Genius Girls of the Nations Book II - Cover

Genius Girls of the Nations Book II

Copyright© 2024 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 51

1100 EST Monday 13 February Lolla

Currahee Nations, here are the plans we have uncovered so far, all refer to an attack on the 10K Survey Drone:

One, from the S-2 Office. Crash a Predator drone into it from the West as it starts its turn for the back leg to head West and force a crash into area they control.

Two, from the S-3 Office. Drop down on it from above with a C-47 and force a crash and recover the pieces before we can respond.

Three, from the Radio Room. Use an Apachie or Blackhawk to drop a steel cargo retaining net on it from above and overload it is carrying capacity to fly and again recover it before we can respond.

Four, from the XO’s Office. Shoot it down with a M-2 or M242 Bushmaster Bradley cannon and again recover the pieces before we can respond.

Five, from Perrysville’s Office. Leave a 4–6-man reconnaissance team behind when the leave and have them steal the drone during the heavy snowstorm on Thursday.

Six, from Perrysville’s Outer Office. Have a security team follow the drone team when they leave for home, ambush them using Tasers when they do a fuel stop and then steal it.

Seven, from the Adjuncts Office, offer a large bribe to the Tribal Police to steal one for them when we shut down for Thursday’s storm.

I believe One, Three, and Four are the most likely. Five if all else fails. Two, not likely as the C-47 is not maneuverable enough to keep turning with a dodging drone. Six, not likely as they could not maintain control of the area long enough. Seven I do not think they can find One Tribal Police, AN Guardsmen, or Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations member that will sell us out, not to even think of the at least Four properly placed ones it would take to successfully achieve the theft. Even if they could find the people Thunder Hoof would not be so easily bribed or even just shot without attracting attention.

Currahee Nations

Thank You Lolla, I agree with your assessment. Do not release any of this information to our Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Energy Resource Explorations Limited Team. I will have them put up a Second drone Five K West of the survey drone to cover it in the event of an attack.

Do you have something else Lolla?


Yes, from your granddaughters. We are using among other radars a faze array radar that is housed in a Nine-inch PVC pipe Six Feet long and mounted center line on the 10 K drones. If a 3D printed PVC pointed nose cap and Four printed fins with a black painted end cap on it, it would look like the 10 K was carrying an Air-To-Air Missile. If we rig some LED lights to flash from white to red and then disappear. If the drone was One-Hundred-Meters in front of you and Ten up and to the left when this happens. What would you as an opposing pilot think, especially if you could not find the target with your targeting system so you cannot get a weapons lock.

Currahee Nations

Those girls are trying to start a war. Mrs. Ruth replied, no end One, Thank you. I just shook my head as several people laughed about the idea.

Lolla, have the Girls send the plans to our Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations Energy Resource Explorations Limited Team. Have Two 10 K drones equipped with it but not the survey drone. Lolla replied right away, Sir. Then dialed a number on her phone and said, we have a go, send it.

Again, I just shook my head, Thanking God, the girls, and their handlers were on our side.

1500 MST Even Douglass

Currahee Nations, I wish to go into the field this evening and spend the night verifying these results. The aerial team will be departing Thursday, and I want to double the number of core samples and take the samples from at least One-Hundred-Meters away from the current core samples holes. I wish to have no doubts about the results before we make this discovery official and start a land rush for unsecured lands.

We have worked nights and extended hours before to make a deadline, without risking safety. Crews are trained to work safely with Three people. President Bull Elk has provided Eight people with drilling experience in water and/or oil exploration And Four who have run power generators. I and my people have interviewed each one. Each has worked drilled system on a hole as part of a crew. My people are satisfied with their abilities to work as a crew member.

Each System will have a Crew of Fourteen; Geologist to check the results, Sweet Water and I will split those tasks. Crew Ram Rod, My, Your best Two people William, “Billy Drill Head” Cody and Anderson “No Dry Hole” James. One of the original crew and Two of the New crew on a team, Three teams per system. We will rotate crew Four on Eight Off. Again, I and my experienced people have no qualms about working with any of our new members.

I also want to be with my crews if exercise becomes a cover for The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center and The 14th Separate Marine/Joint Service Reserve Brigade to push their control into unoccupied lands of The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations. The presents of my teams and the marker flags we are placing show the areas we have surveyed. These actions prove active land use by The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations. These actions will counter any claim of abandoned use as The United States Army Reserve High Plains Training Center clamed in the lands they have already stolen. This will allow The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations to file and secure their land rights under current Treaty and Mining laws.

Currahee Nations

I agree that you do need to verify the results, and I will hold the aerial team if necessary. If the neighbors come and demand you hand them your results and leave, just leave. When the neighbors come within Fifteen Hundred Meters of a team. Remove the drill systems fuses and lock them in the hidden safe, you told me are on each generator vehicles, with the samples. Just leave. The teams will be covered by Control Central with a 10 K drone in stealth mode.

Even Douglass

No, Sir. The aerial team needs to begone before the weather turns to a high plains’ blizzard Thursday before sundown at 1730 hours. It is predicted to last a week. I know you are familiar with that kind of weather. Currahee Nations, replied, “all too well I am afraid.

Then let me go to the field and get all the work done before Thursday Noon. I will have all People and equipment back at Control Central and locked down by 1200 hours Local.

If the neighbors show, we will leave. No confrontation.

Currahee Nations

I agree. But! If the weather even hints of turning bad you will stop and head in. no results, even ones this good are worth a person’s life.

Even Douglass

I agree if the weather even hints of going bad early we head in. Thank You, Sir.

Ok people, here is the plan, Cody you with me will start in the North and work South. I have set the points for our first Four holes, but we will be flexible. James, Sweet Water will set your holes, again expect holes to be moved as results are seen.

Currahee Nations has given me clear instructions about the weather, and I am giving them to the whole crew. No Results! None! Are worth a life. If Jeff calls and says bring it in. You pull the plug then and there. Anyone who disobeys Jeff’s withdraw order, including me, will be terminated.

Each team will be covered by one of their 10K drones to observe us and the neighbors. If the neighbors come and demand you hand them your results and leave, just leave. When the neighbors come within Fifteen Hundred Meters of a team. Remove the drill systems fuses and lock them in the hidden safe we have on each generator vehicles, with the samples. Just leave.

Each team are being accompanied by a logistics team of Six to set, move camp, Provide supplies, and feed us. Each team will have their own camp. This a courtesy of The Nakoda and Aaniiih Nations. Do not abuse it but do use it. There will be an EMT team of Two with each team. If they tell you to stop, rest, eat, or drink something. Do it or be sent from the field. We will have no injuries due to stupidity, arrogance, or self-inflated abilities. We roll in Fifteen, get loaded.

0411 MST Tuesday 14 February Even

It had been a good night; Between the Two teams we have done about a quarter of the holes we need to do. Then Janace called. Delta, our current survey drone, was Twenty minutes from its turn when it along with Alpha and Charley our overwatch drones. They spotted Six Aircraft by the flight characteristics as they flew close to the dirt and said they were helicopters. They were just on their side of the boundary. Aircraft operating in this manner were not part of the original assault scenario and there inclusion in this one did not look right. Then Six ground vehicles were spotted heading for the same spot. Strikers, One 3C, One Mortar, Four Infantry carriers.

Then things went to shit. The four aircraft charged towards Delta. Janace called neighbors were coming and turned Delta towards us. She said Delta was Five minutes from us the neighbors Ten. Delta was going to be dropped on top of us. When it dropped pull the brain and get out of there. I ordered everyone to scoot and take the samples with them. Everyone got out but Two crew members and me. I grabbed the brain and shoved it into the safe and locked it. Then we were hit. Two Mortar rounds that covered our area with CS gas I started to gasp then people dropped on top of us. Had real trouble breathing, I just blacked out.


Maybell reported, Janice their moving in Four aircraft and Six ground vehicles. A called over the PA system. All hands Drill Tean One under attack, I need everyone now. Spring went right to Thunder’s pen and uncovered all our drones, scratched his head, gave him a carrot which she always kept a supply of in her pocket and watched as all our drones cleared the ground, then came in. As people ran in, I called people Delta and Drill Team One, are under Attack. I want all drones in the air now, no signatures. Mart, your team will take Control of Red, Yellow, Blue. and Call Jeff, he is with President Bull Elk and Chief Ramsey. Then take over the radio. Jack, your team will take control of Purple, Orange, Green, Then Call Home and keep the line open.


My phone rang, Mart put your phone on the speaker. Then said Delta and Drill Team One, are under Attack. According to radio reports all Team Two personnel and Team One save Three have reported in and are on the road for Central Control. All hands are on deck. Janace has all the drones up. Jack is calling home to report the attack. People from Team One reported a smoke screen and the Smell of CS as they left the area.

The source of this story is Finestories

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