contract. You will provide Two Loadmasters for each aircraft. If our Master Loadmaster is not happy with any of your Loadmasters they will not Fly.

We know the aircraft charter market. Your company needs Two point Seven Million Dollars by Friday to stay in business. We will pay you Three Million in Cash. We will have a team of Accounts with our crews. If the Accounts, Check Pilots, Master Mechanics, and Master Loadmaster agree we will acquire all your debt on Friday and refinance it under more survivable terms for your company. We may request the resignations of some or all of your management and personnel.

Do you have the authority to make this decision, or do I need to talk to someone else?

Mr. O’Neill

Our CFO and Operations officer both quit yesterday. Today all our people are putting out resumes. Our CEO has no idea of how to run this company, he inherited it from his uncle that had no children. The man does not even have a PPL. He would sell the company for less than Two million if you took the debt also. He just wants some money.


Let him know there is a buyer, but we must First examine the books. Second examine the aircraft and all support equipment. Third review the staff and maintenance operation. No commitment regarding the price. Do make a non-negotiable offer for the aircraft usage and we will pay the banks and FAA fines by Friday giving enough capital to cover payroll and operating costs until February 29th.

Mr. O’Neill

I will make the offer. May I let our staff know who is looking to make an offer for the company based on inspections and operation during your aircraft charters?


Yes, Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. We are based out of MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation, near Albany, New York. The tentative offer is made by George Paris Director of Flight Operations. Until my crew arrives tomorrow.

I now picked up the phone and called Currahee Nations. Sir, I may have committed you to buy International Air Services lock, stock, and airplanes for Two million and assume the debt of between Forty and Sixty Million.

Currahee Nations

What will I receive for this possible Sixty-Five Million purchase?


Four and up to Seven operational C-130 depending on the Paperwork and the FFA. Eight Cessna 208B Cargo Grand Caravans and Four 208B Passenger Grand Caravans. These Twelve according to FFA records are current but by the First of March Four of the cargo and One of the passenger aircraft will fall out of compliance without annuals or hourly inspections

I need Jaa to get me Four of his best forensic accounts to look over the books. I am sending Wynonna, Reggy Ray, Oliver, and Triston as the Four C-130 FAA certified Pilots Instructors. Hernandez and Wilber as Our Two A&P Master Mechanic with Inspection Privileges each will take Two of their people, One to inspect each C-130 we will need. Brenda as the Master Loadmaster. With Jeff as her number Two to get his hours for his Master Loadmaster.

Jack, Canice, and Mart will fly with Jeff, Karen, Herald, and Eric down to Texas in the Pilatus PC-12/45. Jack, Canice, Mart, Karen, Herald, and Eric will each fly a Pilatus PC-12/45 around Texas to pick up the scattered families of our Energy Resource Explorations Limited families and fly them to our home base at MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation so we can meet them before offering them long term employment as is our company policy.

The rest of our The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community Energy Resource Explorations Limited Personnel will prepare the items we are shipping home ready for loading then fly home on the C-130. You decided to leave the Drill Systems at The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community so bore testing can continue in a couple of weeks. He replied Yes, just our people, new pets, and drone equipment will be coming home.

We will fly the Medical and Veterinary support staff home by commercial aircraft. We will decide on the C-130s redeployment later.

Thank You, Sir. As I hung up Lynda said dad can I spend your money like you just spent Currahee Nations. I need some new spring outfits, and we laughed at the thought. Yes, Her mother taught her well, play fair but play to win. She is her mother’s daughter. How I, Lynda, and the grandbabies miss her. Back to work I have orders to issue, and people have Planes to get ready.

1030 EST/0830 MST Currahee Nations, Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. live, video conference The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community/Energy Resource Explorations Limited

George Paris has developed a plan of action:

One; Before 0600 tomorrow 15 February; Jack, Janice, Mart, Jeff, Karen, Herald, and Eric will fly from Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community down to Houston Texas in the Three PC-12/45 with a fuel stop at Lincon, Nebraska.

Two; Before 0500 tomorrow 15 February; Jaa will send Four of his best forensic accounts with Lidia, Wynonna, Reggy Ray, Oliver, and Triston as the Four C-130 FAA certified Pilots Instructors. Hernandez and Wilber as Our Two A&P Master Mechanics with Inspection Privileges who will each take Two of their people. Brenda as the Master Loadmaster, with Jeff as her number Two will fly from MCAS Wolverine Field down to Houston Texas in the Three PC-12/45 with a fuel stop at Roanoke, Virginia.

Three; Jack, Janice, Mart, Karen, Herald, and Eric Will each take a PC-12/45 and using a schedule provided by Mrs. Ruth will fly around Texas to pick up the scattered families of our Energy Resource Explorations Limited families and fly them to Houston, Texas. Refuel and then fly them to our home base at MCAS Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation again using Roanoke, Virginia for a fuel stop. We will meet the families before offering their loved one’s long-term employment as is our company policy. Mrs. Ruth will be in charge of family retrievals.

Four; Hernandez and Wilber with their people will inspect the Paperwork and the C-130 we are going to use to move our people and items from The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community to MCAS Wolverine Field. Then check the paperwork and all aircraft of International Air Services and report their value to Jaa’s people.

Five; Brenda as our Master Loadmaster, with Jeff as her number Two. They will review the paperwork and review the skills of the Eight Loadmasters International Air Services is providing. This is to see if they are qualified and good enough to work for us. Also check each aircraft and the cargo equipment before it is configured and then supervise the configuration, Jeff will earn the hours to qualify as a Master Loadmaster if Brenda signs off on him.

Six; Wynonna, Reggy Ray, Oliver, and Triston as the Four C-130 FAA certified Pilots Instructors will recertify if qualified and good enough to work for us the Eight pilots International Air Services is providing to include a ground school review. Lidia will be in charge of all the International Air Services Housten, Texas Operations.

Seven; Jaa’s people will check the financial records of International Air Services and if it is economically for us to do so make an offer for the company to include assuming and paying off all debt. Lidia and Jaa’ people will fly home with Janace when she returns to Houston from flying to Pheonix, Arizona and picking up the Three family members living there.

Eight; If the Aircraft, pilots, and loadmasters pass our inspections and recertification. On Thursday 16 February taking off early enough for the Four C-130 will fly from Houston, Texas with all our people to The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community landing on the roadway just after sunrise. Load the remainder of our people, our new pets, and all our equipment and all aircraft back in the air before 1100. Fly to Billings Montana, Refuel and fly home to MCAS Wolverine Field. The First aircraft airborne will be the medical flight the last the equipment aircraft. You will not fly as a group but induvial aircraft to aid in MCAS Wolverine Field unloading and turning around the aircraft for them to fly back to Houston with their assigned flight crews. Lilac will be in charge of The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community Operations to include the Energy Resource Explorations Limited people. Maybell Starks Will assume command over the drones and the operations systems. lethal force is authorized.

Nine; The people at The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community will have all people and items for shipment staged and ready except the Buffalo. The veterinarians will sedate them just before loading them into their crates and crates loaded on to the aircraft.

Ten; Spring Turtledove will decide what animals go on what aircraft. The gift from The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community of their Heritage to the Wappinger Nation is her responsibility. She will make all decisions about the care and transportation of the Buffalo.

Eleven; The Wappinger Nation Industries Inc. will decide If purchasing International Air Services is right for us by the 5th of march. If we acquire International Air Services, the people we plan to rehire I will invite them and their families to visit us on the 19th of March. We will have the aircraft load the prospective employees the family members and fly them to MCAS Wolverine Field for the weekend. We will make no decision on the future location or services International Air Services will provide until after the March families meeting if it happens.

Lydia will be assigning the people to their aircraft and POC’s. Do I have any questions? No let us get this done.

0500 MST Thursday 16 February Lilac

I was surprised that Currahee Nations had put me in charge of the whole The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Community and Energy Resource Explorations Limited operation after Jeff and the others left. Janace and Spring came to me afterwards. Janace said remember when you told me that you beat up your brother a year younger that you when he refused to obey you when your parents left you in charge. Just beat up the First one who does not follow your orders the rest will fall in line. Spring added if they are too big, I will have Thunder do it for you and the Three of us laughed about it.

I really did not have to give any orders. Each of our people knew what they were supposed to do to get us ready to go home and did it. Sweet Water did have her hands full in just keeping her father in bed. It finally took a call from Mrs. Ruth to get him to do as the doctors said about bed rest for One week and No physical exertion.

His two Ramrods, William, and Anderson both said I was a prettier and had a better disposition than that grumpy old guy that used to be their boss. Everyone laughed when Even called out I heard that. Then laughed even harder when Sweet Water said back to him that does not mean that it is not the truth. He replied even my own daughter is taking a shot at him in his infirm condition, that only brought on more laughs from all that heard it.

The source of this story is Finestories

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